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Singles & Dating - 7 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

my bf of 2.5 years and i were planning to fly to chicago (we live in phx) to attend his sister's wedding and also attend his other sister's high school graduation. we ran into a situation of my rent for my apt being due the week we are gone (i can't leave them a check ahead of time b/c my complex won't take personal checks). my bf was unable to help me pay for it b/c he just had to remodel both his bathroom in his house and it cost him 3 thousand dollars to do so and it left him only 400 in savings. we decided that i should stay here and he go (he'd only be gone for 4 days). after thinking about it, i realized if we were back in 4 days-i could pay my rent when we returned-i emailed him and told him this. he wrote back saying it was easier if i just stayed here b/c he had already told his sister i couldn't come.

i felt hurt that he wants to leave me behind (even if only for 4 days). these are special events that won't repeat themselves and i have to miss them.

what should i do?

2007-05-07 20:44:03 · 14 answers · asked by prncessang228 7

my bf keeps talking about sex. what is sex and how do you do it. how do you french kiss?

2007-05-07 20:43:26 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just recently broke up with my boyfriend, we both bought a condo together 7 months ago and now we're trying to sell it. I broke it off because i never felt that special to him, and he hardly ever wanted sex (and i am attractive),plus he never even tried to fight for me and our relationship the day i broke it up. Please, anyone i need advice, he was happier than me because i was doing everything i could to make him happy, but i just felt taken for granted. Do you think i made the right decision or do you think im blowing things out of proportion? We are both still in love and things are in limbo now since we haven't sold our place now, just a little advice is all i need, Thank you!

2007-05-07 20:34:12 · 15 answers · asked by :) 2

my bf gets defensive so easily and he blows things out of proportion. for example, i ask him "what did you do today" then he shoots back with "are you INSINUATING that i'm CHEATING on you?!" it gets really frustrating b/c i feel like i can't have a normal conversation with him. what gives?

2007-05-07 20:23:03 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

brown skin guy at a night club.. Do you get confused between an Indian or Hispanic or Middle Eastern ? Does it matters if you want to approach him and then decide not to cos its more safe to talk to a white guy instead....

2007-05-07 20:21:31 · 8 answers · asked by Is it ? 2

i admit i did the wrong thing by going through her phone but while i was doing that i discovered a message from an unknown number on her cell phone it was from some guy who went to another school and he said that he didnt know her when i called.....the message pretty much said......ok sweet see you tommorow...now is it something or just a wrong number keeping in mind though that she doesnt have the number in her phone. also should i ask her about it or what???

2007-05-07 20:14:16 · 15 answers · asked by scotty84 2

I think I must be cos it's well early...

2007-05-07 20:13:41 · 13 answers · asked by syrea6 1

my co-worker and I, we've gotten closer and we literally flirt with eachother, and everybody can see it. one night we ended up making out for a few minutes then after the next day, we just talked like nothing happened, just normally. then today i was working, he worked on the other side of the place, we called eachother back and forth talking and i visited him on my break just to say hi, he started talking about that night we made out. i felt happy cause i knew he was still thinking about it. after i got off work, i went over to his side to stay with him until all the guests left. After everybody left, i walked him out to the back since thats were we're suppose to leave. i told him to come over and look at something real quick. i made the move, and we kissed again. it was great (: i honestly dont know what to do right now. should i ask him how he feels? or just let things happen by themselves.

2007-05-07 20:05:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-07 19:55:29 · 11 answers · asked by platoniclove28 2

2007-05-07 19:24:08 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

list as many as u can

2007-05-07 19:20:28 · 9 answers · asked by wizzpack 2

i had crush on my english teacher,when she got married i was angry and stoped talking to her.do u have any such experiance.

2007-05-07 18:50:04 · 28 answers · asked by cloudboy 2

Why do you always make the girl you love suffer?

I'm so sad my boyfriend really upseted me and i have no idea why he's mad at me and he knows that i really get upset and i suffer when he doesn't talk to me.I'm so saaaaaaaad :(

Why do guys do that?

2007-05-07 18:38:18 · 19 answers · asked by californian*girl 2

2007-05-07 18:25:56 · 3 answers · asked by PVT Carroll 1

I’m head over heels for my best friend’s older brother. He recently turned 20, I am about to turn 18. He lives at home so I see him all the time since I spend all my time at their house. I also see him at school occasionally since he works as an intern with the schools engineer. We talk and joke around a lot, I make good eye contact, etc etc. but I’m not sure if he thinks I’m only interested in him as a brother.

He’s kind of secretive/mysterious when it comes to girls but I do get the vibe that he may be interested in me. I don’t want to scare him away, but I do want to show him that I defiantly do not consider him to be like a brother.

What should I do? What shouldn’t I do?

2007-05-07 18:07:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

when you say you are married and that you flirt with other men when they do not know you are married until they ask you. shouldn't you always wear your wedding band no matter what cuz you love your man and that you married for many reasons.

2007-05-07 18:05:57 · 8 answers · asked by sweetnstubbornsensitive 3

I really like my best friend’s older brother. He is 20, lives at home, and I am 17, almost 18 about to graduate High School. He’s a really regular guy, which I what I love about him. We are getting to know each other better everyday, and we talk when I’m over at their house, which is like 24/7. I am already making good eye contact with him, saying hi to him when I see him, listening to when he’s talking, and he’s really funny and I let him know I think he’s funny by laughing at his jokes. I’m really comfortable around him but I’m worried that he might be taking all these things not as flirtatious but as sisterly even if he is interested in being more than just like a big brother figure to me.

