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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

ive always assumed its one of 2 reasons...
hes not interested in you anymore...or... hes interested in someone else????
my boyfriend has a habit lately of 'withdrawing'.. yet claims he still loves me & wants to marry me etc.... that hes withdrawing b/c of stuff/stress that has nothing to do with me... yet if a man seriously loves a woman, wouldnt he be naturally drawn to her during rough times??? i dont get it?????

2006-12-25 21:21:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I did this a secound ago and got violation but yea you can check me out on my space the id is devilbaby _ 4u obviously all together but tryin to avoid the violation for the email search just put at yahoo

2006-12-25 21:17:48 · 9 answers · asked by SunShineBabe 3

I have a crush on ********. He looks at me with these sleepy eyes right before he hugs me. Sometimes, he grabs me and pulls me into an embrace. We say "I Love You" to each other, but we're not dating. People that know us call us lovers. I swear I can't tell the difference between friends and want to be more than friends!
I kissed him on Christmas Eve and he said he didn't expect it! He is so low key that sometimes I think he doesn't care, then he fusses later that I didn't spend enough time with him. ( I walked off and left him standing alone the other day!)

2006-12-25 21:16:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

And why is it I find their eyes and their charm irresistible?

2006-12-25 21:13:33 · 24 answers · asked by Ministry of Camp Revivalism 4

My parents are very traditional and I have know idea of how to tell them how old he is. Does anyone have any suggestions? He has never been married and has no children. I feel that he may be the one.

2006-12-25 21:11:54 · 29 answers · asked by Ashley_LS 1

i have had a serious relationship for quite sum time... we have had sex many times but no oral... is it okay to ask for oral sex???

2006-12-25 21:11:21 · 17 answers · asked by wil_89 2

2006-12-25 21:09:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 21:07:45 · 8 answers · asked by semfine9 1

2006-12-25 21:03:48 · 12 answers · asked by knowlegeSeeker 2

can u not sleep, do u hv insomnia, or r u like me hooked on these quest........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh??

2006-12-25 21:02:53 · 12 answers · asked by Momma An-g 2

I loved a girl once. I was 13 then. I never expressed it to her as we use to talk very little then. 15 years is passed and life took us miles apart since. We were not in touch for that period. And now I found her contact from her college website. My feelings with her are still as tender as it were before. What to write her? Can I express my feelings now?

2006-12-25 20:59:41 · 10 answers · asked by grtgmblr 2

I seem to get along better with girls I argue with then girls I don't...I always wondered why that is...maybe it's me...

2006-12-25 20:58:37 · 7 answers · asked by Toddacanda 5

i saw am interesting answer from Baker to a lady asking whether she should be upset about not geting an xmas gift from her boyfriend,Baker said if he's Libran, she should forgive him and go on. I have a Libran friend who has never given me a single gift and i got curious, whats the connection!

2006-12-25 20:57:51 · 4 answers · asked by waganangu 1

i would love him to be on top too but i don want to be flatten by him. how?

2006-12-25 20:54:47 · 13 answers · asked by apple-licious 3

i want to fall in love with a guy who stays in my opposite house,how do i fall in love

2006-12-25 20:51:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alrite lets start from scratch, my g/f, i think keep reffering to her as my g/f, and me have known eachother for LITTERLY all our lives, we have been "going out" for years too. Seems perfect, shes beutyiful and i think i love her but we dont see eachother vey often, its been while, i just seene her tonight and we kinda started talking again and her sister is bringing up stuff about my g/f being a s***, i knew it everyone kenw that she was but i guess i was kinda in deniel, thought maybe just maybe she would change for me. She flirts with everyone, she started flirting with me tonight but i just dont see how i can keep doing this. Listen to that song Love You More by eminem, i know it may sound a little corny but its totally me and her. I have spent long hours trying to sort this out and her mom is a bible attic like the mom off carrie, no im not kidding. I think i love her but i just dont know how to express it shes not like other girls who love the "OH your so beutiful tonight" shes

2006-12-25 20:48:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are 4 guys that i totally love. One is Jing Sheng(I'm a Singaporean),the others are Max,Sir Wei and Clive...
One is gentle,caring and he's the one who spent most of the time with me except when he went home. Max is funny and handsome.
Sir Wei he's the one who makes fun of my name but he has this smile i really love. Clive he's a total NERD maybe not he's kinda fierce on the outside kind in the inside and like Max he's funny. So which would you really honestly choose if you were me? Pls reply as soon as possible my time's up in 3 years time you know?

