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Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

my skin feels very rough and looks very blotchy. in the corners of my nose it is very red and rough there too! HELP! thankyou

2007-12-31 13:22:28 · 4 answers · asked by Taylor 2 in Skin Conditions

2007-12-31 13:16:15 · 12 answers · asked by brainiak95 1 in Other - Diseases

She's 45, and she has a fever of 102.0 degrees. It began at 99.9 this morning, and so my mom took some alieve, and it went back to normal. now its 102.0 and im worried because she doesnt want to go see a doctor. Is there something i can do?

Symptoms: fever, she says she feels cold, stuffy runny nose, no vomiting, backpain still? im not sure, but i think so and i think thats it.

The night before she was okay. She started to have backpain and felt sick at 4 am, but didnt get a fever till around 11 am.

Is there something i can do?

2007-12-31 13:12:10 · 8 answers · asked by ebbi™ 3 in Infectious Diseases

my temperature is just a hair under 99. but my normal is 98.6 or lower. I feel like I have a fever, my throat is sore and I have no appetite. I have alternated between being hot and having the chills. Can you get a fever when you are starting to come down w/ a cold? Its new years eve and I have company over. but this rlly sucks

2007-12-31 13:05:14 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

For the past, maybe 2 weeks, I have been experiencing extreme dryness in my face ( mostly cheeks) where the skin will actually get so dry that it flakes off looking almost as if it were sunburn, only it is not. It is just dryness. I don't scratch it even though it does itch.... and I have been trying moisturizers to keep it from drying... Im just not sure what to do in terms of curing this???
I think it might be from the really cold weather because the same thing happened last year to me, although never before, and it eventually went away, but Id like to find a way to clear this up quickly and prevent it from happening next year.
Any ideas? and have you had this happen? If so, how did you stop this?

Thanks. =)

2007-12-31 13:04:36 · 7 answers · asked by ☮Neo-Hippie 2 in Skin Conditions

Can someone please tell me if there's a quick way to get my skin pink again? I don't like being yellow.

2007-12-31 13:04:06 · 18 answers · asked by Neon 4 in Skin Conditions

my throat had been hurting all day. I took my temperature and it came out to about 99 degrees. I didn't see any blisters on the back of my throat though. Do you think i'm getting a cold or have strep throat?

2007-12-31 12:57:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

so i poop after EVERYTHING i eat no matter what it is.. lyke i juss ate dinner @ 5:50 and i already went to the bathroom, normal? sometimes i see things in the bowel as well like red tissue, white seseame seeds, and now tiny black specs.. the poo is kinda soft and a lil watery not much(sry 2 b graphic) and im a lil nerveous suffered stomach pain(left side) 4 almost a year now and still no answers its gotten better except 4 now!! any ideas on what it could b? (parasites i would b loosing weight and im not, except recently bc im constantly pooping) and i didnt eat anything with seseame seeds @ all PLZ HELP!! im 2 young!!(19) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

2007-12-31 12:47:44 · 45 answers · asked by Just Smile :) 2 in Other - Diseases

thank you everybody for the help

2007-12-31 12:39:33 · 8 answers · asked by horace 1 in Heart Diseases

My girlfriend has back trouble after she fell off a horse a few years ago , and she saw a chiropractor who said she had verterbrae slippage or spondylolisthesis in the lumbar region. She recently saw a spine specialist who took x-rays and she actually had retro-spondylosisthesis, meaning instead of the 2 vertebra not lined up and pressing inward, they were pressing outward at the weak point. I looked up the word in a couple of medical books and couldn't find anything like this diagnosis or description. Anybody familiar with it or does it go by another word?

2007-12-31 12:22:12 · 4 answers · asked by holacarinados 4 in Other - Diseases

my blood pressure is 220/115 is this normal

2007-12-31 12:17:19 · 14 answers · asked by horace 1 in Heart Diseases

I've been sick since Thursday morning. I have a soar throat, stuffy nose, lymph nodes are swollen, I had a headache for the first two days. Today I blew my nose and saw a faint line of red/orange in there and thought no big deal. Well again I've seen blood and I am a bit concerned. Also today just after waking up I was having trouble talking, I think I may be loosing my voice. I would appreciate anyones help on this. I'm 13 by the way. My mom dosen't quite like taking me to the doctor so I need to know if this is serious.

2007-12-31 11:37:33 · 4 answers · asked by go_girl_1994 2 in Respiratory Diseases

Two nights ago I felt very cold and had a light fever. Took tylenal and havent had a fever in the last 12+ hours. Yesterday after dinner, my stomach swelled and growled. Had a little diaherra so I took pepto bismol. This morning I felt alot better. I pooped and the stool was close to normal.

2007-12-31 11:33:20 · 8 answers · asked by Frosty Makeovers 1 in Infectious Diseases

My husband age 26 went to Urgent care for an odd stomach pain under the rib area on one side. This pain was really odd, and he also had loose bowls. They did a catscan, which showed a swollen spleen, and lymph node near the groin. Also some abnormal blood work came up. Today we went to see the surgeon for a biopsy. The surgeon said that he felt no lymph node. Then said that we are seeing the wrong doctor, and sent us to a hematologist/oncologist doctor. I'm irratated, cause waiting sucks. And I'm sure many of you know the feeling of not knowing. Then we called the Urgent care doctor to make sure that we need to see this cancer doctor. He said yes, that he was unsure of whether to send us to the surgeon for a biopsy or to the cancer doctor. I guess the blood work was nothing too alarming. I know for sure the bun was high, and something about the liver enzimes. ?? But no infection showed up such as tuberculosis. If the lymph node was a mistake, and it's not there, then why? HElP

2007-12-31 11:27:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

what are some good things to eat for someone who has hypoglycemia

2007-12-31 11:19:50 · 4 answers · asked by jessica r 2 in Other - Diseases

Recently my grandmother died due to complications from end-stage renal disease. She was on dialysis for 15 years. I am trying to find out more about cacifixiation-I know it is a calcifying of the arteries but what else.?

