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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I've known him for 6 months now. We go for lunch every week. The more I know him the more I like him. he doesn't have a girlfriend and I know he likes me too. I can feel it. The way he looks at me, touches my hands and shoulders...
Should I take the first step or should I wait?

2006-12-25 18:28:35 · 4 answers · asked by May 1

2006-12-25 18:25:58 · 25 answers · asked by wtfitsnguyen 2

there are girls who can bat their eyes and get a guy by looking pretty and showing off, but what about an average girl who isn't ugly, but is not straight foward about liking a guy. if a girl comes out and says "i like you" what would you (a guy's) reation be? whats the best way for a guy to find out a girl likes you?

2006-12-25 18:24:41 · 9 answers · asked by loverly 2

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years. It has been implied (through small comments we have both made, and by comments and observations made by our families)that we will get married, however we have yet to formally talk about marriage. We just have not had that conversation, I am in my mid-20s, he in his late 20s. I recently finished up a extensive graduate program and he has been working on advancing his career, so the timing of actually getting married/engaged is a few years away. However, I want to intiate the conversation, b/c i just feel it is the right time in our relationship to at least start thinking ahead to that point in time and coming to terms with what we want for our lives. So, how do I go about bring it up? Until now I've been quiet b/c i don't want him to feel like i'm rushing the issue, b/c I definetly not ( i want to send the next year establishing my career) Any ideas?

2006-12-25 18:24:35 · 4 answers · asked by Answer Girl 2007 5

everyone one is always saying... oh __ is way to young to be dating.... well, what is a good age?... im 16, i go out with guys here and there, but not to often--nothing serious... only if i actually feel something for them...

tell me what a good age is for dating, and why its a good age

2006-12-25 18:23:23 · 5 answers · asked by =] 4

2006-12-25 18:20:30 · 7 answers · asked by Marlena J 1

After all, one of the differences in men and women's bodies is the curves or lack there of. How can a man who is supposedly straight not be attracted to curves when they are basically a trademark of the female body?

2006-12-25 18:19:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently started dating this one guy who is out of this world!!! He's the sweetest guy ever!

A year ago I was in an awful relationship and ended up getting really hurt. When I'm with my new man I keep expecting him to do or say things similar to what my last guy did. Keep expecting him to end it. But he never does! Instead he does things that my last guy would never do. How do I keep from comparing him to my last guy? I'm stressing out!!!!

2006-12-25 18:18:38 · 16 answers · asked by Nicolatte 1

Im a teenager, and going on vacation to my moms friends house and he has a girl my age and a guy 3 years oler than me that i met 3 years ago and hes really hot. im a freshmen, hes a junior/senior, i will be living at his house for a week, i am really good looking but i dont know how to flirt with him to make him want to hook up with me. PLEASE HELP!

2006-12-25 18:17:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is for Men i want to know why you feel it's ok to rub things in your ex's face after you break up? like your going to 2 see you new woman and your going to be gone for 3 weeks or more?? i don't understand why you guys do this i'm pretty sure we hurt enuff already

2006-12-25 18:17:10 · 13 answers · asked by Havana 2

ok i asked a girl out and and she said no because she had a boyfriend otherwise her answer might have been different and she also said that she wasnt trying to be mean about it. does that mean she likes me?? and if so wut should i do she doesnt go to my school anymore but she does still live close by my house??

2006-12-25 18:11:29 · 21 answers · asked by LF_90 1

I "like him" like him. He initiates the hug. I have tried twice to say bye without the hug and once he grabbed my haand and pulled me toward him. The other time I WAS flirting, but he went in for the hug. And he gets this look on his face like..."look what I'm looking at!" What's he telling me with this body language?

2006-12-25 18:09:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My fiance is keeping a breakup/love letter from his past girlfriend. She was breaking up with him when she wrote it but it had sweet words in it like, "i will always remember you", and "remember me when you listen to this song..." I asked why he keeps it and he says because it was sweet. He told me it doesn't mean anything to him. what do you think? why do you think he really keeps it? he can't let go? Do you think he still feels something for her?