How can I show him I want to be more than just honorary siblings with him without being overtly sexual? Is there anything else I should be doing? Anything I should make sure not to do?

2007-05-07 18:00:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-07 18:00:34 · 15 answers · asked by Rohan 1

I like this girl, really pretty used to be a model, we are in high school. She will always talk in a cute voice when she is around me, when we talk I try to look deep into her eyes and she does the same you know. I bent over her shoulder she put her hand on my neck and pulled me in, she always wants back massages and she will find excuses to touch me. It seems to me like she is a flirt but also have a feeling that she likes me, sometime she is really nice and cool and sweet other times she is a total ***** to me. I guess I try too hard sometimes only with this girl though, other girls I push away seem to like me. Do you guys think she likes me?

Oh and we were on the subject of phone numbers and she goes "Oh I never got your phone number" and smiled, I just want to know ya'll's opinions before I drag this on and end up getting REJECTED. lol

2007-05-07 18:00:02 · 7 answers · asked by xxsoonerxx 1

My boyfriend just dump me because he turn back to his ex. When he dating me he told me he want to forget her and start a new life with me. I believed and in those three months we really had good time together. One day he left me without any notice I was shocked. Cause we just plan to spend a weekend together but he didn't show up. Later he call me back told the truth. He try to use me to forget his ex. I was trust him no baggage between our relationship. But...I don't know how do I face to my next relationship.

2007-05-07 17:59:29 · 5 answers · asked by broken heart 1

the most amazing sexual partner in your life, but you had nothing in common with and fought constantly?

Difficulty: no cheating or masturbation.

2007-05-07 17:54:33 · 16 answers · asked by milvis23 2

There is this man that works in the a pharmacy in the same supermarket I work in. I've had an on-going crush on him for about five months. He comes into my store to eat every now and then. We see each other when we get off of work here and there but we never say much to each other. I'm to shy to tell him that I like him, and i'm really starting to obsess over the guy. I bought him flowers for valentines day a few months back but I was to afraid to ever tell him that I sent them to him. What should I do? He is very nice to me, and even bought me something in the check out line when I forgot my money in the car a few days ago. Maybe i'm just crazy.

2007-05-07 17:47:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-07 17:45:58 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

What exactly does other plans mean? We text back and forth, and get together to hang out every other day. It's been a gradual thing but going on for a couple of weeks. I asked about he weekend, he didn't send me anything back. I asked about getting the tickets to the movie, he said he had other plans. I was upset thought - forget it. But his text came back the day after other occured asked if I was mad and wanting to hang out. Then skip another day, then another text came what are you up too. I didn't reply back as my friends said to forget it. I went to the a place with friends where I thought he might be and there he was walking around with somebody else - 4 years his senior but all the guys view her as the hot chick. I might add after getting with me, another friend said he made a bet with this girl to go out on a date with him if he bowled better. I have feelings but i just don't know if their returned.

2007-05-07 17:43:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my girlfriend broke up with in january cuz she was pissed at me...told me i acted like a kid and was immature etc etc...anyway she also ended it by saying ''this will be the last time you hear from me...'' ever since then, we still are emailing each other. yes she does reply. what is wrong with her? playing hard to get or still havent let go of me?? whatd you think?? in one email she told me, if you stopped acting like a kid, you'd be at least bearable....'' i dont need you in my life, nor do you need me in your life.'' ?????

2007-05-07 17:43:21 · 26 answers · asked by ghetto393 1

I previously wrote a question about my ex because we broke up and he still drives by my house. But anyway now I want to know what is going on in "guys'" heads! My ex is 30 and i'm 22. Yet I seem to be the more mature one. I want to talk and communicate and he just shuts down. We broke up because he says he can't trust me. (I didn't do anything really) I just maintain relationships with guy friends. He has a major fit about it! He goes into a jealous rage whenever we talk, he can't stand me talking to another guy, he says I "flirt" when all I do is smile and be friendly because I don't want to be snooty to anyone. Come on help me out? Are guys insecure, how can I make it better? (Hopefully we get the chance to work on it)

2007-05-07 17:40:08 · 23 answers · asked by Michelle 1

First time of having sex?
I am really REALLY confused about the first time having sex. I don't exactly know that I will be having sex any time soon but I am planning ahead. I have heard just about everything about it. Truthfully, does it hurt the first time? I am a guy, and I know it probably won't hurt ME, but will it hurt my girlfriend? Will it hurt for a long time or just for the first few minutes? Should we go slow or fast? Will it bleed and how much? Please I need ANSWERS!!

2007-05-07 17:40:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My best friend has supposedly found the love of his life. They are having a long distance relationship. He says he loves her but he is continueing talking to other girls and having sex with other women. I've tried to talk to him about it. Bout his answer is "I just dont want to get hurt." What should I do?

2007-05-07 17:37:47 · 13 answers · asked by buddyrex_2001 1

I started talking to this girl that I used to have a thing with (we went out a few times but nothing really happened), see we used to go to the same school, but i moved, and now i go to a different school, its still in the same town. Well I was talking to her and she kept saying how much she missed me and how I always made her laugh. I also told her about this job I have and she said that she would stop by to see me sometime. Im grounded right now, so i cant acctually ask her out for a while, but this girl has a history for being a tease, and I think she is doing it again. Should i just give up and move on, or should i see if shes being sincere. Last time she pulled this sht on me i ended up hating her for months and id rather not get hurt again if I can avoid it.

2007-05-07 17:34:35 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous


how do i win him back and/or make him see what hes missing out on?????

2007-05-07 17:34:25 · 17 answers · asked by Liss 1

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