2007-12-31 11:11:30 · 2 answers · asked by they_call_me_peaches2 2 in Other - Diseases

Sorry if TMI, but yesteday I came home from dinner and tried to have a bowel movement (which I did) and when I wiped it was red. Then I noticed in the toilet it was pretty red too. I just figured maybe it was cause from wiping too hard. But it really scared me, and then I looked it up online and saw all the reasons that could cause it such as ulcers and cancer and hemmeroids. To contact a dr, would I contact my OBGYN or my regular dr. I really need some advice.

2007-12-31 11:07:58 · 28 answers · asked by msdood1 4 in Other - Diseases

i'm 14 and since the age of 10 i started drinking diet coke regularly-2 cans of it nearly everyday because i was on a diet as i was obese. Now that i'm 14 i'm currently healthy and maintain a healthy weight, although i still drink diet coke. Then, my aunt told me that it contains aspartame which is linked to cancer. As you can imagine i was so shocked. Stopped drinking it now. But one thing bothers me, why do they make it in the first place when it is dangerous to our health? Shouldn't they get rid of it? I mean i'm sure lots of us out there are unaware and many of you, by reading this question will find out.... so why?

Thanks i appreciate the answers.

Star this question if you didn't know.

2007-12-31 10:57:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

well im loosing a lot of hair like mabye this much IIIIIIIIIIIIII in acucil size what do i do

2007-12-31 10:57:36 · 40 answers · asked by dancer4life 2 in Cancer

it is driving me nuts
i dont wanna worry my parents but it is getting to the point where i cannot take it anymore
wat should i do

2007-12-31 10:33:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases


i'm suffering.

2007-12-31 10:24:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

3 weeks ago, I had a very very stuffy nose. I also kept on coughing up phlegm. My doctor presribed me with antibiotics and my condition became better.

Now, I can normally breathe and I don't cough up phlegm anymore nor my breathing is affected but I can still feel something in my left nostril. When I close my right nostril to breathe, I can feel there's something blocking it. Could this still be a cold?

2007-12-31 10:14:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases

- It's in my mouth.
- Tounge is red
- Sores on my tounge, and on lips
- Itches
- Bump on lip (the sore)

2007-12-31 10:01:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

If there's a blood mucus stuck on a sink drain. And if you wash you're hands on that same sink, and you happen to have a very little cut on your hand (near your knuckels) Is there anyway that you might get infected with HIV by the blood mucus on the sink drain? The reason I ask this is because since when the water comes down from the faucet and it hits the sink, it usually splashes and throws little water drops upwards. So it possible to get infected that way, even if you don't touch the blood mucus with your hands? Thanks.

2007-12-31 09:54:18 · 10 answers · asked by Daniel M 3 in STDs

When I was 15 (2000), I was diagnosed with a mild eating disorder and then anorexia in 2001. I went from 61kg down to 43kg and ended up in an out patient treatment program in 2002. I was there for 6 months, left in 2003 because I wasn't apparantly ready to get better, however from 2003-2005, I sought of started working through a lot of the stuff (very rocky road and a lot of tears).

While I'm not as entranched in the illness as I used to be, I still struggle with a lot of things. I still wouldn't say I eat normally, but what is normal these days? I have had a few moments where I chose to try eating three meals a day, but I always end up reverting to my old ways of cutting out calories and eating as little as possible.

I feel constantly consumed by thoughts of wanting to lose more weight and restrict, but I don't see it as ED behaviour-I don't feel sick. Am I still suffering from an ED? I'm 5'2, 47kg; would really like to hear from any others going through a similar thing

2007-12-31 09:01:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

my friend recently had sex then found out the guy had pubic lice. she was shaved down there and still is, and hasn't had any major symptoms except for occasional, mild itching. can she still catch it?

if so, how should she treat it?

2007-12-31 08:39:25 · 7 answers · asked by Olivia 2 in STDs

Does anyone know how AIDS really started?

By the way, are there any myths about it?
Such as:
• It started from a monkey
• A man had sex with a monkey

Thanks in advanced

2007-12-31 08:28:21 · 15 answers · asked by [TeamJacob♥] 3 in STDs

It's like 3/4 a centimeter and its red and on my nose

I don't know what to do

if i push it or try and apply somehting it irritates it and it gets bigger and if i touch it it'll absorb the dirt from my hand

Is there any like good way to get rid of it that i dont need to spend money on

2007-12-31 08:23:48 · 52 answers · asked by cutecoolman1 3 in Skin Conditions

Can some one guide which one is the best clinic/hospital for Anaplastic throat cancer ? Surgery has been done and 30 sittings of IMRT (Radaitaion therapy) provided to the patient, yet doctor is not sure for long life ?

2007-12-31 08:20:34 · 6 answers · asked by sanjay kumar 1 in Cancer