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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

so guys...
if a girl was slightly over weight, not obese, but has large bazongas, nice eyes, smile, butt and personality (main qualities guys look for in a girl)...do these assets make up for the extra weight and unperfect size 2 figure..
super interested in your thoughts.. and be honest
thanks guys!

2006-12-25 17:54:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I usually text this girl Im interested in during the day, but I don't get a response till later at night. Most of the time she works late, but there are some occassions where I know she isn't working. And I know this girl usually has her cell handy, so why isn't she texting me back sooner?

2006-12-25 17:50:54 · 9 answers · asked by The Red One 1

I have been spending time with a guy from work and there is a major attraction between us. At first he said we couldnt be anything more than friends because of the eleven year age difference (I am 25 and he is 36), but then changed his mind and said we should give it a try. We went on a few dates and things went really well, but now he is saying we are at different points in our lives and its not fair on either of us. Despite saying this, he still wants to hang out with me and makes comments about how he likes me or how he doesnt trust himself alone with me. I really like him and the chemistry is amazing...Should I pursue this or am I just going to end up getting hurt? Is this such a huge age difference?

2006-12-25 17:49:04 · 12 answers · asked by Katie 1

Does this girl like me or not or is just messing around with my head ?

i like this girl. and she told me one day i looked cute and her friend said i had a cute smile and they both said they saw my myspace pictures and they were like "DAMN". I got the girl i like number. i sent her a message on myspace in which i asked her what she was getting me for christmas. and she told me maybe go 2 the movies....u? i asked her after i get back from texas from my cousin and she asked me when was i leaving and coming back. i only have one problem i dont like all the comments boys leave her and i'm not even sure if she is already messing with someone. oh yeah i almost forgot my friend told me earlier in the year that she liked me and she said she didn't. and the other day im in the hallway and she asked where was i for like a week. is that a sign? what do you guys think she likes me or not or is she messing with my head

2006-12-25 17:46:52 · 9 answers · asked by EJ 1

ok...me n my b/f have been dating 4 like 3 weeks on thursday...im 14 n he is 13...i was hoping we could hang out over the holidays but idk what 2 do...we both go back 2 skool on the 4...what do we do when we get together??...do we watch movies??...or what??..should we hang out on new years eve??...what do we do??...plz help me

2006-12-25 17:44:30 · 12 answers · asked by cool chic 2no 2

Does having looks and money give a man a bad rap? For example if he is well off and handsome, many women will automatically stereotype him as a player, user, or one night stand.

Now how many percent of women agree with this? And the men? AND WHY? Why assume? Why stereotype? And why not take the risks?

2006-12-25 17:44:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is this guy I like and I sent him a text message at 1:30 pm, and I get a message from him at 5:30pm and it was said it was sent to me at 9:30 am that earlier today. Do you think this was an error or the message he sent me was really sent at 9:30am and not 5:30pm and it just took that long to get to my phone. Does this happend with sending text sometimes?

2006-12-25 17:41:50 · 11 answers · asked by Kemma 3

2006-12-25 17:38:47 · 30 answers · asked by uglyyyyy 1

in the rain? We don't want to get wet!

2006-12-25 17:37:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

how can i make the dates more interesting?

2006-12-25 17:37:37 · 11 answers · asked by secretprincess 1

i really like him but im not to sure he likes me

he looks at me and when i notice he's looking at me his eye's twinkle and he looks away. I was like arm wrestling most of the guys in my class (for fun) and i asked him if he wants to go againts me and hes like no im like why not and he's like because i'll get nervous. He trys to make a lot of people laugh but when he does he's always looking at me. Should i tell him i like him

2006-12-25 17:37:08 · 19 answers · asked by *Glitta n' Gloss* 2

Please help me to understand???????
my ex has been calling me nearly everyday at work coz he doesnt know my mobile number anymore. he broke up with me and he is calling me all the time 'just to say hi' but lately he has been asking me if i have a boyfriend and asking were i have been and things like that and getting jealous. do you think he is wanting to give us a second chance? (i want to get back together with him)..... i dont understand why he is calling me all the time? why??

2006-12-25 17:36:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a friend 2 years older then me im a girl hes a guy, but i was feeling bad one day and i asked why he always treated me like i was a brat and he said that he didnt and the only thing he would do was kiss me but since i didnt like him he never did kiss me he has said something like that twice but he has a girlfriend and i do like him but i dont get what he means by kissing me and likeing me and at one point he wouldnt talk to me b/c i told him i was crazy about another guy CAN YOU HELP ME OUT?

