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I was put on 60mg of prednisone (steroids) for three days, for an accidental chlorine inhalation, however because of the severe heartburn, I took two yesterday and am supposed to take one today (doctors suggestion). My question/fear is I have been reading that stopping steroids can cause real problems. Please let me know if anyone else has been on steroids for a short time and if they had any physical symptoms stopping them. I read that it can even cause death. P.S. I SUFFER FROM PANIC ATTACKS, SO I AM NERVOUS ENOUGH ANYWAY :)

2007-06-09 00:48:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

10 answers

Relax, worrying is not going to help. But you mentioned something that is very important with Prednisone.
You said "I took two yesterday and am supposed to take one today (doctors suggestion)." When you take Prednisone either for short or a long time the key is not to stop them SUDDENLY you must wean your self off of them, and it sounds like that's what your doctor suggested cause today you are just going to take one tab. You are being weaned off of them, do you see that?
You will be fine.

2007-06-09 00:57:12 · answer #1 · answered by Vanessa 3 · 0 0

I've used oral Prednisone from the time I was 14 until 35 (I'm 47 now and use Advair Diskus instead without any problem). But I was a chronic and severe asthmatic and back then I had to take large doses of Prednisone sometimes. I've heard every horror story of prednisone imaginable, but you know what? I never had longterm disasterous results from taking large doses and weaning off slow, or suffered any problems with my bone density, nor any stomach/intenstinal problems. The last time I had to take oral prednisone was 2 years ago when I had a bronchial infection and it was for 3 days and I simply forgot to take the 3rd days dose and it didn't cause any problem. What Prednisone does cause problems for me is in my mental health area. I have Bipolar Disorder and it can trigger immediate and severe manic attacks, so my doctor doesn't like to prescribe it unless absolutely necessary. Anyway, I have tapered off it very slowly and also just stopped suddenly and I am still alive and fine. I think you'll be okay. Doctors don't have every answer, you know.

2007-06-10 23:25:47 · answer #2 · answered by HisChamp1 5 · 0 0

Short dose steriods are very effictive and safe for what the Dr has prescribed them for - if you are having heartburn take with milk and a slice of bread - also take tums. you should take them - the full 7 or 14 days that was perscribed. Mostly because what they were prescribed for is to keep the inflamation down in your lungs so that they will have time to heal without you getting more serious problems. I have asthma and have been on and off them since I was about 15 - when the asthma gets out of control then I have to do a short burst 7 - 14 days. Please know that there are better ways to deal with the heartburn than stoppign the prednisone. Try to keep on them - its only a few days... and like I said take with milk to mask the taste and coat your tummy - also take with a slice of bread - again to give your tum something else to work on. If you still have heartburn - turn to the old fave -- chewable tums...

Good luck to you - stick with it - it will be better for your lungs that sustained the damage during your accident.

Also a note - stop reading all the possible side effects - it will give you them everytime --- also who wouldn't panic if you ever read all the things they have to list that anything can maybe ever possibly do to you ....

2007-06-09 01:03:00 · answer #3 · answered by Mum of 6 - newest born 8-25-07 3 · 0 0

Dont worry yourself over three days worth of steroids!! Problems only occur for people who rely on steroids long term and even then there are not huge problems in every case, only some people have problems. I am on a steroid nasal spray which is a long term thing and have NEVER had any problems when I've ran out of it or forgotten to take it for a while. I have also taken steroid medications for my sinuses which are probably similar to the medications you are taking now and I have never had any ill effects from them. I am curious how you inhaled chlorine in the first place....do you have a swimming pool you were treating? I hope things are better for you soon but dont let this make you nervous!

2007-06-09 01:03:18 · answer #4 · answered by Justme 3 · 0 0

My young son took Prednisone for asthma that got out of hand. He has used it maybe 4 times in his 12 years. He didn’t have any side effects. The only thing they told me is if he needed surgery for a year after taking it, make sure the doctors know. I do not remember why.

It does make your heart race so if you need to calm down, you may want to ask your doctor or nurse if there is something over the counter you can take. I had a nurse practitioner that was helping me with my anxiety tell me to take a dose of Benadrl for an instant calming. It may make you drowsy and I would check with doctors first, to make sure that is ok to mix the two meds. Breathing deep and holding it for 5 seconds about 10 times does wonders too. Breathe in and out slowly and fill your lungs all the way.

2007-06-09 12:35:12 · answer #5 · answered by dooodlebugs 2 · 0 0

It's important to take the steroids as proscribed by the doctor. There is a set schedule, and it's important not to vary the time table.

Don't take the pills on an empty stomach. Steroids can make you nauseated and constipated so eat lots of fiber and drink water.

If you have more questions, call and speak to a nurse in the doctor's office.

2007-06-09 01:05:29 · answer #6 · answered by ne11 5 · 0 0

Prednisone does have steroids in it but I have taken prednisone for years and haven't seen any bulking up yet (ok, for a while my cheeks got fat but I don't think that's what you're looking for here.)

2016-04-01 12:05:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thats normal Start with 40 to 60 mg then taper down to 5 or 10

2007-06-09 02:03:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Short courses of steroids should not be a problem. Its when you take it for a long time (weeks or months) that you may have problems when you stop suddenly.

2007-06-09 00:53:26 · answer #9 · answered by kyle d 5 · 0 0

No you will be OK. I had to take almost 2 months worth just a few months ago for a major bronchitis infection.I took them all and when they were done it had no ill effect on me.

2007-06-09 01:02:42 · answer #10 · answered by Dixie 6 · 0 0

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