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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

if so, what is the sanitizing solution? one part water and one part vinegar...but how much?? i've had my son's since he was a baby and he's almost five now and we've used it a few times, when his bronchitis flairs up...but i forgot how to sanitize the mask and "bottle." it's been about a year since we've used it and now my daughter was given albuterol to clear her up and our doctor gave her new tubing for it but like i said, i don't remeber how to clean it...can you help me?

2007-07-06 11:09:27 · 6 answers · asked by pwrgrlmanda 5

I have COPD and I have to stop smoking. I do not want to, but I have to. I feel that my breathing is getting worse. I use Advair and it helps tremendously. Does Chantix work? My doctor said to take it for only seven days. Do people take it for longer than one week? Someone said it makes you itch. Is this possible? Wellbutrin did absolutely nothing for me. I smoke three packs a day. I admit it - I definitely need help. I once thought they made a cigarette with no nicotine in it, but I have never seen it. I hope one of you can give me some good advice here and please let me know if Chantix really works. I understand that my insurance does not pay for it and it costs $120 for one bottle. Thank you.

2007-07-06 03:20:19 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2

2007-07-06 02:01:41 · 8 answers · asked by genan d 2

i have a sniffing problem. i tried nose drops. i do not have a blocked nose. i dont have tourettes. the membranes become so thick i cant breath. and my jaw isnt comfortable in an open position.

i told the dr this. i was diagnosed with asthma a couple times. recently i had a lung function test, but my lungs functions at 95% which is quite good. yet the dr admitted the symptom was strange and he noticed it right away. i have change health plans and cant see him to finish things up.

ive looked up sniffing and nothing comes up. i think ppl think i am doing this one purpose.

im told my dad had a nose problem too and used nasal sprays. hes not here anymore, so i am not able to inquire about the issue. the dr felt it had nothing to do with that however.

i was just wondering what could be causing the sniffing. it pisses me off, esp when i am exercising, mostly because everyone is looking at me like why dont i blow my nose.


2007-07-05 16:54:58 · 6 answers · asked by hellloooo 1

So Monday went to emergency and i have been to 10 doctors and a Physicist know i have anxiety and panic attacks at the emergency on Monday they did blood test 2 of them one in my wrist to see how much oxygen i was getting and one in my arm and a heart test and chest x-rays everything is normal so why does my back hurt still and shortness of breath..My back hurts just hurts below my neck i explain to emergency what the pains were and all the test came back good am i dying or could i stop breathing thats what I'm worried about i cant relax or is this anxiety im 20 by the way And i quit smoking Saturday and i have asma and allergies ..bad Anyone can calm my nerves would be great......it feels like im gonna stop breathing i had chest x rays done in the front and the back and the side and me laying down am i dying like can you stop breathing and also im not eating because i think im not breathing i have no one to talk to when they did the xrays they did front back side and me laying down

2007-07-05 13:26:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have asthma so i cannot smoke ciggs or be around the smoke at all. But reefer doesnt bother me at all. Why is that?

2007-07-05 03:25:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

In an Out Patient setting is a Regsitered Nurse allowed to give medication thats requires a prescription to an employee that has a virus?

2007-07-05 02:15:09 · 6 answers · asked by llawren0903 1

No, I don't have it. one of my best friends does, she's a year older than me. she's 14, turning 15 in november. i know she does treatments and i know it has to do with the lungs and it basically cuts your life in half, or around that. i also know that she's had multiple surgeries and also has an inhaler. she's a great friend and it scares me, just the thought of her having to go through so much and i dont like talking to her about it, so i was just wondering:

the treatments- what exactly does she have to do?
surgeries- for what?! something with the lungs, i know.
CF in general- just more information. like, what effects does it have?
and, why does it take years of her life?

2007-07-04 16:34:35 · 6 answers · asked by (: 1

I consulted a doctor, gave me antitussive, it didn't work. I took mucolytic formula, no effect also. Tried to rest for 3 days before going to work. Tried water therapy. I still cough.
If it's asthma, I can't seem to point out what's triggering it. I put towel on my back when I perspire, I lower down the AC before I sleep, house is relatively clean, so there should be no dust.