2006-12-25 17:35:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been dating a gemini man for about a month and a half now the first 30 days we talked and spent time with each other alot now i don't here from him that much and i have not seen him in almost 3 weeks did i do something wrong or is he just not interested in me

2006-12-25 17:35:44 · 7 answers · asked by txtx 2

\guys i really need you on this plz plz help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-25 17:34:47 · 8 answers · asked by IZEA 1

here while back my and my friend were being silly and we kissed. But it wasn't like any kiss i have ever had. I have told this person that i love them, but they have ignored me for so long. Now that i have finally moved on, that person wanted me back. I would have taken that person back but, i am dating someong else. So i broke up with my bf for that person. Now that person doesnt want anything to do with me... HELPPPPPP

2006-12-25 17:33:04 · 15 answers · asked by A.C. 3

wat r the sungs if i guy likes u???i have no idea...i talk 2 this guy and he rox and i like him so i told him and he sent back a smily face...we joke, flirt have nicknames 4 each other wanna have each oters babies...as a joke i think...wat u think?

2006-12-25 17:31:51 · 5 answers · asked by Freak 1

There's this guy I'm dating but I'm not into the relationship like he is.I just don't like him the way he likes me.Should I break up with him and not lead him on so much?I think I should stop but how without hurting his feelings?

2006-12-25 17:31:35 · 12 answers · asked by ~pam*a*la~ 1

I want to win him without having sex with him.
How do I get him to chase after me?/

2006-12-25 17:29:06 · 8 answers · asked by loveorlust23 1

Me and my bf broke up last night (we were together about a year and a half) he says he jsut needs time to to figure out what he wants, but hes not gonna date or anything. and tonight we hung out and he kept calling me baby and tellling me he loves me. and then we kept fooling around.

what is he doing with me?
Whats he thinking about?

im soo confused.

He said he DOES eventully see him self gettin back with me.. jsut not right now.


p.s. dont say hes useing me. or that theres another girl. its not htat. i honeslty think hes use to doing that wiht me....

I dont know,

2006-12-25 17:27:58 · 13 answers · asked by FairChild 3

I really dislike playing games. If I like a guy, I have no problem saying it and I don't like waiting around "for the chase" and whatever else goes along in the whole game playing scenario. But what I'm finding is that all the guys I don't like seem to like me more and more (maybe because I'm so distant) while the guys (okay, this one guy) I do like seems to like me less and less (maybe because I'm so direct). Guys, why is this? I thought I was doing everybody a favor by not wasting time. I'm not easy (I'm actually waiting to "be in love" to do the do) so it's not like he had his way and then disappeared. But anyway, for future reference, if I do end up chasing a guy away, is there anyway to make him interested again?

2006-12-25 17:27:18 · 12 answers · asked by ♪ ♥ ♪ ♥ 5

i use to go with this boy who i grew up with in a way. but hes a cheater and the reason why we brake s up is because he cheats but this time he seem so real and ready to be a man and be faithful with me but im scared that he go do it again and i really truly do love him, talk to him everyday just everything. so he asked me to be back with me what should i tell him?

2006-12-25 17:25:52 · 11 answers · asked by Nell 2

I'm looking for a sweet,kind, and caring person.

Is the Library a good place to look?

2006-12-25 17:24:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-25 17:24:44 · 19 answers · asked by panda2006_2007 1

The guy I am with I have been with him for about a year( on and off). He makes me happy but then he gets me upset. Sometimes I feel like I can't say anything to him like in his head its his way or no way. I feel like I have to act like a different person around him.
He wants to start a family with me but I want to be able to communicate with him about anything before that. He makes me very happy but sometimes I wonder if he is the right person for me or not. We are two complete opposite person. He is more of a style like person and I am the complete opposite and i feel sad that I have to constantly keep up with his style because he is "well known" around his way- so that put pressure on me. He is out going and I am shy- I like to keep to myself. I dont like being in crowds and i know that is a factor that he dont like about me.

2006-12-25 17:22:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 17:22:26 · 20 answers · asked by Katleen F 2

How do I get a boyfriend when I can barely carry a conversation with a guy?

2006-12-25 17:20:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well i'm not sure if this boy likes me or not he always is looking at me and when i talk to him i can tell he is listening i always seem to "bump" into him in the hallways and when i talk to him on AIM he always replies "lol" i mean yea the stuff i say maybe be funny, but i didnt think everytime i say something it would be funny, he always flirts with me like he teases me for fun ans stuff like that then he wouldn talk to me for like a day or 2 then he will start talkn to me again................idk i'm so confused?

2006-12-25 17:20:33 · 14 answers · asked by MeggiePoo 1

we've made NO COMMITMENT with each other but I'm falling for him bad. I want him to know that, but i don't know if he gets it.

He calls, but only when i ask him to.
He seems to like hanging out with me, but he also likes hangning out with everyone else.

We're close , but not that close.. what can i do to bring us closer?

should i only make him hang out with me? or should i try and let him hang out with other girls? with me coming?

i know that if he likes me.. nothing will change that, but im afraid that if i let him hang out with this one girl, she'd make him fall for her. the thing is i know she likes him.. but i dont know who HE LIKES. i know though , that he likes someone, he just didnt tell me. Everytime I mention this topic, he gets stuttery and doesnt want to talk about it.

2006-12-25 17:19:08 · 7 answers · asked by sam3345 1

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