Stay away from him
2006-12-25 17:46:48
answer #1
answered by ? 1
You were right to move on from the one that ignored you, but wrong to break up with the one you had just because the other one wanted you back.. All people want what they can't have.
What makes you think this other person isn't going to treat you the same way he did before? I think this other person will and I sure wouldn't break up another relationship over this sap again.
2006-12-26 01:40:06
answer #2
answered by myninny54 3
bu Tyler is a boys name! you meant to say gf not bf dude!
just joking is this other person who kissed you "like no other kiss you have ever had before" a girl? yes that point does matter, no girl wants to be with gay best friend, or any gay guy for that matter. you are a confused young man. try to get back with your ex I guess
2006-12-26 01:44:37
answer #3
answered by michael H 4
You live, you learn.
Think about what you learned from this situation. What did you do wrong? What could you have done differently, and how would that have effected the outcome?
Tuck this away in the back of your mind, and move on. The past is past, and you can't go back.
2006-12-26 01:36:11
answer #4
answered by wnk 5
MOVE ON! you already know that don't you. well, what would make it easier? script out the whole thing like a Mad TV episode, laugh your buns off over it. that work pretty good. share it with your closest friends who won't judge you for being stupid and will laugh and love you even more for such a funny thing.
2006-12-26 01:36:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
wow i think u made a bad choice.u should've found out if the other guy still cares 4 u b4 u broke up with ur bf.well jus try and talk 2 ur bf and he might take u back.well i hope evry thing works out right! MERRY CHRISTMAS! =)
2006-12-26 01:36:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
maybe u shood play a little bit of hard 2 get...guys like 2 think they lucked out by getting u and thats y he liked u wen u had a bf...and it makes u feel special wen guys r in a sense fighting over u
2006-12-26 01:38:01
answer #7
answered by Freak 1
tell him that you wish he were here, that you are just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year, running over the same old ground, and.. what have you found? the same old fears... wish he were here
no.. thats not from a song called wish you were here by pink floyd.. i just made that up really quick, but it works
2006-12-26 01:39:58
answer #8
answered by myFEARisALIEN! 2
i think he only wants something from you, face the consequences for any moves you make. it happens already and next time must learn from mistakes taken ok
2006-12-26 01:39:28
answer #9
answered by jobz 2
gezzzz...! take some time away from people and think about what would happen if u choose ur bf. then think what would happen if u choose ur boyfrend again. then think what would happen if u just left them both and started new.
2006-12-26 01:36:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous