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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

2007-01-27 19:23:20 · 5 answers · asked by Teri 1

2007-01-27 17:50:28 · 13 answers · asked by Shazia Zia 1

2007-01-27 16:41:21 · 15 answers · asked by bhupesh 2

besides humans? what and can u send me a link or something about it please??

2007-01-27 16:21:18 · 4 answers · asked by cooleo as fooleo 1

I had a cold about amonth ago with a stuffy nose. now I dont have a stuffy nose, but a little bit of post nasal drip... hardly noticable. About two days ago, I ran a low grade fever for a day and felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. then the next day I felt fine but in the morning and during the evening hours, had an awful smell in my nose. My nose isnt really stuffy at all and I can breath fine. could this still be a sinus infection? I dont have a head ache or fever anymore, but still smell that smell that stinks so bad off and on threw out the day.

2007-01-27 15:24:38 · 5 answers · asked by samantha 4

2007-01-27 14:57:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


I recently had a ct scan done, on looking at it, I can see white spots . some are close to the spine. others in a cluster around midsection of lung. what are these.

2007-01-27 13:26:31 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been coughing yellow sticky liquids looks like concentrated saliva every morning when i woke up, the rest of the day the cough never came. Its been for half years already, do i need to go to the doctors or cut down on smoking? Im like having some milk thistle pills every day right now, it seems improving but it still doesnt cut out the coughs!

2007-01-27 11:52:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im No science expert but what does this mean, Good or bad?

G551D CF mice display an abnormal host response and have impaired clearance of Pseudomonas lung disease.

Also is it better to have the mutations of F508 and G551D

Many Thanks



2007-01-27 11:51:50 · 4 answers · asked by robertskinner2004 2

This was just a one time thing and I have had minimal exposure to silica before. Also I am in my teens.

2007-01-27 10:23:35 · 1 answers · asked by Matthew R 2

My head hurts and whenever i cough , i can feel a tingling in my throat and my temperature is between 35.2 C to 36.3 HOW SICK AM I?

2007-01-27 09:02:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been coughing up green flem every day, and it's like 3 or 4 times a day. Is this from quitting? Because I've asked others who quit and they said they haven't had that reaction. I am not sick, no cough, cold and head aches, just coughing up this disgusting green sh**! what is my problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-27 08:35:46 · 16 answers · asked by DrPepper 6

A co-worker said that her daughter's asthma improved since she switched from decaffeinated beverages to ones with caffeine. Has anyone else heard of this? Has anyone else found this to be true?

2007-01-27 07:52:36 · 11 answers · asked by Missy 4

Im always short of breath and nearly feel like I have to catch my breath. It tends to be worse at night and in the morning time. I do a half hour walk everyday but even that has me putting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I cough up a lot of mucus too. I feel my lungs are all clogged up. Ive felt like this since I was about 9 or 10. Im 20 now and Im fed up always feeling weak. How do I know if I have asthma or whatever. My mother and brother have asthma. Please only genuine answers back. Thankyou for taking the time to read this.

2007-01-27 07:27:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have congestion,drainage(thats why my throat hurts)and when i talk it sounds funny.im tired or trying to cough out the stuff in my throat.

2007-01-27 07:21:55 · 15 answers · asked by a n n u h ` 2

I had a close call Dec.05 - was in ICU 5 days & 'Step-down' Unit 10 more (Pulmonary(lung)failure,Cardiac(heart)failure,Renal(kidney) failure. When I got home I couldn't remember 'stuff'. like how to use TV and had to retrain myself in many things. I still have trouble with math (I was a whiz at it before)...I need to find some Net place to review Grade,Middle & High School Subjects. (Leaving the house for a class is out, as is anything that costs $) Anyone have any ideas? Sites? Please HELP me. I am afraid I'll never get any better - even tho' the Pulmonary Emboli (blood clots in lungs)are gone. Thank you for any help. I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!

2007-01-27 04:32:47 · 2 answers · asked by Sweet Gran 4

6 weeks ago I fell from a pine tree approx 20 foot fall. I broke my tibia plateau, fractured 3 vertabrae lumbar region, and dislocated shoulder. The surgeon put 3 screws in my tibia. 1 month later I was diagnosed with a blood clot below the knee. I enjected myself w/ lovanox for a week and now taking cumatin pills every day for the next 6 months. 8 days after being diagnosed w/ the clot, I noticed my leg was no longer swollen and was in less pain. Later that day I started having a weird breathing problem. This breathing problem remains and it has been one week. To describe it, I would say I feel myself take a normal breath but I don't feel like the breath is satisfying me? I end up with a somewhat panicky feeling. I went to the hospital. They did a cat scan, ultrasound, and a few other tests. They said they could not find any clot, my body was getting plenty of oxygen and that they don't know what is causing my breathing problem. Any advice will be very appreciated? thx!!

2007-01-27 03:52:39 · 10 answers · asked by mike u 1

2007-01-27 03:46:44 · 12 answers · asked by darren b 1

I want to avoid surgery of the nose. I just want to breath better through my nose.

Thank You

2007-01-27 03:10:17 · 2 answers · asked by George 3

2007-01-26 23:22:08 · 2 answers · asked by Suzyq S 1

I am suffering from nose allergy which causes me to breath from only one side of the two opining of my nose (if one of the two opining is opened then the other is closed immediately and vice versa).
I have been suffered from this since 5 year. It is interesting to mention that I have no problem in my nose except this allergy.
This problem causes me to sleep in irregular way because of breathing discrepancy.

2007-01-26 22:11:27 · 8 answers · asked by ali 4 1

Ok, I have finally found a sport that I am really good in. That is in basketball, but I have a problem. Each time I start running my chest starts hurting. I can't breath or anything. So I went to the doctor. They put me on everything. For my lungs, heart, everything. NOTHING!!!! They can't find anything. I don't have a problem with my lungs or heart. And I don't have asma either. I am fit and trim. And I play basketball every two days. What's wrong with me??????? Am i broken. Please Help!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!

2007-01-26 18:17:44 · 7 answers · asked by ? 3

Ok, I have finally found a sport that I am really good in. That is in basketball, but I have a problem. Each time I start running my chest starts hurting. I can't breath or anything. So I went to the doctor. They put me on everything. For my lungs, heart, everything. NOTHING!!!! They can't find anything. I don't have a problem with my lungs or heart. And I don't have asma either. What's wrong with me??????? Am i broken. Please Help!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!

2007-01-26 17:58:58 · 7 answers · asked by ? 3

2007-01-26 16:46:28 · 16 answers · asked by Stephanie H 1

I was told by a pediatrician that in an event of an asthma attack I should put my childs head in the freezer or outdoors if cold. friends of mine recently told me that this is false.

2007-01-26 16:27:09 · 8 answers · asked by Jill P 2

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