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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

we got engaged last year,he had a girlfriend before i came into his life ,he said she ditched me...now we were going around but i got to know about his new girlfriend,i was so broken ,i didnt know wot to do,i couldnt set him free,i gave him a second chance..now my problem is tat i cant trust him anymore,i am not sure tat he will not repeat this again..but he says that he has changed now n will never ever do this again,wot should i do?i am so confused as i love him.

2006-12-25 20:15:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was thinking about inviting my friends from summer camp over to my house to jump on the tramp naked. Would this be a fun and totaly sweet thing to do?

2006-12-25 20:14:11 · 20 answers · asked by Tropicalboy 3

I use to be gay but now i'm straight but she misses me and wants me back should I live my guy to go back with her I feel sorry for her but really love my guy and he is sexy?

2006-12-25 20:13:22 · 6 answers · asked by The asker 1

I mean, now i'm about to start to experiance collage. Is it ok if I had a girlfrined? Is not this going to effect my study rate?

2006-12-25 20:12:15 · 7 answers · asked by Teef 1

I have a problem with my bf of 5yrs. I'm going to try and be completly honest! This yr he got me nothing for xmas! Thru out the yr he gives me money when i ask and buys me things if i ask (which i barely ever do) we live together, he pays all the rent and i pay all the utilities, we split grocerys. Its basicilly a good releationship. We both have anger issues but when we fight we can both just stop and make each other laugh and talk it out. For his b-day in october I took him to dinner and spent the night at a hotel he likes. for my b-day which was friday he basicly did the same cause i love staying in hotels. We both spent about the same amount of $. For xmas he got me nothing and says that he went broke cause he spent it all on my b-day which is bulls**t cause he bought himself a new outfight and shoes on my b-day. I paid $165.00 bill for his xmas present for him. Then i tell him about & he says he spent $600.00 on my bday, lie cause i was there when he paid for dinner & hotel.

2006-12-25 20:09:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 20:01:24 · 31 answers · asked by Ratt 2

The guy I love is 5 years older than me and it may be illegal. What can we do to stay together? Please help us.

2006-12-25 19:58:54 · 19 answers · asked by kenziewooten 1

The reason is this guy's oral ablities. I've never had it like this. Now, I'm learning him more and everything, but I have to keep myself from thinkin about the head. He tells me, "I'm probally the greatest guy you will ever meet!!" and "If we ever break up, it will be b/c of something you did because I won't change!!" I've only known him for a week, and we have only been intimate once. I'm really a good person and I do deserve good sex, which is what he offers, but I know he has so much more to offer behind the tounge. On the downside, he has been married before and he is only 20. I'm stuck in gum and can't run away from this!! Help ya gurl out please!!!!

2006-12-25 19:58:51 · 11 answers · asked by CoCo Queen 2

I know this 20 yr old girl i see at the am-pm.
sometime we just talk and she complains about her bf, not having a job and lazy..etc.

Then she complained she wont get anything for xmas fm him. Today i asked what she got and she said 'not much'. Her coworker asked what i got and b4 i answered, my girl said "a dildo" and was laughing, so i threw it back like "thats what you were hoping u would get".

So she started telling me she's just not into se.x right now, and she doesnt think she can do it... the of course i started singing the praises of good se.x....etc

Why did she go there?

2006-12-25 19:56:30 · 7 answers · asked by Its me 4

I've been going out with this guy for more than two years, but just recently, he's not been talking to me. When I get him to talk, he still insists he loves me, but I'm really confused. I am getting mixed signals here and would like some input on what to do. Help me out please?

