I have to choose when I will do my PE lesson at school. I have four periods in my school day, and it can be at either 3rd or 4th period. Each period lasts for 1 and a half hours, and I want to know which period I would work more efficiently in - 3rd (between 20 mins and 1 hour after finishing lunch) or 4th (between 1 and a half hours and 2 hours 10 mins after finishing lunch). The lesson I'll have at 3rd period (if I choose 4th) is IT, so there will be almost no energy used then. If I had a choice (and it didn't make a difference to how long the food took to turn into fat) then I would have it at 4th period, but if by the time I start PE then all of the energy is now stored as fat, then I'd rather choose 3rd period.
By the way, PE stands for Physical Education, so it means gym (fitness), football, rugby or badminton.
4 answers
asked by
King Louis
Diet & Fitness