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Health - 12 February 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

Why do some men and women use ky jelly and other "wet" products like that? Do some people really have a hard time getting wet? Are these products strictly for sex, or OTHER sexual purposes? I guess I just don't understand the purpose of any of these lubricants. No disgusting or rude comments please, thanks =)

2007-02-12 22:49:16 · 11 answers · asked by mattysmommy2004 4 in Women's Health

i have used it before just this time it gave me chemical burns =[ and there still burning i put some calming gel on it but its still burning everything makes it worse what do i do ?

2007-02-12 22:37:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

2007-02-12 22:34:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

also im a new user so by mistake i clicked on "choose as best answer" and it became a resolved question pl guys im sorry. could some one suggest me some natural treatments

2007-02-12 22:33:57 · 8 answers · asked by Tanya 1 in Women's Health

what shall i have for lunch???

2007-02-12 22:33:04 · 25 answers · asked by ViXoNvEe 2 in Pain & Pain Management

When I was in the Philippines, I thought I would visit Chinatown to try some Chinese herbal remedies for insomnia, mild depression, and mood swings. The doctor gave me some An Shen, two tablets a day before going to bed. They were great but I've now run out.

I went to visit a Chinese herbal doctor back in the UK to ask if she could give me some more AnShen. She said it was bad to take it long term and instead prescribed some dried sawdust and rat droppings (ok, maybe it wasn't, but it looked like it). They didn't work and were hellishly expensive anyway. Plus I had to take 24 tablets 3 times a day, which again didn't work.

What are the problems with taking Anshen long term? Can I get hold of any in the UK?

2007-02-12 22:29:49 · 0 answers · asked by Geoff M 5 in Alternative Medicine

I have symptoms of UTI (Nocturia, and frequent urination with little urine at night) . So I went to the doctor and have given me antibiotics for five days. After the antibiotic treatment Ciproflaxacin, I had my symptoms still... So they tested my urine... Its already cleared of bacteria. So they gave me potassium citrate mixture and urogesic. After the treatment, I still feel the symptoms, so I went back again... The doctor had tested my urine again. Its positive for red blood cells and white blood cells. So he gave me another antibiotic Cephalexin now, I have to take it for four more days. Yesterday after my first day treatment, I still feel the symptoms...I'm afraid... and I get worried when night comes because I feel the symptoms at night. What do you think it is?
What you thik are the possibilities of this?

2007-02-12 22:29:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

After i have sex with my wifem and after i complete ejaculation i feel an immediate urgency for toilet. I have to just pull out and rush to the toilet immediately. This is playing a spoil sport in the last important minutes of the climax and my wife is not happy at all. She wants to hold me on till the last. Its so embarasing...i even pissed in her () once due to this problem.....PLZ help me out with this. I even tried drinking less water ..but no go....plz help me..

2007-02-12 22:28:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

i mean, like that of BRUCE LEE....

2007-02-12 22:23:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

I fell down my stairs yesterday and banged up my left arm pretty good. I went to the hospital and they x-rayed it and said it wasn't broken, but then put me in this wonderful splint and told me to leave it on until I could follow up with my doctor.
The splint is making me nuts!!! If nothing is broken why would they do this?

2007-02-12 22:23:45 · 4 answers · asked by raven44012 4 in Injuries

it kinda freaked me out so if anyone has any info id apprecitate it...

2007-02-12 22:21:46 · 2 answers · asked by rockstop_cry 2 in Other - Health

Biologically speaking how does it boost your immune system and why is it not good to take it for too long?

2007-02-12 22:19:20 · 7 answers · asked by mattJ 3 in Alternative Medicine

Ever time someone talks about or says tampon I go extremely weak ata the legs. I tryed to use one but I went really,really weak,why?

