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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

For about 2weeks, I have been unable to swallow meat or any textured food. Only can eat mushed foods. Sounds weird, but it's true. I feel like I'm starving myself, because I'm hungry, but when I eat I can't swallow. I have tried and if I can swallow I feel like I'm choking on the food or something is left in my throat, like a lump. But only when I eat. Drinking is fine, just eating. I also have a lot of phlegm and spit constantly throughout the day. Any ideas what this could be?

2007-07-16 21:50:16 · 7 answers · asked by Maeflower 3

i stopped smoking a week ago and i feel teribble my throat hurts and is making my asthma bad ,i felt great before i stopped why is this happening to me?

2007-07-16 21:23:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

So in the past 4 and a haft weeks i have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety Symptoms lightheaded,shortness of breath, unreality, and heart pains, arm pains like i having a heart attack. and like a band around my head, and dry mouth, hand numb,shaking etc.....So of coarse with all these symptom's i went to the doctors 10 got a neurological test twice A+ got blood taken from my wrist to check oxygen got 3 blood test and 2 ecgs and paps physical ears check and also chest xrays last week so yesterday night in bed my left arm started to hurt hand felt numb and heart hurt a little now i have asma but that scared can i die from that and can someone please tell me if i am dying or is it in my head and what about the shortness of breath can i stop breathing i have allergies don't eat right or sleep right someone help me I'm 20 years old and now one to talk to P.S. my hand feels numb like tingling but heart doesn't hurt only a little i don't know ifs it cause im sceard

2007-07-16 21:08:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-16 20:37:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any tips or ideas?

2007-07-16 14:12:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am very curious about it.

2007-07-16 14:07:30 · 10 answers · asked by kittykatgirl_2008 2

I've suffered with a chronic cough for 30 years. Was told 30 years ago I have Vasomotor Rhinitis. Nothing seems to work or help.

Recently an allergy doctor told me he thought I had psychogenic habit cough. My further research indicates that I may have laryngeal sensory neuropathy.

Has anyone had experience with either.

Personally I think it is laryngeal sensory neuropathy. While I try to stop coughing and have been somewhat successful, I do have symptons of dry tickle, tickle in my throat, throat spasms for known and unknown reasons (irritants, etc.) I cannot tolerate tobacco smoke indoors or out of doors and have a stuffy nose a lot of times with a post nasal drip. Colognes also affect me, as do other irritants. All medications I have tried thus far, do not work. Anyone have info. or advice. Thanks much.

2007-07-16 11:11:21 · 3 answers · asked by sandya 1

Can hyperventilation actually kill a healthy person?

2007-07-16 10:51:52 · 3 answers · asked by rick_tsdmdk 2

What is this? I have the worst headache since Wed, sore throat, body aches, tired, no energy, feel hot but no fever

2007-07-16 04:26:37 · 3 answers · asked by Melissa T 1

2007-07-16 03:09:06 · 8 answers · asked by *Chris* 2

And what can you do to prevent these problems?

2007-07-16 02:44:20 · 3 answers · asked by Bumper Crop 5

I had some Chinese food in a restaurant last night, and choked
on some rice. I tried to cough it out. But I'm not sure that it did
the job. I went on eating, but felt something was still in the
windpipe (don't know the medical term for this).

Even today, 16 hours later, I felt something is my windpipe (more like the lung now). I tried to cought it out a few times, but to no avail. It's probably pretty deep inside now.

I suspect it's just 1 or 2 grains of rice. I assume over time, they will just disintegrate?

Is there anything I can do? Is this serious? What pre-caution should I take? Would I be able to do some cardiovascular
exercises, such as running? I am afraid breathing in big gulp
of air will just push down the rice further into the lung?

Above all, should I be concerned about this?


2007-07-16 00:51:51 · 5 answers · asked by Theatre Fan 2

finds it hard to breath at night and does use an inhaler he does smoke but he now complains of a dull pain between his breast bone his tummy has got a bit large over the years his jobs involes a lot of sitting down he is a bus driver

2007-07-15 23:57:38 · 9 answers · asked by astra 5

Or anything to cause this much sweat. I sweat around my neck just everywhere. Last night I couldnt even sleepcuz I was sweating to much ad the room was hot. Iv'e also tooking cold showers but nothing seems to work. I'm 16 years old and weigh mabye 134 and im 5.4 tall. mabye that might help with something?? just answer back quick cuz I dont want to go to the hospital.

2007-07-15 20:39:41 · 5 answers · asked by emily_e1991 1

yeah so its been 2 weeks already!

I was wondering what i can do to help myself be more healthy i have a hard time breathing and cough up a bunch of mucus..i was wondering what kind of foods i can eat to help this

2007-07-15 04:30:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-14 14:07:14 · 4 answers · asked by STORMY K 3

Ive been dipping for a couple of months and i used to get good buzzes and now i don't Ive tryed copenhagen snuff and it buzzed me a bit , Is there anything stronger out there?

2007-07-14 10:56:33 · 5 answers · asked by yellowsnowman333 2

I'm going to go the doctor, but this morning I woke up coughing and there was blood in it. Any ideas about what it could be?

2007-07-14 08:40:31 · 8 answers · asked by allie0311 2

Hot & humid in summer, cold & dry in winter, rash, itchy

2007-07-14 07:01:34 · 5 answers · asked by Steve K 2

2007-07-14 06:56:55 · 13 answers · asked by surfunboi 1

does smoking affects our tonsils?

2007-07-12 22:54:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My skin test swelled up like a mother of a mosquito bite, but the x-ray was okay and they cleared me to work.

Still, is there anything I should be watching out for or doing? Is there a chance I could put other people at risk? How likely is it that it will turn into the harmful form of TB?

2007-07-12 14:01:17 · 2 answers · asked by who.me? 1

I wanna know!!!!!!!!!!!!11

2007-07-12 11:38:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nose feels blocked, and I speak as thought I have a blocked nose, but when I blow or feel up there, it feels completely free from mucus, I also feel like I have a cold, is there any kind of treatment for this, and is this normal? Thank You.

2007-07-12 11:03:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just read an article about a new drug introduced by Phifezer called "Chantix". Supposedly it helps smokers to stop smoking by working w/some receptors in the brain that trigger a craving. Has anyone tried it? What was your experience w/it? Would you recommend it? It's a little pricy at about $169 online........thanks!

2007-07-12 09:21:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents are taking me to the doctors in about a week cuse ive had sniffles and been coughing a bit and they dont know why it hasnt gone away, about 2 or 3 months ago i started smoking pot ocasionally like 1-2 a week sometimes i wouldnt even for 3 weeks at a time i also started smoking like maybe a pack every 2-3 weeks just when at parties or chillen with friends.....do u think the doctor will notic if i smoke considering i probably have smoked like under 40 times and will he be able to tell if ive done weed (because the last time i blazed was 5 days ago and i got about 7 to the apointment......it was also just a little amount, i was wondering if i drink lots of liquids and since i dont blaze alot will they be able to tell.........and perhaps they might not even test me for any of this but i just want to know, thanks

2007-07-11 21:07:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


hiya i am really ill at the minute. i had a really dry cough yesterday and i only could consume 613 kcals... my throat seems to want to close up. i have been really tired too... This morning when i woke up i could hardly talk and i kept on bringing up like rusty coloured and black phlegm... then i was sick.. all i brought up was bile... i am 18 years old... could this be phnewmonia? help!

2007-07-11 21:06:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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