2007-07-04 14:28:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the name for people who barley sleep/or just dont like sleeping ?

2007-07-04 11:23:39 · 5 answers · asked by Lakers!!!! 3

I want one but my mom siad they have breathing problems do they?

2007-07-04 05:05:51 · 7 answers · asked by liberty922 1

I have severe problems with either blocked / runny nose and sinuses and a horrible chesty cough on a daily basis.

This sounds so gross...but you can literally hear all the gunk in my chest and when I cough it up it's horrible.

So anyway I went to my local GP who looked up my nose and said she thought it was a polyp...so she referred me to ENT. I also looked up my own nose and can see growths that look just like polyps on the Internet.

The hospital doctor spent about 2 minutes looking up my nose - I barely tilted my head so he couldn't have looked far and he just went "You've got sinusitus" and I said "what about the polyps?" and he just dismissively said "you don't have polyps!".

Instead he gave me shitty nasal sprays which I have used for years and don't make a jot of difference. I still feel awful and my nose and cough are as bad as ever.

I've never even had an endoscope to look up my nose or a chest x-ray to check out awful cough.

P.s I do not have athsma either

2007-07-02 12:57:20 · 7 answers · asked by Lalalala 2

Any facts, legal if possible about my next door neighbour smoking, the smell gets into my flat which I find very annoying

2007-07-02 11:53:32 · 9 answers · asked by mandy s 2

I'd like to jumpstart the natural reparing of my lungs. Has anyone done this? If so, results and ways to do it would be very helpful!


2007-07-02 11:31:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-02 08:55:18 · 1 answers · asked by darryl b 1

can you come down with a cold and get sick even though its summer and not flu season? and if you are what do you do if its not going away????

2007-07-02 08:13:13 · 2 answers · asked by ashley a 1

Tomorrow morning I have to go into the doctors and theyr gonna give me like a drug that makes me tired and put a tube with a camera on it down my throat......i cant remember what its called.......they say i wont remember anything afterwards. has anyone had this and remembered anything cuz im freaking out because young kids like me can choke on it and die..

2007-07-02 05:05:05 · 4 answers · asked by Bordering Suicide 2

what color is the epiglottis suppose to be. My husband's epiglottis is white and he's worried only because he's not sure that's the color it's suppose to be. if white is not the color it should be then please explain why and the reason it's white.

2007-07-02 04:01:30 · 2 answers · asked by mrs.glover06 1

Please explain what is an occupation or something about occupation.without using wiki.

2007-07-02 02:31:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

OR a car exhaust pipe?

2007-07-01 21:27:18 · 18 answers · asked by livinfortheweekend 4

I'm a 15 year old female. I exercise in the evening after dinner; I walk and run but not too much becuase I have high blood pressure and I need to be careful. Anyways, there are slight chest pains, not too severe, but it hurts. I don't know why or I don't know if this is related to my high blood pressure. I only exercise for an hour and I don't think that's too harsh on exercising. Does anybody possibly know the causes of my chest pains? The chest pains aren't that severe that it brings me to my knees but still the chest pains hurt and it makes it harder for me to breathe. Thanks. And please no rude answers to this question.

2007-07-01 14:05:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does your tounge ever hurt when you wake in the morning?

2007-07-01 10:58:35 · 4 answers · asked by GI 5

2007-07-01 10:02:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

like smokers lung and whatnot.
[im talking semi-long term not like a quick cough after a drag]

2007-07-01 09:49:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last week I quit as I no longer could deal with this. Every day I would be looking everywhere for the mice. The sticky traps had mouse hair all over them. As part of my job I had to file in a basement with droppings, dust and mold. I was always sick and could not figure out why. Since I have been home, I do not have headaches, sick stomach sneezings and watery eyes. What can I do about this. I went on a few interviews but find myself looking around for droppings. I am having nightmares that mice are everywhere. Also one of my bosses continually would comment "be thankful you have a job". Help me please

2007-07-01 08:45:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

my sister keeps on caughing up blood

what does this mean?? DXXXX

2007-07-01 07:15:54 · 8 answers · asked by Carri-Sophia 3

2007-07-01 02:46:37 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

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