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Health - 21 September 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

2006-09-21 06:50:03 · 14 answers · asked by Robert H 1 in Men's Health

I tried so many different ways! i tried to give my self cancer by being aroung this carbon 14 and then i tried a rope around my neck and kick the bucket from under me. What did you guys do i need help! i gotta go so i dont have to take the history test!

2006-09-21 06:48:59 · 66 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine

I've tried a lot of pain relievers, but none of them work that great. Are there any home remedies that relieve cramps, any exercises? I've heard that pressing on the pressure points in your ankles can work, but I never seem to find them.

Don't suggest medicine to me, as I don't have a way of getting any. All I have is Motrin and it's doesn't work that great. They're not too painful, it's more of...they're in the way of my daily routine and just want them to go away.

2006-09-21 06:47:38 · 20 answers · asked by H.L.A. 7 in Women's Health

Why do my eyelids swell, my eyesight become blurry, my neck & shoulder muscles spasm & hurt, my arms and hands get cold & numb, my blood pressure & pulse become dangerously elevated & I get exhausted when I'm exposed to any synthetic fragrance (soap, shampoo, perfume, air freshener, dryer sheets, etc) ?

2006-09-21 06:47:24 · 6 answers · asked by wolfmom 2 in Other - Diseases

I went to the GYNOchologist to get my vagina checked out because i had realy bad pains and he put his fingers in my vagina and i came evey where and i was so embarased and ran out is this unusual and what should i do

2006-09-21 06:45:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

im very serious about this so can i have serious answers (pretty please) its about my youngest daughter she`s only 7 but shes started to reek of sweat under her arms i keep her clean she has a bath at night and a shower before school she wears a clean uniform for school and gets changed in the after noon to play out. I can`t understand it , little kids sweat isn`t supposed to smell like that is it?`ive had to start letting her use my deodorant but i`m not 100% if its ok to use it at that age

2006-09-21 06:41:20 · 27 answers · asked by keny 6 in Other - Health

does water come out if you cough, or laugh? I keep a piece of toilet paper in my underwear at all times (even when I don't have my period) and use it like a pantyliner - only better because I throw it out and put in a fresh one everytime I go to the bathroom. This way my underwear is always fresh and dry. But during my period - I can just cough and water comes out! Does this happen to anyone else?

2006-09-21 06:40:06 · 11 answers · asked by applesherrytwist 2 in Women's Health

2006-09-21 06:38:01 · 2 answers · asked by JILLYMG1 1 in Other - General Health Care

ok i have rad some crap on the net about them and dunno maybe i understand it wrong , what about this superficial charm ? everybody uses it not only them.. learned from others because u cant learn this in shcool or i dont know from where else and its really good to fool girls (y? bcause they do the same so they deserve to be fooled too) ,and whats about with ppl in general y want to be friends with such selfish ppl who dont wanna help you? they r all the same they born and after that they die nobody will remember theyr names but they think that they are oh so great (just because they have an ugly greasy stupid gf) or because they learned to masturbate at the age of 30 watching monkey planet not to mention that these baboons are laughing in your face just because ur not like them these a$$holes deserve to live the rest of theyr lives paralised on a hospital bed, and u can say wathever you want because theres no way that youll hurt my "feelings".belive it or not school made me like this

2006-09-21 06:34:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

sometimes my blood pressure gets low like 90/60. i know thats normal for some people, but i get very sleepy and feel weak when mine gets like that.

2006-09-21 06:34:09 · 5 answers · asked by HatesMondays 4 in Other - General Health Care

2006-09-21 06:32:44 · 19 answers · asked by philip z 1 in Mental Health

I am doing a report based on like foods that are given hormones (as in meat etc...) to make them grow faster, and like altering foods etc and mix-matching genes in foods etc to feed the ever-growing population of the world. Anyone know anything about this, or have some good websites? Thanks.

