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Singles & Dating - 19 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

There's this guy that I'm good friends with, and he's in all of my classes at school. Ive liked him a few times, and we dated for a week. While we were dating, we barely talked, so we decided it was pointless. I like him again. Well, some of the time, he's really nice and compliments me, and we laugh a lot together. he says things like "you have nice legs, you smell really good." I always wonder if he likes me. Other times, he can be pretty annoying. The other day, he moved each of his feet around mine (doesn't make sense) and didn't move them for a while. Whenever he gets near me he doesn't move, and does other suggestive things.
Also, the other day I kept telling him to go to the movies with me and some friends and he told me to do something kinda vulgar, "[insert vulgar action here], and I'll go." and I said okay as a joke, and he was like "Really?! Alright!" I know it may seem just like, a dirty joke, but he doesn't say those kinds often.
I just want to know if he likes me too.

2007-05-19 09:14:05 · 7 answers · asked by eightlegzzz 1

ok so im in junior highschool and i dated a boy one grade older than me for about 3 months, then we broke up. its been 4 months since the break up and just a few days ago hes been writting me notes non stop. saying that he misses me, and he thinks we should go to the movies sometime. but im worried because when we used to go to the movies we would always make out, so im thinking all he really wants is just a make out buddy because he is lonely right now? im not sure?

anyways last night i went to a school banquet and looked stunning. i got all dressed up because i knew he would be there and i really like him. i was expecting him to notice me. he didnt. he didnt notice me at all. he didnt even talk to me or anything. it was so confusing. i mean there were guys there that told me i looked great. one guy even asked me to dance.

so whats going on? is he just playing games? was he just nervous? does he actually like me or not? HELP.

2007-05-19 09:10:22 · 7 answers · asked by angle1 1

here is the thing i have to chose between 2 guys and i hate the feeling of guilt...
one who like me and one who loves me but i like the one who likes me more. the one who loves me is so pushy and it annoys me sometimes but is it true that it is better to be loved than to love?
help me plz!!
i like the one who likes me very much we aren't still in the love zone though......

2007-05-19 09:09:04 · 13 answers · asked by fabulous 2

is it also true to say that women think women are as beautiful (if not more) than men. This doen't mean you are homosexual of course... because I really don't understand why women would ever love men. Neither do any women but they do though so... what do you think?

2007-05-19 09:07:00 · 12 answers · asked by n0luckz 2

My bestfriend went to a party and got drunk when her boyfriend told her not to get drunk with other boys and her other bestfriends who were with her told me that she cheated on him and that she was being flirty and forward and got fingered by a senior and shes a freshman(shes not a virgin she lost it to her boyfriend this year) And it was bugging me and I knew it was true and I knew if i I asked her she'd lie so I had to tell her boyfriend because it was his right to now if it was true or not. And I found out it was true and my bestfriend hates me and I lied to her boyfriend and told him it wasn't true so they'd get back toghether and she knows what I did.

2007-05-19 09:05:33 · 8 answers · asked by Ryan 2

I wanted to know what do u do if i love some1 and they know it but want go wth me thx

2007-05-19 09:04:44 · 9 answers · asked by Teckboy 2

2007-05-19 09:00:51 · 10 answers · asked by lulu 1

The only catch is that you will have to critique me, but trust me I AM HOT and SEXY, guys I will not let you down!

Leave your email in the answer if you want some HOTNESS!

2007-05-19 09:00:16 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you split up with a girl you really love. Because you know it will not work out.

I have not got the heart to do it.

2007-05-19 08:56:31 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well i was just curious.Cuz yea, i'm an azn gurl.i just wanted to kno what guys like about us.And plz dont say junk about sex.....cuz i kno thats what a lot of guys say.Just give me ur personal opinion.And if u have further things to say just email me at my profile.