2006-12-25 20:46:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was at my B/F house and i was waiting for him in the room but i was changing my cloth and his broth walked into the room and saw me naked and i didnt know what to do i just stood up and he was looking then he left what should i do about that and what would you if you are in my place anyone passed into something like this

2006-12-25 20:39:28 · 14 answers · asked by TITO 2

there is a guy I know for like three months. I like him so much, but each time he tries to kiss me, I just can't. he so wants to take me for a date but I'm afraid to go cus I feel he would want to do it with me and I am not ready. Sometimes, I feel maybe he is just a friend for me, so that's why I don't wanna kiss him. how can I make sure that I love him or not, and would I loose him if I don't go out with him and don't kiss him?

2006-12-25 20:37:37 · 17 answers · asked by Alex 1

Only been casually seeing each other for 2 months. He started out really keen, and he always made me aware that he liked me, and I wanted to take it slow (I just moved to town about 6 months ago). So we spent time getting to know each other for a month, then I went on holidays for 3 weeks in which time he rarely contacted me. I thought he was just giving me space so I could enjoy my holiday. Since being back (only a week) he has continued to rarely contact me and we have only seen each other once, though we are both busy and it is Christmas time. Am I just making excuses for him and he has lost interest? Or am I over-reacting and need to give him time?

2006-12-25 20:32:50 · 8 answers · asked by mel_johns 3


I am new to the USA. In my country, we don't have sex till we marry. When my friends knew that I am still a virgin (actually they forced me to say it), they said I was a jerk! Is it unusual to be 20 and still be a virgin in the USA?

2006-12-25 20:30:11 · 16 answers · asked by beeepin 2

Would you realize I was "in love" with you or would you just think it was a regular kiss? And is a kiss on the neck "more than friends"?
I am definately interested in him. People keep telling me he's interested in me. But a can't read a man's actions toward me. When I say this...they say "You already know.", but I don't!

2006-12-25 20:27:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 20:26:45 · 13 answers · asked by Gina L 1

I met my current boyfriend 7 months ago dancing. He always pursued me, but I pushed him away til recently. I fell for him all of a sudden because he became less persistent with me, though he'd always tried. He's so polite, always buys me flowers, drinks, food, and even a teddy bear. He's said I love you. He asked to come over to my parents' house for Thanksgiving because his entire family is in Mexico. I said ok. Last minute he went to Vegas with friends. I was ok with that, but he didn't return my messages and wouldn't talk to me til a few days after the trip. I got mad at him and said I thought he used me. That got an apology, then he said he was having problems with his job and Mexico, then disappeared 4 a month. He didn't tell me where he went and I thought he was breaking up with me. I sent several text messages with no reply, but he met with me the day after he returned from Mexico and said he didn't want to burden me with his problems, that's why he didn't tell me. Is this ok?

2006-12-25 20:23:49 · 14 answers · asked by Kristi 1


I'm a virgin. When I get a non-virgin g/f, I'm going to tell her I want to have as many sexual partners as she has had, before I sleep with her. How would I convince her?

2006-12-25 20:21:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Little dasher hounds and mad whistlers and dirty dishes covered in wax and furr? And the hole with the elephant dog drinking chicken water?

2006-12-25 20:20:13 · 6 answers · asked by Tropicalboy 3

i really like this girl and i dont kno wat her answer means

2006-12-25 20:19:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 20:18:44 · 5 answers · asked by Baker 1

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