2006-09-21 06:32:15 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I am 27 and still a virgin...sometimes when I have my period it will last for like 3 months...then it goes away for about a week and then it starts again for like a month...and its not just spotting its a heavy flow...also a lot of clots...a lot of clots...i haven't been to a doctor b/c in all honesty i'm kinda scared what he will say...does anybody have any ideas?...thanks and have a nice day...

2006-09-21 06:30:42 · 22 answers · asked by bostitchzoo 1 in Women's Health

i have had tightness in my chest for 10 months now. I have had EKGs, Chest xrays,and blood work, all cam back normal. Doctors have said it's anxiety.
I have the tightness everyday, I have noticed that if something stressful is happening it tightens up more, I get shortness of breath, racing thoughts, what if thinking, and my throat feels tight.
My main troublesome symptom is the tightness in my chest in my left pec region. Doctors hav said nothing is physically wrong with me. I can't seem to shake it off, that there could be something serious wrong, and the doctors missed something. My mom tells me, to calm down, not all the doctors I have seen are wrong.
I called my doctor one day and he told me to see a psychiatrist.

Could I been over reacting?
Has anyone else had tightness in their chest everyday?
Please help.

2006-09-21 06:30:02 · 9 answers · asked by Amy C 2 in Mental Health

spots in the middle figure.could you suggest some cream or medicine to tacle this.

2006-09-21 06:29:38 · 8 answers · asked by charm g 1 in Other - Health

Near San Diego preferably, live-in facility preferred

2006-09-21 06:27:53 · 18 answers · asked by frenchpm@sbcglobal.net 1 in Diet & Fitness

i had surgery for this condition 5 years ago .they did a third vetrlectomy on me that was suppose to clear it up but a recent mri and various symptoms show that its back. whats the next step?a shunt? my neorelogist doesn'know. someone please help me. i'm a 43 year old female.

2006-09-21 06:27:34 · 4 answers · asked by karen s 1 in Other - Diseases

2006-09-21 06:25:38 · 1 answers · asked by havingfun 4 in Women's Health

-height weight chart
-girth measurement
-hydrostatic weighing

2006-09-21 06:22:29 · 5 answers · asked by Bianca Boo 1 in Other - Health

I don't let them upset me anymore as I just ignore them now, but when they know you are having your first baby, some of them just delight in telling you horror stories and trying to frighten you.

You can see the 'mad' gleam in their eyes as they regale you with stories of how their baby 'came out sideways and weighed 200lb and they needed 80000 stitches and 70 million pints of blood...

How do they sleep at night? Probably they are so boring that having a baby was the only interesting thing they ever did and they don't care who they traumatise as long as it gains them a pittance of attention for 3 minutes...

The more they crave a reaction the more I ignore them! Any inspiring stories of labour and childbirth I wonder?

I'm getting a bit more nervous now as the big day approaches!

2006-09-21 06:21:59 · 8 answers · asked by Yvonne D 5 in Women's Health

I am pretty young and I have a lot of wait on my shoulders. I have an apartment, a fiance, college, two jobs, and a baby on the way. Sometimes it feels like all of that wait is gonna crash down on me. I'm not looking for suicide prevention or anything...it's not like that. I just wanna here from other people that have tons of stress like me and how they deal with it because I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with mine.

2006-09-21 06:21:30 · 12 answers · asked by limpkornrock7 1 in Other - General Health Care

Not that im going to try it...Yuck!!!

2006-09-21 06:19:43 · 30 answers · asked by bunnykins1980 3 in Other - Health

If so why or why not?

2006-09-21 06:18:28 · 6 answers · asked by motherpeanutbutterbutinsky 6 in Mental Health

I am just wondering... I have a shape like Marilyn Monroe, but I always see the boys in my school with skinny girls... I am thinking about dropping some pounds. What do you think?

2006-09-21 06:18:06 · 17 answers · asked by Ohay 3 in Diet & Fitness

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