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Infectious Diseases - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Infectious Diseases

we need to get rid of roundworms, hair worms ,tapeworms, horsehair worms,pinworms, inside of our home and inside our bodies. we need to treat a 30 , 24,5 year old along with a 7 month old as well. how can we get rid of these parasites faast and so they dont come back?

2007-09-30 20:30:02 · 6 answers · asked by scam 1

Just to get appendicitis?

2007-09-30 17:16:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son and I both have viral pinkeye, does anyone know how long it's contagious for?
We both woke up with it on Saturday and called the doctor, he called in an antibiotic, which will obviously not work for viral pinkeye, but we weren't sure what kind it was. Now I have to wait until tommorow to get in touch with the doctor and I need to know if I can go to work (I work in a preschool) and if he can go to school. We both have to be there before the doctor is in.

If anyone could let me know, I would aprectiate it!

2007-09-30 16:04:44 · 11 answers · asked by paganmom 6

I am looking to talk to a lot of people who have gone through the treatment. Please give me advise and maybe a place to go to talk to people. I have looked into support groups in the area and they are all at times i cant make it. How do I tell people that are close to me? friends? family? I am afriad of the way they will act. Is this a normal fear? also who has had to take antidepressents with the treatment? can i make it with out? i am not a depressed person but my husband worries that if the treament doesnt work i might become depressed. shoud i still take antidepressents before i start treatment? I took them for a couple of days and i was really sick on them. i am more scared of the antidepressents than the treatment. is that a normal feeling? i could use a lot of people to talk to. wil people look at me differently if i tell them i have hcv? only respond if you have a serious answer please.

2007-09-30 15:24:23 · 5 answers · asked by Amanda D 3

it all started the last week in may i noticed i was very fatigued all i wanted to do was seep. then i noitced i have very stiff joints all over my body wrist elbo knee ankle and everyware else also i have een more fatiged and tired headaches and and also i have been getting a lot of stomach problems like gastro-esphagale reflx disease also Gastritis thats when ur linning of ur stomach gets raw. could any of this be related i have been tested for almost everything mono,thyroid,dibetes,and i just got tested for Lyme disease but all was negative. and i got an MRI and it was fine o i forgot the nerves in my face are very stiff to and i get pain in my ears to. what is really making me upset is nobody has even tried to answer i dint care if it was something they no i dont have i just want some kind of answers. i feel like that mystery diagnosis show now i no what they are going through. i have been like this 5 months and i am going to give up with doctors but i want to be a doctor

2007-09-30 15:00:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-30 14:38:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the side effects of medicine ? what is the best food in such situation

2007-09-30 00:17:02 · 4 answers · asked by steelpumps 1

I need information on the different types of hearing aids can anyone help please?

2007-09-29 22:08:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been fighting a cold for a few days, but instead of having a fever, I'm finding that my temperature is quite low (between 94.2F- 96.5F). This is usally what happens when I get sick, but it's not usually this low. Should I be concerned? And is it bad to have such a low temperature?

2007-09-29 20:43:56 · 5 answers · asked by nonsense2005 2

heard old wives tale that dogs living in close quarters with their humans can pass on a virus that can cause infertility, any medical evidence to support this?

2007-09-29 17:11:33 · 3 answers · asked by roffer v 1

I heard that the only way a squirrel could get rabies, is if it got attacked by a dog with rabies. And since the chances of a squirrel surviving such an attack are small, then there is almost no chance of getting rabies from a squirrel. I forgot where I read this, but is it true? Do you know of any sources to back up this claim or anyother claim related to this topic?

2007-09-29 15:46:34 · 4 answers · asked by learydisciple 2

I am in medical school, accidentally poked myself with a needle after practicing drawing blood from a volunteer. This happened two days ago so when should i test?

2007-09-29 15:31:43 · 8 answers · asked by rrdog1 1

I have a 3 year old cat who is not that friendly to other people. She is very sweet to my husband and I but whenver we have visitors, I always warned them to not touch my cat because she might scratch them - just a precaution.

My brother brought an obnoxious guest the other day, I warned him and all that about my cat and he still was very disrespectful despite of what I said...He bothered my "sleeping" cat of course, as reflex, my cat doesn't know him at all she scratched him and made this scary meow noise (that I never heard her meow like tha before!)

make the long story short, a week after this idiot got scratched..he called and asking about my cat's vaccine records - he was saying that his hands is swollen due to the scratch. My problem is, my cat is behind 2 years of vaccine.

I don't want anything bad to happened...BUT IT WAS HIS FAULT! have he not bothered my cat he wouldn't get scratched. I am very upset. Could he get a rabies virus?am I in trouble?

2007-09-29 15:15:05 · 7 answers · asked by KrisB11 1

That sounds kind of scary.


2007-09-29 12:38:27 · 5 answers · asked by merlin_steele 6

Who did you catch yours off?

2007-09-29 11:03:41 · 14 answers · asked by dances 7

today i stepped on a nail
im not sure if it was rusty or not
it went through the sole of my shoe
about twent minutes after it happened i put some TCP (antiseptic) on it

the cut isnt big
its not even a cut
its about the size of a head of a sharpened pencil
but it didnt bleed.
it only gave out a spot of blood when i put alot of pressure on it

i just wanted to know the odds of me having tetanus or not?
im very worried as it can be fatal!

2007-09-29 09:51:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i have had a yeast infection && it used to itch super bad. Then the itching stopped but white stuff is still being produed;; especially when i wear thongs ://

--uhhh i hateee this && im still super young, so tell me if it will be a problem when it comes to having kidds and stuff

--&& i dont want to tell my mom;; idk why.. i just dont.

so are there was i can get rid of it;; but with no medication at all.?

2007-09-29 09:45:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

any advise?

2007-09-29 09:14:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-29 07:19:48 · 3 answers · asked by samm44601 1

how long it take to show up on test how many months u have to go

2007-09-29 03:33:17 · 2 answers · asked by Rob C 1

Around Metro Atlanta, there is a pre-season flu going around and I have it. I have tried Vicks VapoRub and cough drops. Any other suggestions?

2007-09-29 02:34:01 · 10 answers · asked by ga_tx_1992 4

Back, to work in the School and sure enough I have a cold. How can I prevent spreading it to the rest of my family?

2007-09-29 02:25:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-28 19:59:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Cold sores drive me crazy. Is it possible to wash your face???? Like in the shower.

2007-09-28 18:37:52 · 4 answers · asked by Nicola N 1

2007-09-28 11:00:06 · 19 answers · asked by Je:) 2