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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

I was just diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnea. My insurance only covers 80% of the cost of a CPAP machine after a $300 deductible. There is no way I can afford that right now. I see my Dr. next week to get the full study results & I will talk to him then but I want to know now, what happens if you leave sleep apnea untreated? How many people REALLY die from it? All the sleep tech told me was that my oxygen level dropped to 65% & I had no REM sleep, I slept 90% of 4 1/2 hrs...

2007-01-26 15:42:41 · 16 answers · asked by newlife276 1

i would like to know if anyone can answer this question for me.
this is the second time since Christmas my husband had a chest infection last time needing 2 courses to clear it up.i know you have to give them time to work but just watching him sleep tonight propped up in bed wheezing i know things get worse at night but each time he gets a chest infection it seems to be worse. i have told him not to work as he is self - employed but just keeps telling me he has to i'm woried if he does not listen he will make himself worse.he did have bronchitis very bad when he was a child his father told me the hospital nearly lost him.he does have a chromosome abnormalty.he is at an increased risk of getting chronic bronchitis and many other risks but it does not mean he will get them. how long should he wait till he goes back to doctors.
sorry if i have spelt things wrong.

2007-01-26 12:59:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-26 12:39:12 · 9 answers · asked by yvonne h 1

Today I ran a mile, which at the end of the school year we have to run 4. Everytime I run, I have always had breathing proplems--but not to the point of what happen today. btw, I have been running almost every week (or every other week) since september just to tell I am not just lazy or out of shape. I talked to my docter in september, and she said I should just wait and see if it get wroses (she thinks that I might have it)

Today was weird. I could only barly breath... It was horrible. I had horrible weezing. Right after it, I was coughing up so much mucus . I am still coughing up a bit, even though it has been like 2 or 3 hours since the run....I don't know what to do, it was really scary. It was cold outside, I heard that it sometimes causes it.... I am seeing my docter next week or something...

If anyone knows, or does reserch will REALLY help me, thanks

2007-01-26 12:26:59 · 8 answers · asked by myself 2

I have had them for the past twenty minutes and nothing will get rid of them!

2007-01-26 12:05:11 · 31 answers · asked by collegeboundblonde1287 2

i can say a few words but my voice goes away almost every two words!!

2007-01-26 11:55:34 · 7 answers · asked by chepe1982 1

Scaring of the lungs, causing coughing

2007-01-26 11:55:10 · 3 answers · asked by bgentile60 1

2007-01-26 10:06:02 · 4 answers · asked by twobizzybz 1

I can find references to a guarded prognosis--but no explanation.

2007-01-26 09:45:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-26 08:19:14 · 20 answers · asked by Kirk C 1

2007-01-26 07:40:31 · 20 answers · asked by reklaw 1

Can you do this??? I just went to the doctors today and he put me on an antibiotic for a respiratory infection. The problem is, I am a raging alcoholic and need to drink. It has been a real long week at the office, and I do not feel like waking up with a case of the shakes tomorrow morning because I didn't drink tonight. Let me know!!!!

2007-01-26 06:44:23 · 7 answers · asked by Billy Gavin 1

2007-01-26 03:44:05 · 2 answers · asked by Jen 2

I.understand there are two kinds of sinus surgery.
1.Antral puncture and washout. Dr. makes a small hole inside the nose and into the maxillary sinus. After drainage is removed, they wash remaining stuff with a syringe.
2.Intranasal antrostomy is used more these days. Cuts a small hole inside the nose into the maxillary sinus. The pus is sucked out.
The difference is: In No.2 the hole is permanant, stays open. No.1 the hole closes up almost immediately, the sinus can become infected and fill up with p. again.

Of the choices, No. 2 lasts longer and more effective.
Has anyone had either of these done? Was it worth it? Did you have any bad complications? Did they put you to sleep? Did it take a long time?
A family member needs to have something to help problems. We hope this will make a noticeable improvement.
Thank you for any comments.

