I took my child to a speech and language therapist and she has told me my daughter has indistintiveness during conversation,and delay in expression,grammer,and mainly in past tense.mildly delayed in vocabulary,and word finding difficultys.I have to go back in 6 months to see the therapist,i have to do modeling,word finding etc. my daughter has had 2 abnormal eegs and have been told by my daughters psychiatrist that he is almost certain it is absence seizures or temporal lobe epilepsy as we have had strange things going on with my daughter [voices,feeling things crawling on her usually on going to bed now and then and she sometimes wakes up scared because of this and sleeps with her younger sister and will not go in her own bedroom she is so scared.we have seen aneurologist and wants her to have a mri,lumber puncture,blood tests,under a genaral anastetic,she has been bullied for about 2 years in school physically and verbally[weirdo and freek]but i dont know why.Please any info to help
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Other - Diseases