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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

i smoke pot ...not a lot but enugh to show up on a screening .... i recently had a minor surgere and the doctors always ask ...do you smoke?

question one... even though they mean tabacco do they still want to know if i smoke pot.....

question 2 ...whats the purpose of asking that .... all the time my parents are in the room do they really think id say yes ....

2007-06-27 13:36:35 · 14 answers · asked by derick m 1

2007-06-27 13:12:38 · 3 answers · asked by SEDRIC W 1

ok..so i got a tb test. And the needle was small and obviously when they put the needle in there was some blood. i got it yesturday/6-26. and im going back tomorrow 6-28. But now that little drop of blood from the needle is dark..like sort of black-ish. and there's a small [almost invisible] red mark next to it. i don't have tb rightt?

2007-06-27 08:53:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a sore throat, and i drank a shot that was rated 151 at a party, now i have been having a bad cough for 4 days. Do you guys know of any cures?

2007-06-27 07:47:46 · 3 answers · asked by Joe M 1

I recently quit smoking and I'm very proud of myself because it was the hardest thing I have ever done. Now that I think I'm in the clear from going back to it, I'm wondering if my lungs will undue the damage I have done to them and how long it will take. I smoked for about 19 years.

2007-06-27 07:27:21 · 12 answers · asked by yankeegirl 4

My doctor's nurse tells me that my x-ray is substantially different from previous x-rays. My history of cancer is uterine. I have been previously diagnosed with asthma and "minor" emphysema.

2007-06-27 07:17:18 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

she said i was having something kind of GERD and gave zantac tablets for 1 month now i am feeling better but sometimes am getting chest pain on my right side (aftre deep breathing and exhaling out)

can you tell me why?

2007-06-27 05:20:40 · 2 answers · asked by Pras 1

and how long does it last and how do i know if its cause from that ?

2007-06-26 18:04:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have shortness of breath could i be dying im only 20 and i jut got this when i got anxiety and plus i smoke

2007-06-26 16:18:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

specific details

2007-06-26 16:07:24 · 4 answers · asked by Sonja D 1


2007-06-26 16:05:14 · 4 answers · asked by carlton751 1

Sometimes when i sleep i wake up gasping for air. it gets worse everytime. I usaully remember it but last night my mom said it happened and i dont even remember. What kind of Doctor should I see? What's this called?

2007-06-26 11:57:04 · 8 answers · asked by nillyplobbins27 2

I have been battling mild breathing problems for the last 4 months. Started with bronchitis, but problems have persisted. My dr said "you have a touch of asthma & it's making your symptoms last longer. Breathing problems can last 6 months after bronchitis in people with asthma".

If you have asthma, I'd like to know what it FEELS like. What are real symptoms you experience? I've looked at sites, I know what they say. I'm looking for human input.

I am 38 & smoke. Please don't respond to preach about emphysema/smoking, (although some can't help themselves). He did every test under the sun including chest xrays & blood work for cadiovascular disease, because I went in telling him I thought I had emphysema & was going to die.

I don't have emphysema - he said so all 3 times I called & had him recheck my xrays (ugh). I don't have chronic bronchitis (had it once). I am quitting though, because he said smoking with the asthma will make symptoms worse. I am asking about asthma.

2007-06-26 08:01:25 · 15 answers · asked by nite_angelica 7

It's typical of smokers to react the way you have. I did say I was a smoker so I know what it's like, to say it's the same as alcohol is ridiculous, if I drink in front of you you don't inhale the alcohol fumes or go home smelling of alochol, and yes I do wash my clothes when they don't smell of nicotine, but I don't have my coat cleaned every time I go out!!!!

2007-06-26 05:49:49 · 7 answers · asked by Meggan's Mum 4

I used to smoke so know what it's like to be addicted, also know that you can quit, but why are smokers unable to see what their smoking does to the rest of us. I know that as from the 1st July smoking is banned in public places but it really makes me cross when smokers tell me that it is their right to smoke in front of me. Not only do I have to inhale their excess smoke but go home with my clothes smelling so much I have to hang it outside before I wash it. Why are they so selfish that they mind this ban. Would appreciate some of the smokers out there telling me why I should put up with their habit, and don't tell me that I can drink elsewhere if I don't like smoking because the answer to that is, why should I.

2007-06-26 05:34:03 · 34 answers · asked by Meggan's Mum 4

stepp by step instructions

2007-06-25 21:22:31 · 13 answers · asked by bryan 1

I`m a smoker. And i cant see why there are so many laws the try and stop ppl from smoking. I have never heard of a family torn apart because of smoking. I have however heard of a family torn apart because of alcohol. So i say if smokers are gonna be forced to stop then drunks should be forced to stop drinking. The damage done by alcohol is far worse than the damage done by smoke.

2007-06-25 19:34:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My hubby snores like something fierce...I am loosing sleep over this! I don't want us to start sleeping apart...but i am not getting enough sleep...we have tried those strips for the nose...any other suggestions?

2007-06-25 15:21:30 · 5 answers · asked by crazeymazey 4

2007-06-25 14:37:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

seen mold in a hotel and wondering how it makes people ill

2007-06-25 14:26:27 · 6 answers · asked by vinnie007 2

My 2 year old grandaughter got ahold of a felt pen and unfortunately coloured her teeth with it. How can we safely remove her "work of art"?

Also, if she swallows some of the ink (which I'm sure has already happened) is it harmful?

2007-06-25 11:40:18 · 4 answers · asked by Dan S 2

2007-06-25 08:11:07 · 11 answers · asked by joannek767 1

im 12 and i have very hard breaths when i run in the hot weather, i also get stomach pains and dizzy head. do i have asthma?? im worried

2007-06-25 05:38:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

medicine ceforoxine is for what?

2007-06-24 18:58:17 · 3 answers · asked by lover 1

cant seem to keep my little girl from coughing she has been coughing for 9 days and she cant even sleep what can i do to help i have tried to use the cough and cold meds but they dont work either

2007-06-24 17:38:32 · 6 answers · asked by jen 2

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