Alrite lets start from scratch, my g/f, i think keep reffering to her as my g/f, and me have known eachother for LITTERLY all our lives, we have been "going out" for years too. Seems perfect, shes beutyiful and i think i love her but we dont see eachother vey often, its been while, i just seene her tonight and we kinda started talking again and her sister is bringing up stuff about my g/f being a s***, i knew it everyone kenw that she was but i guess i was kinda in deniel, thought maybe just maybe she would change for me. She flirts with everyone, she started flirting with me tonight but i just dont see how i can keep doing this. Listen to that song Love You More by eminem, i know it may sound a little corny but its totally me and her. I have spent long hours trying to sort this out and her mom is a bible attic like the mom off carrie, no im not kidding. I think i love her but i just dont know how to express it shes not like other girls who love the "OH your so beutiful tonight" shes
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