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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

For example, fluid on the lungs?

2007-08-03 04:48:13 · 2 answers · asked by bea.british 1

How long before sysmptomm show, for example fluid on the lungs?

2007-08-03 04:45:33 · 3 answers · asked by bea.british 1

2007-08-02 10:28:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is anxiety attacks. lately ive been getting this feelings nervous dont know why.

2007-08-02 09:46:51 · 4 answers · asked by Michael M 1

2007-08-02 09:34:47 · 5 answers · asked by blondy2476 1

I got sick June 30... I was showing symptoms of a cold that had been going around - a cough and a fever. Only everyone around me got better within a week or so.

I had crap in my lungs for the entire month of July. I kept trying to keep up with my workouts anyway, but it was hard since my breathing was hindered.

I finally saw my doc today - he gave me antibiotics and ordered a chest x-ray - said I had "bacterial pneumonia".

Other than having crap in my lungs, I have felt perfectly fine. Did I cause my cold to become pneumonia by continuing to work out while sick? Should I now take a week off and wait for the antibiotics to kick in?

2007-08-02 09:28:12 · 5 answers · asked by nephthys76 5

My husband has been chewing tabacco since 2004 and has recently gotten back into cycling. He says that it is much harder than before, and is wondering how much the tabacco has effected his endurance.

2007-08-01 05:26:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-01 01:48:43 · 1 answers · asked by calmconner15 1

What is the sickness called when you start vomiting and have a huge headache

2007-07-31 23:05:48 · 4 answers · asked by reggaetonchica 1

There are many, many, of you people that are suffering from Asthma and other respiratory ailments, aren't you tired of suffering? of course you are. Well you have to change your way of what you are doing. Look at this:

Detox From Milk: Seven Days

Can you maintain this most important change in your life for just seven days? That is your challenge and goal, for during that seven day period of abstaining from all milk and dairy, one gallon of mucus will be expelled from your kidneys, spleen, pancreas, and other internal organs. If you still eat cheese, ice cream, milk chocolate, and yogurt, your one-week experience will be as if an internal fog has been dispersed from inside of you. Most people successfully weaning themselves from all milk and dairy products immediately observe dramatic physical and emotional changes. Better sleep, more energy, fewer mood swings. Just seven days to a new you. Take the challenge. Your body will thank you. Want more? email me at newbegin@shaw.ca

2007-07-31 20:27:50 · 2 answers · asked by elptl 1

Yesterday I went to pre-heat my oven and forgot I had left a large plastic container with a lid in the oven. I had stowed it there to keep it away from my young daughter and totally forgot about. I smelled something wierd and realized it was the oven. It was on fire. I was able to extinguish the fire, but the house smoked for a good half hour. The smell itself did not completely go away for several hours. I opened up the kitchen windows, but I stood right next to the stove for atleast 30 minutes getting all the burnt plastic off the oven racks. Today my throat is scratchy and a little painful and I swear I can "taste" the burnt plastic in the back of my throat. Other than that I feel fine. My older daugher, mentioned that she felt the same. Today I plan on cleaning the bottom of the oven since the melted plastic pooled at the bottom. Should I schedule a doctor's appointment or do you think we will be okay in time?

2007-07-31 18:51:36 · 7 answers · asked by gloria581 1

Can smoking cigarettes lower your blood oxygen or whatever? My mom has been smoking a long time and she went to the doctor and apparently her Oxygen level was 82.

Also, what are good ways to bring oxygen up without using a machine/inhaler?

2007-07-31 11:07:09 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

my hematocrit was low 35.8 and my hemoglobin was 12.1. I have low hematocrit and a normal hemoglobin. Anyone know why this kind of thing occurs?

2007-07-31 07:17:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 8 year old brother has rescently (in the last 2 months) been experienceing shortness of breath. You can hear it when he reads, and even when he dosn't talk, he often gasps for air. He dosn't have any medical problems we know of, but he is very skinny for his age and height. I'm really worried about this. Please help!

2007-07-31 06:33:44 · 2 answers · asked by ♥ trés VOUGE. 2

My friend said that, and it totally pissed me off cuz I drink it all of the time.

2007-07-30 17:04:49 · 28 answers · asked by Nicole B.♥ 3

2007-07-30 15:24:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

out there know how long it takes to recover from this and how I can help him with his cough.

2007-07-30 12:24:17 · 7 answers · asked by RearFace@18mo. 6

I don't want my dad to get lung cancer or anything..i hate to see him smoke..he doesn't smoke often but he still does it everyday..Help me

2007-07-30 07:50:55 · 9 answers · asked by . 5

do you know of a better health ins. coveraged???

2007-07-30 07:49:49 · 3 answers · asked by gloria e 1

2007-07-30 07:18:25 · 1 answers · asked by s.s. coolio 2

However, I have not had a cold since probably last year. What could be the reason for this post nasal drip? This is the 1st time in my life that I am experiencing it. It is not severe; I don't have sinus, or a sore throat, or have to spit out mucus. But I do have a light sensation of mucus settling in my throat, and I have to cough or clear my throat at least 3 times a day.

2007-07-30 06:50:56 · 1 answers · asked by Foxy 1

smoking is very much frowned upon nowdays. im sure the thought of someone sparking up next to you in a resterant now would enrage you. well i feel the same when i pass these smoking areas and passive smokers it makes me feel sick.

i lost my mother and the cause was put down to her smoking days. so lets save the ones we love and ban smoking altogether
plus it will reduce our NHS costs quite a bit as there are alot of smokers causeing the hold ups in the first place.

2007-07-30 05:23:09 · 33 answers · asked by strathkinnessbilly 2

I never would have thought I might have sleep apnea, but recenly I have considered it a possibility. For years I have had the problem of holding my breath in while I am sleeping, just to let it out in a gasp a short while after. I'm not overweight and I don't snore, but the fact that this sometimes prevents me from falling asleep and/or gives me an awful headache worries me.

Is it sleep apnea?

2007-07-30 04:53:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a buring type sensation in lower throat/lungs. Its hard to pinpoint where it actually is. It almost feels like you just inhaled way too much smoke. I don't have a cough at all. I try to cough, but its dry and nothing will come up. Its comes and goes and it is not consistant unless I'm thinking about it or worrying about it. I am on anxiety meds, but they don't seem to be working because I am constantly worrying about throat/lung cancer. Does anyone have any idea of what this could be?

2007-07-30 02:08:57 · 2 answers · asked by taps4_2000 1

I have an older home and unfortunatly the basement was flooded. It has since had a mold problem which allows spores to get into the A/C ventalation system.

2007-07-29 10:54:43 · 6 answers · asked by Keith 2

I need to quite smoking but with out the attitude and boy do I have one. So bad I disturbe the lifestyle of my own family. Please help.

2007-07-28 16:44:33 · 12 answers · asked by christopher h 1

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