I got infected with genital warts 5 years ago (have NOT had many sex partners - only 6 - and ONCE I had a boyfriend who I had unprotected sex with - but no ejaculation occurred - anyway..), had an outbreak, had a doctor see it, treated it with liquid nitrogen, have been healthy since.
I am now seeing a male whom I am considering spending the rest of my life with, and while of course we've been safe and I have told him about the disease - is it likely that he'll get it too? Or is it possible because it's been dormant for so long and there is no "outbreak" that he will not get it? Is it possible he'll just get the virus and no outbreak? Or is it probably guaranteed, that if I marry him and we have unprotected sex, that he will get the virus and there's nothing we can do? Or is it passed most commonly only when there is an outbreak, like herpes? Speaking of which - I don't understand how someone could have herpes (dormant) and not pass it on (it's a virus too)?
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Female 27yrs.