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Health - 21 February 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

how many mirrors would I need?
part two/would you help?

2007-02-21 15:21:50 · 12 answers · asked by Altonio 2 in Other - General Health Care

when I wake up this morning I have nausea,stomach cramp,diarrhea,fever,legs pain,

I try to eat some soup and I throw up


I was fine before go to bed somebody knows
if in Phoenix area is present some kind of intestinal flu?

2007-02-21 15:21:34 · 4 answers · asked by Gunny 2 in Other - Diseases

I'm doing a research paper on anorexia nervosa. I'm in high school and we're required to write a research paper. I'm really confused about what I should write about. My thesis is Popular culture contributes to anorexia. What should my topics and subtopics be?

2007-02-21 15:20:52 · 4 answers · asked by aNdwenNy 2 in Other - Diseases

2007-02-21 15:19:55 · 7 answers · asked by lovely 1 in Women's Health

My 2 1/2 year old daughter has a void in tooth B. They said she will have a cap and root canal it does not hurt her right now we found it on a check up. I am scared they said it was a baby root canal. Is this common? Should I be worried? I just don't know what to do. NO RUDE ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-21 15:18:39 · 7 answers · asked by dreamer 2 in Dental

I recently realized i really want to lose some weight cause i want to attract the ladies :D and have a more self confidence. This is always a biggie in most teens my age. Being 238 lbs at the age of 16 in not fun. Can someone give me some tips on what to do.

2007-02-21 15:16:31 · 30 answers · asked by Elendilz 1 in Diet & Fitness

2007-02-21 15:16:01 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I know drug dogs can smell areas where drugs such as cocaine were at up to two weeks after it has been removed? is this true with other substances as well?

2007-02-21 15:14:39 · 2 answers · asked by Kara G 1 in Other - Health

I know most of them but i wanna know more about it. One of them is a wierd noise in your head am i correct. I get sudden bad tastes in my mouth. And when i yawn my ears crackle. and sometimes my ears pop when i chew and i have the keep chewing to try to un pop them. I get a cold rush go down my legs when i get nervous. And i often think of things that would never happen. I have been having bizarre and wierd dreams. And that feeling that someones squeezing your heart. And now tension headaches ever day and it feels like a rubber band is around my head.

2007-02-21 15:13:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

Usually the depression lasts abotu 3-5 or so days, and is generally a month apart. At first i thought that i could be PMS, but it isnt for sure. During these bouts i cry at least once a day, usually more, and I feel so insecure and have lost all self-esteem. I feel like no one in the world should even have to waste their time looking at me, let alone talking to me or trying to help me through this time.

2007-02-21 15:12:26 · 13 answers · asked by applerad 2 in Women's Health

Here I am 34...single and very unhappy. I say that I am happy being single ..and dont want a monkey on my back. I feel bitter at the sight of a happy couple..and wish I too was a "couple" I havent dated in years and my last b/f was not a good experience and left me bitter and cold. And just plain unahppy with my life and every aspect of it. Things and people in my life bother and irritate me where I feel I should be on nerve pills! Does anyone else feel like this and giving me advice as to what I can do.

2007-02-21 15:12:26 · 13 answers · asked by blondie34 1 in Mental Health

My Knee hurts when i walk on it...Yesterday i came home from school and ran and then my knee started hurting can anyone help me? I can't even walk right.

2007-02-21 15:12:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

On occasion (2x or 3x a week) I take Clairitin-D for my sinuses. I believe I am allergic to dust or maybe the cat. My sinuses bother me all winter, so I'd guess dust (itchy/stuffy/headaches), and yes I do dust and have my furnace filter replaced. I take no other meds.

On the Clairitin-D 24-hour ---anyone know if that's what's keeping me awake? I only sleep 2 hours to 4 hours at a time. Benadryl makes me way too sleepy to function unless I take it at bedtime but then I'm stuffy all day & I'm knocked out too long & sleep late. I need some antihistamine & some nasal decongestant in amounts that relieve symptoms, yet help. Solutions?

2007-02-21 15:11:29 · 14 answers · asked by Lake Lover 6 in Allergies

My mom said she had acne but not severe, She said zit come up on her face here & there. But I dont want acne when iam older iam not 16 yet but ive noticed a few pimples occuring on my cheeks not too noticable but i dont want any more :[
I have pimples on my forehead & alot of scars.
Ehh i feel so embaressed talking about this
But any help (no proactive) to prevent or get rid of scars?

eh thanks

2007-02-21 15:11:01 · 2 answers · asked by beatbox 1 in Skin Conditions

I had a cavity filled on Tuesday (the 20th). I had already had a previous cavity in this tooth filled with amalgam, and my dentist removed this filling, removed the cavity, and replaced it with a composite filling. I noticed that this new filling has chipped and fallen out, leaving a large gap on the occusal surface of my first molar. The gap is dark in colour, leading me to beleive that there is still amalgam in the tooth (there is no way I developed massive decay in one day) where the composite was laid.