2007-05-19 08:55:24 · 8 answers · asked by ... 2

Ok, I was dating this guy for about 9 months and it was going SO good until he dumps me for this girl he has known 3 years before me. Well, I think he is like madly in love with his girlfriend now, after me, who he has been dating for over a year. But he is always flirting me and stuff like that, ya'll know. I want to tell him to get rid of her and mabye try to get us to go back out but I dont know the right thing to say and school is out in four days so thats all the time I have to do this. What should I say to him or do?

2007-05-19 08:53:59 · 14 answers · asked by Susan R 1

ok this is how it went, my bf sent me an email that technically said he was cheating on me, I confronted him and he came up with an excuse that i didn't quite get so I can't explain it. But he looked me in the eye and said It so I gave him another chance. we don't get much time together at all cuz we have only one class together so I never know who he's wiht or wat he's doing and we're kinda going pretty slow in the realationship thing so we only contact through email and school 6th period at band. and then when the dance came we spent the whole the dance together and the last dance we had barely seen each other. so is he really taking the next step in the realationship? or is it something else? (keep in mind that i am only in the junior high and this is my first boy friend.)

2007-05-19 08:53:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok me and this kid i like get along reallly well and joke around and stuff and i feel like we have a connection. but i dont kno if he likes me and i dont know how to show him i like and i dont know how to ask him out!!! im so confused and im flipping out. pleez help me

2007-05-19 08:51:17 · 7 answers · asked by softballbabi363 1

I mean, is any attitude whether positive or negative better than no response at all.?

2007-05-19 08:50:48 · 15 answers · asked by lovelyeyes 1

I am trying to start dating again. I live a straight edge christian lifestyle. The problem I am running into is that younger women are living a promisuous lifestyle. Constant partying. I like to have a good time, but in moderation. If I date older women, alot of them are unable to bear children, and are mentally broken due to what they did in their youth. They are broken down physically, more often than not, having multiple children by multiple guys. I feel like if I don't lessen my values, I am never going to be able to have a relationship. Yet if I do lessen those values and settle for a physically busted up alcoholic mental trainwreck, I am just asking for a failed relationship. What's a man to do?

2007-05-19 08:44:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My intimate friend and I have been hanging around closely since 4 months up till now, ever since this time we share common subjects and humor and share each others happy and bad moments. He knows that I had a bad experience before and told me "Please, don't let your past pain destroys your present happiness, you are complete girl in my eyes, a girl any man would like to spend the rest of his life with." I honestly like him and his advice then he goes telling me "Allow me the chance to rebuild in you the confidence about men, is it possible that it can be you and me in the future?" Is he trying to cheer me up and advice me or is really having some feelings for me? I like him and I guess he likes me when he says "I like you much and you are special to me". So can be that trustworthy person especially when he says "Take enough time and am willing to wait whatever it takes and for many years". Though I like him am afraid to ruin our close friendship if we failed as lovers? any advice?

2007-05-19 08:43:59 · 21 answers · asked by Sara007 5

I need some friends here to talk to about anythings. I got a lot problems in my life asspecialy to my financial.I feel so lonely, I think all of the people that I know go far away to me.I'm 37 years old and on this is not possible to sign up a job, agood thing is build some business I think but I'm not have capital at all.please answer me here or send to my email angels_3_ways@yahoo.co.id as fast as can do

2007-05-19 08:39:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two amazing friends. thier always there for me and i really enjoy thier company. the thing is when we are out with guys, all the dudes are all over them but not me. you see, im not jealous of thier beauty. sure these girls are thin and pretty but i deffinately dont hate them for it! its just that it hurts sometimes when boys are all over them and dont notice me. I'm really good friends with alot of guys. But i just dont get the same attention as them. sometimes the guys i like, like them. it hurts but when i talk to them about it they say "its okay, you are pretty and you have a great personality" i know i have a good personality, other wise i wouldnt have so many frineds but i feel like that isnt enough. i dont know how to explain my hurt to them because neither of them have ever struggled with guys liking them. how do i handle this?

