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Health - 5 March 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

I have had acne on my chest and back for almost 3 years now. It hasn't gotten any better and has got worse but not much. I also cannot consut a dermatologist because my parents and or guardians will not take me to one. Please give me advice on how I can control or get rid of this!

2007-03-05 13:34:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

or is it like getting a job at any other hospital?

2007-03-05 13:32:22 · 3 answers · asked by more than words 1 in Cancer

Are these type of neck collars called aspen neck collars made for trachiostomies and laryngectomies.. The collar is made of plastic bends because the plasic trach is snapped on to the collar 2 black velcro and black velcro straps removel backs to the collar . Because a trachiostomy is a hole in the trachiea the neck . larygectomy removel of the larynx the person breathes through a trach in the neck too a tempery trach the hole heals and closes a perment trach the hole remains open

2007-03-05 13:32:02 · 1 answers · asked by nadine d 2 in Respiratory Diseases

I broke my nose when I was 10...and right after I broke it it became crooked...to this day I still don't know why the doctor didn't just pop the bones back together right after the injury...so now I'm 16.. and for the past years I have been suffering from sinus infections and related breathing problems. I really want to get surgery on my nose to correct my difficulty breathing threw my left nostril and to make my nose straight again...should I just make an appointment with a ent doctor and tell him up front that I want him to straighten my nasal bone?? because I had septoplasty a few months ago but the doctor didn't even bother fixing the bone

2007-03-05 13:32:01 · 8 answers · asked by mookie123 1 in Injuries

the day before my period I had this brown discarge that was like reall discarge ,not old blood, anyway my period was normal for two days and then it was like it was slowly going away ,there was a little bit on my pad and the next day there was no more on there or only a little bit more on there and it was brown cause it turned old and for a day or two days it was pink and i decided at some point to stop wearing a pad for this month cause i didnt see any point in wearing one if I wasnt going to lek. so do any of u girls know why this happened to me ? I'm pretty concern about this.

2007-03-05 13:31:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

how can i make my butt bigger
WHAT can i eat to help??
i dont want a firm butt....
i want a BIG butt....
please help....
easy things
is it true bread works?>???if os, what kind of bread?

2007-03-05 13:31:08 · 2 answers · asked by chickipoo! 1 in Diet & Fitness

would glucosamine help me reduce the pain on the patellar area, it is really painfull and Its been 4 month already and I still can't run because the front of my knee is killing me. and becasue of that I can't work my leg out like I should and it is slowing down the process

2007-03-05 13:30:29 · 5 answers · asked by eoin 1 in Pain & Pain Management

i just dont want it...plz help..i do NOT want to go to the doctor...just household things or remedies...anything!!

2007-03-05 13:30:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

please help me, i've had back and chest acne for like 2 years now and i really need to get rid of it because in 3 months im going to a water park and i really dont want to have this problem while im there. how can i tell my mom about it and what are some good things that will help it go away?

2007-03-05 13:30:14 · 8 answers · asked by E.liz.a.beth 1 in Skin Conditions

I am a 55 year old female .I have cornary artery disease ,severe hypertension,have had 2 minor heart attacks and 2 tias. Over the past week I have a severe pain in my right mid-back area ,and my right side and abdomen areas directly under my right rib cage area.When I take a deep breath it feels like a sharp knife is being twisted inside. I had two large red areas on my back in the same area last week that looked like some kind of a bite .they were very itchy at first then they started to hurt. they are now going away but that is where the pain started and has gotten worse and spread to my side and area under my right rib cage.it is very painful especially when i breathe. I have not had any type of cold ,cough or anything in a long time.

2007-03-05 13:29:17 · 2 answers · asked by jlkilgo2003 1 in Other - Diseases

when I blow my nose it's loud, I can't help it. I get embarressed blowing it in public, but sometimes I have to, wondered what others think. Most younger people (I'm 32) don't even seem to blow their noses, they just sniff a lot it seems, maybe I'm wrong!

2007-03-05 13:28:57 · 16 answers · asked by jcrint 1 in Other - Health


2007-03-05 13:27:58 · 17 answers · asked by Kelsey * 1 in Other - Health

my chest feels weird, like i had too much water.. nad like its hard for me to swallow. it feels like somethings blocked but theres no way thats happening..

what is it?? thats the only weird thing happening.