Obviously I am calling my dentist first thing tomorrow to schedule an emergency appointment, but is there anything I can do to protect my tooth in the meantime? Since discovering the hole I have been genty brushing it regularily, and using a needle-less syringe to flush it with fluoride-containing listerine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am getting my wisdom teeth out on friday, so this needs to be resolved before then.


2007-02-21 15:08:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

Do you think the bite will get infected?

2007-02-21 15:07:58 · 23 answers · asked by mighty_power7 7 in Other - Health

the dr said yesterday it was a virus but the fever is back again today she is taking kids moltron for the fever tomarrow will be 6 days with a fever coming and going can anyone tell me why and what to do now

2007-02-21 15:07:52 · 3 answers · asked by Tanya 1 1 in Infectious Diseases

I bought Redline from the store, and i noticed that are many cautions and warnings that are on the bottle. I want any info you guys may have on these pills called Redline and any advice that you may offer before i try it tonight.

2007-02-21 15:07:35 · 1 answers · asked by Shaboobalaboopie 1 in Diet & Fitness

if you kneel down on it it REALY hurts......especially me because i am younger. My mom said hers has gottem tougher. Its so weird.......it is just below the kneecap. does anyone else have this? what is it?

2007-02-21 15:07:21 · 1 answers · asked by wakeupcall 3 in Other - Diseases

My brother is only 13 and at an early age he was diagnosed as Bipolar and Adhd, he takes medicine to control him but it doesn't seem to work and I know that my parents have tried it all. I don't know what to do, my patientence with him is wearing thin, he's really abusive physically with my younger brother who's only 9. He'll throw tantrums, kick things, throw things and even starts hitting people. When my parents or me tell him something or try and reason with him things always end up out of hand, there are times when he'll try and runaway or kill himself. We've tried everything.
I need some sort of advice, something to tell him that we may not be on the same page, but I'm willing to be here for him and help him through things. What can I do?

2007-02-21 15:07:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

I keep having panic attacks (i think they are...) and I feel like I want to go home. I'm 14 and I feel like an idiot because I can't spend the nite at ppl's houses w/out wanting to go home. I just get a weird feeling in my stomach and I don't know what to do. We are poor and can't afford pshyciatrists....my mom thinks its a bunch of bull...and I want to avoid meds...i will take if i have to though

2007-02-21 15:05:23 · 9 answers · asked by brown eyed gurl 2 in Mental Health

Can you drink water?

2007-02-21 15:04:56 · 5 answers · asked by dmgue 1 in Heart Diseases

i hadnt had my period since almost 3 months...i am 15 and i had my first period when i was 11..is this normall

2007-02-21 15:03:55 · 4 answers · asked by adventureisrighthere 2 in Women's Health

I am 43 year old male, and am feeling overall poorly. I am strong and all that, but I just feel weak and tired, and I have difficulty getting good sleep. I recently was diagnosed with sleep apnea and am using the CPAP machine, but I still wake up tired and cant maintain my sleep through the night. I still drag through the day with tiredness, weakness, and depression. A friend suggested a series of tests his naturepathic doctor took him through including hormone levels check, hair, and spittle test...but he didnt know what the other tests available to determine chemistry and nutritional deficiencys might be. Wondering if anyone could advise me on what tests to have my doctor adminster.

2007-02-21 15:03:55 · 5 answers · asked by Michael R 1 in Other - Diseases

Hi everyone! I made up my mind to pierce my tongue!!! The problem is I moved to MA only a few months ago and quite unfamiliar with the area. I'm looking for a proffessional studio and professional piercer. CAN ANYONE RECOMMEND A SAFE PIERCING PLACE TO GO???? If you live here and have some info PLEASE help!!! Any website info??? It's really important for me ... I will appreciate your advice. Lots of thanks!

2007-02-21 15:03:21 · 2 answers · asked by Candy 1 in Dental

Always feel wierd going into "special stores". A place that sells dildos would be great too or any other suggestions besides doing you (sry)

2007-02-21 15:02:27 · 8 answers · asked by CC&C 1 in Women's Health

I always wondered about man liking long or short hair and also like to know do man really prefer blondes? Thinking about cutting my hair and changing it to dark ( I got long red hair).Sorry guys but I'am just curious. Thanks a lot for the Info !! Hugs , Nicole : )

2007-02-21 15:00:43 · 12 answers · asked by Nicole C 2 in Heart Diseases

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