2007-05-19 08:39:15 · 21 answers · asked by Seanyy 3


Was the link to the question that was asked lol, Reading over the answer that were given... WHY is the majority of males answering have a thing with females with brown/black hair?
What makes a female with darker hair more intresting than other females... Its a sign of the time indeed because you would have asked that question 10 years ago, and it would have been BLONDE all the way down

2007-05-19 08:35:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked one of my friends to ask the guy I have a crush on out for me. I didn't see my crush all day but I saw my friend and he didn't tell me whether my crush said yes or no. However, later I was walking in the hallway and my hair sort of caught the wind in the hair look. I heard someone that sounded just like my crush say "That's her, look at her hair." Before at lunch he had seen me and then when i looked back, by the looks of things he was talking about my hair. What should I do? I think he may have told my friend that he doesn't want to go out with me and I think the reason is because of my hair.

2007-05-19 08:32:10 · 13 answers · asked by Squeeze 2

I developed a bit of a thing for a guy I met after I noticed he was staring at me so much. He'd look at me and the second I'd meet his eyes and catch him, he'd look away. I let this go on for a month, and then I got up the nerve to introduce myself. He's acted scared of me and pretty much ignored me ever since. I've talked to him a few times, and he's nice but he never says much. He'll only talk if I talk to him first, and then the rest of the time he's as indifferent as can be. I gave him my phone number; nothing from him. Sometimes I feel hurt by his indifference and I've admittedly not been as nice back, acting indifferent myself. We've tip-toed around each other for like a month now. If he's uninterested, why doesn't he all out avoid me or just tell me he doesn't want me around? If he's interested, why doesn't he help me out with this and act like he would like to get to know me? We keep running into the same stupid wall and I don't know what it is I'm missing! Help? Thank you.

2007-05-19 08:28:02 · 7 answers · asked by YoungShyCareerGirl 6

i had friends that went out with there cusins and i think that is not right. But is it the same thing with the God sister?

2007-05-19 08:22:23 · 13 answers · asked by mac-mac 1

2007-05-19 08:18:08 · 18 answers · asked by ruby 1

every time a guy tells me i look pretty i just go all imbarresed, what am i supposed to do??

2007-05-19 08:18:07 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok this is what happened. i dated this guy for 2 years. we was going to get an apartment and move in together this summer. i stayed with him every weekend and i always came to him he never came to me to stay which hurt but he had his own apartment and i had a nosy *** roommate. i cleaned his apartment, did his cloths, his grocery shoppin, and 99% of the time i was the D.D cuz he always passed out in the truck on the way home. i did everything for him. he broke up with me 2 days after his birthday and 13 days before mine. he told me he never loved me in the way i loved him and he also said that he met a girl that he constantly thought about all the time. we have been split up since march 19 and he calls me a week ago telling me he didnt mean what he said and he wanted us to try again. then the next day he found out this girl he has been seeing since before he ever broke up with me has genital warts and he has been sleeping with her without a condom. is it just me or karma a *****?

2007-05-19 08:16:59 · 23 answers · asked by Cindy S 2

2007-05-19 08:08:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are there apparent issues showing that as his behaviour, his speech, whatever?!

2007-05-19 08:06:09 · 11 answers · asked by Sara007 5

my boyfriend wants a three sum i strictly like guys i would'nt feel comfortible doing it what do i do to stay with him out of love

2007-05-19 08:04:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that men say hurtful things after a break up? I left a miserable marriage after 15 years. He called me names, cussed me out, accused me of everything, called my mom and kids (telling them all of the same, about me) and months later he never meant it and wants to work things out. WHAT?!?! So now I have gotten out of a 7 month relationship and I get to go through the SAME thing. He runs his mouth, calls me names, makes threats, also calls me mom and threatens to tell my kids. Then when he's calm, he wants to work things out.

The thing is, I am not any of the things either of them have said. And I am 40 years old...why do they call my mom? And why does my mom listen to the crap?

How can I ever trust a man again? I don't deserve to be talked to like that. I don't deserve that kind of disloyalty. Are all men like that when they don't get their way? Why would I go back to someone that calls me names anyway? I'm definately not going back to either one of them!

2007-05-19 08:02:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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