2007-01-26 02:56:05 · 2 answers · asked by Barbra 6

2 weeks into being poorly i started with another problem,on different parts of my body ive been getting this feeling which starts with a warm sensation turns pink in affected area and starts iching and becomes painfull.It tends to be worse on my hands.Doing things like opening the fridge,opening a door or holding a telephone all activate this.Told my doctors but dont seem to know what it is.Please help its not very nice

2007-01-26 00:26:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

so it started out with what i thought was a sinus infection on the 5th. nice thick mucus, ears were plugged, headache, the usual. i took everything under the sun (otc) and in about 1.5 weeks, it turned into a cough. i've had the cough ever since. at first it was productive, so i just thought it had to do with all the drainage, but now its pretty much a dry hacking cough and no cough meds are working, its keeping me up all night and it just makes me want to die. i've never had bronchitis before, but from everything i'm reading it just says rest, lots of fluids, and maybe some cough meds if its non-productive. it also says if you're a smoker to quit. well, i did quit, up until last thursday when i broke down and bought a pack (i was good for a week), but then i finished that pack on tuesday and havent smoked since, but my bf is a heavy smoker. i'm only around him for a few hours a day, and i drink 6 glasses of water a day, plus i've been taking cough meds. but at night its so...

2007-01-25 19:03:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son has asthma and I heard about a "water cure" which is water with salt. Is anyone try it to cure asthma? Is it to good to be true?

2007-01-25 17:17:08 · 3 answers · asked by biancachen_00 2

My son has asthma and I heard about a "water cure" which is water with salt. Is anyone try it to cure asthma? Is it to good to be true?

2007-01-25 17:16:44 · 1 answers · asked by biancachen_00 2

My son has asthma and I heard about a "water cure" which is water with salt. Is anyone try it to cure asthma? Is it to good to be true?

2007-01-25 17:16:30 · 2 answers · asked by biancachen_00 2

Hey- I have no health insurance so I wanted to see if anyone could discern what this could be based on the symptoms- so I'll be as specific as possible.
I've been sick for 2 weeks and it's been fairly consistent the entire time.
My nose is stuffy and I've been blowing it pretty frequently, but not runny. It's mostly clear but every so often, usually in the mornings, yellow.
Recently, I've started to get a pretty foul taste in my mouth while blowing my nose (no, i'm not getting anything in there)
I've been coughing frequently, not a lot of phlegm but some comes up. It's not a painful cough in any way, just seems to be moving a lot of stuff in my lungs.
My throat feels completely fine, no complaints there.
I'm just getting really tired of coughing so much and feeling so uncomfortable.
Any suggestions??

2007-01-25 17:14:19 · 5 answers · asked by STINEY 4

is it safe the hearthtranstplant operation?

2007-01-25 16:05:58 · 3 answers · asked by chel 1

I've had a clogged right ear for two weeks. Its not as bad since I saw a doctor about what was wrong, but it still is there. Apparently I have fluid in my ear and was told to take nasal spray, decongestants, and use a humidifier to help it go away. It still hasn't. Anybody else experience this? I'm 20 and all I keep reading are what to do with children who experience this.

2007-01-25 15:01:32 · 9 answers · asked by Lauren G 2

I am 17 years old and for the past year i have a constant feeling of a lump of mucus in the back of my throat. My throat doesn't hurt and i do not have a runny nose. But i constantly try and clear my throat and it does not go away. I went to the doctor and they looked down my nose and only recommended a saline spray.

Does anyone have any home remedies or tips and when did you start having this problem as it more common for older folks.


2007-01-25 14:51:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

ive got a cold, cough, sore throat, and a nasty fever that wont go away? i had these things for 4 days. What can i do to cure these things?

2007-01-25 14:18:04 · 5 answers · asked by sKa n' hArDcOre 909 2

I'm learning about Science today..

2007-01-25 13:52:30 · 5 answers · asked by NML 2

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