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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

Ok, i just used my inhalor,

i pushed the little bottle thing down and inhaled.

somehow a tiny piece of paper was in the inhalor and shot down my throat. and ive been coughing for like 10 minutes

Has this ever happened to you????

2007-06-12 18:30:06 · 5 answers · asked by Catherine 3

2007-06-11 16:21:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-11 15:04:56 · 5 answers · asked by BeAcHBaBe1 3

I like to smoke about 2 cigars every month and a cigarillo sometimes. Will it be really bad for me if I do that? I exercise everyday(CROSS COUNTRY) also.

2007-06-11 12:42:28 · 13 answers · asked by Jon Federico 2

does it stunts your growth?

2007-06-11 12:18:52 · 7 answers · asked by cellbac31 1

after working out in the gym, I use the steam room (47 C) for 10 minutes, about 5 times a week..

is that ok?

2007-06-11 11:17:23 · 2 answers · asked by jeff r 1

I get an uncomfortable feeling so I go to sleep a little early.Wake up the next morning, I notice a fever.I got less than 10 hours of sleep.Throughout the day, I feel fatigue, so I got some rest for an hour during the afternoon.I slept with my whole body under some thick blankets because I was cold (not shivering) and had goosebumps.When I woke up, my sister described me as an oven because she could feel my heat from an inch away without touching me.In the car, my forehead did not seem hot.But when we got to the restaurant my fever got higher while we were waiting for the food.That night, I slept early.But during my sleep, I had a nightmare that made me wake up almost crying.It was one of those nightmares that happened before but you can't really remember it or describe it. I slept for 13 hours that night.While up, I had a very mild headache that went away in a few min. I have also lost my appetite and cough(kinda dry) 10-20 times a day.Please diagnose this.Im 11.

2007-06-11 10:29:53 · 15 answers · asked by ♪♫♪♫ 2

and was like being put in a pipe . I had to stay for an hour . Im not really claustrophobic but I can understand why someone would be

2007-06-11 08:58:35 · 12 answers · asked by wishingstar5555 3

There is a difference i know. I also know bronchial asthma is much more dangerous than asthma. What do you know about the difference? Thank you

2007-06-09 19:50:37 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3

I was put on 60mg of prednisone (steroids) for three days, for an accidental chlorine inhalation, however because of the severe heartburn, I took two yesterday and am supposed to take one today (doctors suggestion). My question/fear is I have been reading that stopping steroids can cause real problems. Please let me know if anyone else has been on steroids for a short time and if they had any physical symptoms stopping them. I read that it can even cause death. P.S. I SUFFER FROM PANIC ATTACKS, SO I AM NERVOUS ENOUGH ANYWAY :)

2007-06-09 00:48:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

He has taken medication for 6 weeks but still continues ascites. He has been hospitalized and the watery substance
has been taken out more than 12 litres since one month ago and still the ascites go in the belly. He has lost appetite from the beginning losing weight by more than 10 kgs.
Every available test tells no cancer in his case.

2007-06-08 21:01:47 · 4 answers · asked by minkyungohlee 1

I had a really bad cold in March of this year when I lived at school (dorm room) and as usual, figured it would go away. It hasn't, and I am home, in a different environment, experiencing the same symptoms: runny nose, mucus in my throat, persistent productive cough. I went to my doctor and have tried Allegra, Nasonex, Amoxicillin, Sudafed, Claritin, and Amoxiclav, and nothing has worked. Since the amoxicillin, my lungs feel as though they are "bubbling" with something when I breathe (not all the time, usually in the afternoon) and my symptoms are better in the morning and at night, and horrible in the afternoon. I have doubts that the Amoxiclav is going to work, and have doubts that my doctor knows what he is doing. Can anyone tell me what I might have? Or how to treat it? I'm not in pain, just annoyed and want it to go away.

2007-06-08 17:29:55 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to know as much as I can from people who know people with this or people who have this, not a site a can go to. I need real life experiences. Please no web sites to go to.

2007-06-08 14:51:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know noone will be able to tell exactly how long he has but I was wondering if anyone has experience with it or has seen a loved on who has continued to smoke and its effects on their longevity. It does seem as though his body is preparing for shut down. He still can do stuff around the house but now he's having abominal trouble, blood in the stool, increased heart rate and memory problems. Thanks in advance.

2007-06-08 14:44:12 · 7 answers · asked by vaccad76 1

With fairly heavy smoking (10 -20 a day) How long would it take on average to develop this? I've always assumed it to be a later life thing, would hate it to develop at an early stage though.

2007-06-08 09:37:41 · 7 answers · asked by rexypher 1

I had one removed three years ago, doctor said nothing was wrong at all, I have a three year follow up next year and I want to do a lot of stuff with myl ife but I am really worried now?? Please help me I am only 21 years old

2007-06-08 03:37:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


What is Green Blood Disorder?

2007-06-07 15:58:05 · 5 answers · asked by Cheche 2

I have Sleep Apnea and need to adjust the air pressure on the machine. I have lost my insurance and can not afford to have it professionally adjusted. If you know how please answer this question. Thanks!

2007-06-07 15:23:17 · 6 answers · asked by Eunice Melinda Saunders 2

I have a cold with a really bad cough. Sometimes, in school, I cough and can't stop for about 5/10 minutes. I try to stop coughing, but I can't. I usually can control it. But ever since yesterday, where I spend 30 minutes coughing non stop, I can't control it. I'll get a drink of water, but that won't stop. I would go to the nurse, but all they will do is give me cough drops. The next time I get one of these 'coughing sprees' what should I do so they won't last as long.

2007-06-07 10:15:13 · 10 answers · asked by Ashley M 1

Seriously, I'm having them everyday!

2007-06-06 08:06:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

one of those questions that come to mind

2007-06-06 05:05:29 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I inhaled some chlorine upon opening a "pool shock" package yesterday. I immediately felt burning in throat, nose, and chest. It was sitting in the sun for a few days so it must have expaneded and "shot up" into my face. I went to the doctor and had a steroid shot. Then I went to the E.R. and had two more steroid shots, and a chest x-ray, and was put on oral steroids for three days. The problem is that I suffer from anxiety attacks so it is hard to tell if I am having shortness of breath because of anxiety or the chlorine. I went to the E.R. for shortness of breath last night and it turned out to be anxiety. I had my lungs listened to today and they were clear. Could I still suffer complications if this happened around 3:00 p.m. Monday afternoon. Just looking for some reassurance. Thank you so much.

2007-06-05 20:37:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-05 20:29:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It hurts so bad wth? does that sound like lung cancer to u?

2007-06-05 17:16:24 · 9 answers · asked by N!cky 5

2007-06-05 10:49:38 · 3 answers · asked by Amy Beth 1

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