2007-03-05 13:27:57 · 7 answers · asked by j12 6 in Heart Diseases

I went in for a neck fusion operation and due to complications ended up with ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome. For 2 weeks it was touch and go if I would survive. Now its 3 years later and I am much better but still have shortness of breath as my lungs still have not fully recovered.
I don't feel that my mind is as sharp as it was before the hospital stay. I can't solve problems as easily or concentrate/focus as well. My question is whether this could be due to brain damage due to lack of oxygen when my lungs shut down (pulse OX was down to 45 for a short time at the start), or if it may be from the drug over load of being put in a drug induced coma for 3 weeks... or could it for some other reason resulting from the problem. I just want to know what caused the slower brain function.
Any insight from professionals would be helpful to my psyche.

2007-03-05 13:27:21 · 3 answers · asked by Taoman 2 in Respiratory Diseases

I torn my ankle legiment do they grow back or do i need surgery ?

2007-03-05 13:24:58 · 2 answers · asked by isaac b 1 in Pain & Pain Management


13 years old and i weigh about 100 pounds. and i am 5"0. am i fat or skinny?

2007-03-05 13:24:36 · 24 answers · asked by rosiee cheeks 1 in Diet & Fitness

i was on the pill for basicly one yr befor,stopped for 2 monthes and im back on with a diffent pill. i was wondering how long will it take to the pill to start working? dose the fact i was on the pill befor change anything?

2007-03-05 13:24:28 · 6 answers · asked by Pretty Smiles 1 in Women's Health

If so what are your symptoms when you have an outbreak? How long have you had it? How old where you?

2007-03-05 13:24:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

My best friend, N, has bipolar disorder & recently checked herself into hospital bc she was suicidal. Unfortunately, she checked herself out after a week. Her behaviour & moods are very erratic right now & we are all concerned about suicide and self harm. She has NO routine (even in taking her medication) and she's not caring for herself in terms of food, cleanliness, keeping appointments or socialising. She's quite unwell.
Her parents cannot provide much support besides financial. She has just broken up with her boyfriend of 5 years & he is also very concerned about her state.

We were thinking that perhaps I could move in with her to try to get her into a routine & improve self-care. We also want to work on accountability & responsibility.

Do you think that me living with her could be a good and positive action or do you think there are too many negatives? Will she become too dependent on me?

2007-03-05 13:23:58 · 11 answers · asked by Snow White 4 in Mental Health

I tripped, fell, and scraped my entire right side and banged my left knee. I fell on my awm and now it REALLY hurts. I already soaked in a bath and it didn't help at all. I don't know if I broke it. How can you tell???

2007-03-05 13:23:51 · 8 answers · asked by clggirl234 2 in Injuries

2007-03-05 13:23:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I'm 17 and i'm very bad dealing with pain. The doctor prefer i take all 4 wisdom teeth out at the same time. I was wondering what the precedure is going to be like and how long the whole process is going to take. Also, i would like to know the recovery process and is it going to be as painful as braces? Thx guyss...

2007-03-05 13:22:48 · 4 answers · asked by mary c 1 in Dental

Lately I have been having these farting problems. It seems every 10 minutes I fart and it smells like dead bodies and dog poop. Anyone have any tips?

2007-03-05 13:21:37 · 4 answers · asked by Dave (Proud Flyers Fan) 4 in Other - Health

I got thin stretch marks not very dark on my lower back ,because i lost a lot of weight.Would these strech mark disappear/lighten/vanish after I gain that much of weight again?

2007-03-05 13:21:06 · 1 answers · asked by Teesha 2 in Skin Conditions

When I talk to a Canadian I can deal better as for o.h.i.p.
How do I make sure I am talking to a Canadian?
Better leverage for me as I know all ground rules.

diana d

2007-03-05 13:21:04 · 2 answers · asked by Diana D 5 in Other - General Health Care

best answer goes to SHORT and SIMPLE.

2007-03-05 13:20:40 · 7 answers · asked by MJ 1 in Infectious Diseases

ive heard that if you use toothpaste for a prolonged period of time it can give you cancer. there is some ingredient in the paste that can give you cancer. Is this true?

2007-03-05 13:19:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

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