2006-12-25 18:09:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like him tat's all

2006-12-25 18:08:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


How do you know if your relationship is really real? I have been hurt in the past to the point where I am cold inside. Its like I dont give a dame. But I dont want to hurt my man. He is a good man with a good job(mechanic). He tries to give me everything and wants to have a family with me. I am greatful for all he is trying to do for me, but i just feel like its me. He wants me to love him but I can't even utter the words without sounding fake or looking weird, but I feel like I do/ or may love him. he's a pretty boy so i am afraid that one day I may not be around or we get into an arguement and he may do something to hurt me which I want to avoid. He tells me he love me but I just don't believ him. It sound so fake to me.

2006-12-25 18:04:32 · 7 answers · asked by Ally R 1

2006-12-25 18:03:38 · 12 answers · asked by 21questions 4

Hey, i ve been dating a girl for 4 months already however we never actually talk. Recently i think it became a problem because now she is away and on the phone there is only silence. Could you please give me any suggestions about what to talk to her about. I have plenty of topics to talk to her about but i dont know if talking to her about philosophy, politics, history etc is a good choice.
Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas!

2006-12-25 18:03:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been intimate with my ex-boyfriend for 6 years we both have been in other relationships, but he has a new girlfriend that he really loves but he say he still loves me too and we've even had sex since he's been with this girl. He takes her to visit his family and planning on moving to Texas with her but he says he still loves me. Is it love or still lust after six years?

2006-12-25 18:02:42 · 19 answers · asked by Kiki 2

I was in a relationship with a guy for about 3 years before I found out he was bisexual. It made me really paranoid about who I was dating. I've been dating a new guy for about 6 months and he asked me about going through the back door. I don't know if I'm paranoid and just looking for something....or does that mean that he may swing the other way as well. What do you think?

2006-12-25 18:02:14 · 13 answers · asked by angie20k 4

i was in this chat thing and this girl said u can only get loose after u have a kid is this true or not because i know some girls who havent had kids and guys say there loose...........

2006-12-25 18:00:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

if every one enjoyed their christmas as much as i didn't. my 11 yr old did and i guess thats what matters. but my fiance decided not to come over because he didn't feel well. hell my throat is a lil sore but that didn't stop me from interacting. he came over to bring our 2mo old daughter gifts and for my son at 1pm he stayed bout 30mins. he gave me my gift saturday. i gave him his today he loved it but he didn't call again until almost 11 tonite saying he just don't feel well. maybe he doesn't but it just hurt that he wasn't here does that make me selfish. so anyway i hope everyone else day was better than mine please tell me bout it. i want to feel better

2006-12-25 17:59:56 · 10 answers · asked by k2u 1

Would you be threated by your woman messing with another woman?

2006-12-25 17:58:35 · 8 answers · asked by angie20k 4

What are some signs that a boy is flirting with u?

2006-12-25 17:57:57 · 4 answers · asked by MeggiePoo 1

I am 21 years old and i fell in luv with ashlee. I went off on her one night and she told me that she didnt think she could ever get over it. A couple days later i asked her if she still oved me and she started cryin shakin her head no. We broke up but i never got an explanation except that she said its all her fault and i didnt do anything wrong. Its been 7 mo. since we broke up and not an hr. goes by that i dont think of her.And im addicted to looking her up on myspace now. what should i do

2006-12-25 17:57:23 · 6 answers · asked by jamesrudd@sbcglobal.net 2

The same thing happens to me throughout my life. I have quite a lot of women who like me. They actually made a move on me! The thing is, I never liked them. On the other hand, everytime I found a woman that I like and hit on her, she never likes me back! Why is this? Why am I so unlucky?? I have asked around people and people found nothing wrong with me. This is wrong!!

2006-12-25 17:56:14 · 7 answers · asked by 21questions 4

I always find myself in less than fulfilling relationships. And afterwards, I will be so sad that we've broken up. Then all of a sudden i will realize that i either hate the person or just really dislike them and figure out that we have nothing in common at all. To the point where i dont even want to see them.
anyhow, How do i stop being angry at myself for always ending up in such stupid relationships??? because i feel like mostly i'm just pissed because i can't make better decisions.

2006-12-25 17:55:14 · 6 answers · asked by Amelia 6

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