2007-02-12 22:19:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

is there meant to be any permanant belly button lint in ur belly button coz ive had some for ages i noticed like a year or so ago and it doesnt come out. is a bit meant to be there all the time to plug ur belly up so ur guts dont fall out or someting?????? its like as big as this ( )

2007-02-12 22:16:43 · 3 answers · asked by Starfish 2 in Other - Health

Does pressing or massaging or rubbing ur tummy help the pain when you have a stomachache? If not why is it that so many people still do that? Or is it just to show others that your stomach is aching and maybe get some sympathy or advice?

2007-02-12 22:15:06 · 3 answers · asked by widebelts 3 in Other - Health

2007-02-12 22:13:41 · 7 answers · asked by Karen D 1 in Cancer

Is this some hormonal disorder?

2007-02-12 22:07:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

I have been feeling very tired lately, but it's not the normal, I-didn't-get-enough-sleep tired. It's hard to get the energy to even walk across the room. I've been having chest pains and a sore throat. Also, I didn't think much about it at first, but my ankles and knees have been sore when I'm running, which has never happened before. I'm really concerned about this, but I don't want to go into the doctor's office if it's nothing.
Thank You.

2007-02-12 22:04:26 · 6 answers · asked by scapulagirl1990 2 in Other - Diseases

I do 90 minutes of excerise on my bike most days, and 45 minutes on the days I can't. It's been almost two weeks since I started. I don't feel any weight loss, but I do feel a lot more energetic and better.

I am female, age 21, and a size 14. Just above 11 st. My pulse rate can go up to 130-150 so I know I've been working hard. My diet, well, I don't overeat, but I have a tendency to eat tooo little in a day. Chocolate, fried food etc I will probably touch once in two weeks.

2007-02-12 22:04:02 · 20 answers · asked by S 1 in Diet & Fitness

hi guys ! any one out there had this expireince of feeling over heated , sweaty from mild activities , unable to weat heavy clothes,
heat intolerance,, if some did all type of medical diagnosis including thyroid tests ,,,every thing jst normal ,,,if some one had this ex,,, and survived by getting an improvised solution pls pls pls let me know ,,,as as many people you know ,,im some how stuck and wet

2007-02-12 22:03:02 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I have just split up from my partner whom i was very much in love with. This has really hurt me and ever since I have had a constant heavy feeling on my heart, it feels like it is beating faster than usual and it hasn't slowed down at all, its been like this now for over a month and it keeps me awake at night. How can I get rid of it, is it literally a' brokenheart' and when will it go away?

2007-02-12 22:01:25 · 10 answers · asked by Laura K 1 in Other - Diseases

i currently have a really bad cough and have had asthma all my life i was taking ibruphin pain killers because i was tender but they started off an asthma attack and i have not had 1 sinse i was born

why did it set my asthma off?

2007-02-12 22:00:33 · 4 answers · asked by Loz 2 in Respiratory Diseases

Hi. I'm 15, 5'8, 125 lbs, and I've had my period for about 3 years. Randomly yesterday I noticed some blood in my panties, but I thought it was just spotting (which I've had before) but now it's heavy and I think I got my period 2 weeks early.

My last period ended on January 26th.

Is this normal?

2007-02-12 22:00:33 · 6 answers · asked by Ashley 1 in Women's Health

2007-02-12 22:00:08 · 7 answers · asked by qween B 1 in Other - Health

I've been on the pill for the past 2 years and I really would like to have a check up but as I said I cannot afford to pay hundred of pounds for it...any suggest? please help!

2007-02-12 21:58:27 · 6 answers · asked by monjka l 2 in Women's Health

I injured my left knee (sprain) during a sporting event 6 weeks ago. First few days I followed the self-care directions (cold packs, elevated above heart while sleeping, no load on the weak knee etc.). There is no significant pain but when I wake every morning there is stiffness, swelling in the knee area and a dull pain until I warm up with some strech exercises. After a warm shower it is ok. But by evening, the pain is back with a bit of swelling.

What advice you have for me to get back strength in my knees. I am dying to get back to my favorite sport - Tennis.

2007-02-12 21:55:28 · 10 answers · asked by lusktuffar 3 in Pain & Pain Management

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