2006-12-25 19:56:08 · 11 answers · asked by Simmons&Church:-) 2

Me and my gf have been together since my freshman year of HS (5 years). We have both had it sorta rough, with many family issues (my mother ran away, hers cheated and kicked her and her dad out) and i think because of these things we became really dependent on eachother. And in a lot of ways, these things hold us back in our ralation ship and even in some aspects of our personalitites with other people.
Well, her deal is this: She is under constant anxiety, maybe because of how strict her father was/is For example, he and siblings were scared to death to watch TV around him or eat bad foods around him(for fear of ridicule) when she was younger (like 10-13) She now worries about everything, to the smallest detail. but especially things about me like "do i really like him" "is he what i want" and just many other similar and even crazy sounding worries. Yet i feel that i am POSITIVE that she is deeply in love with me, something which she reassures me of often. is this anxiety or more?help

2006-12-25 19:51:15 · 10 answers · asked by mike 1

2006-12-25 19:50:17 · 15 answers · asked by CoCo Queen 2

2006-12-25 19:43:27 · 14 answers · asked by kashi 1

this chick i dated said she made 5 k a night, how big of bs is this??

2006-12-25 19:42:13 · 21 answers · asked by browningny 1

will my g.f. like if i will touch her upeer ****** while kissing. Everyone touches or presses it while kissing their g.f.

2006-12-25 19:42:02 · 21 answers · asked by only16 2

2006-12-25 19:38:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok...i like a gal. But she already likes another guy.(they have not got into any relationships yet...she just like him n he like her) so wat shd i do? continue n hope 4 the best or just leave her alone n look 4 some other gal?

2006-12-25 19:38:00 · 16 answers · asked by ReFlEcTi0Ns 1

my friends bf dumbed her even after he toke her verginety and sead he loved her and will be her's for ever. now she just sits there crying and every thing we do to help her dos not even seam to phase her what can i do to help her?

2006-12-25 19:37:59 · 2 answers · asked by Sam B 1

cause you know how guys get erections. what happens to girls?

2006-12-25 19:35:12 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so there is this girl i like that used to go to my school and i would talk to her almost everyday, and i decided to ask her out one day and she said no because she had a boyfriend and she said she wasnt trying to be mean to me and if she didnt have a BF her answer might be different, so we still talked like always like if i never asked her out, but now she doesnt go to my school, but she does still live close to my house....... so any advice from any girls?? and i cant get her out of my mind because she is so perfect. she is everything a guy could want. and i just want to tell her that she is the perfect girl, because she is everything i want in a girl. it feels like God made her just for me. Should i ask her out after she breaks up with her boyfriend

2006-12-25 19:33:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people like Skinny, White guys.
Some like Asians.
Some like African-Americans.
Some like Hispanics.
Some like Englishmen.
Some like Native Americans.
Some like Indians.
And there are others....what's your preference?

I am a skinny, white blond guy, and I find i'm into Asians. Hurray!

2006-12-25 19:32:48 · 17 answers · asked by Josh 2

he ask me out, and i really really like him since the 1st time i saw him..but stupid me..i told him that my parents won't allow me. after that..each day..he walks with me going to our next class even though his class is in the other way. We hug each other, and one time..he told me that he wouldn't let me go. He gave me a very sweet poem. and for a christmas gift..he gave me a very cute stuff toy puppy with a card saying "if a snowflake fell everytime i thought of you..we'd have a really white christmas. He's so cute and looks innocent. He's a football and basketball player, plays guitar and violin. He always buys me a lollipop when our teacher is selling stuff. He's smart and always tries to make me laugh. What's inside his mind? What does he think about me? or always thinking about? Do you think he's loyal or what?

2006-12-25 19:32:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

wonam that mistaruse creature, what a man like me can do to come a step closer to her heart?

2006-12-25 19:31:59 · 20 answers · asked by Teef 1

Even if you are never likely to meet and are so far away

2006-12-25 19:31:46 · 14 answers · asked by Mel 2

2006-12-25 19:30:35 · 8 answers · asked by happyboy0605 1

She is not that type but they follow her around like puppies..why? She doesn't want a BF and she doesn't like it and she told them but it never works..

2006-12-25 19:28:38 · 11 answers · asked by andinghsiang 1

He realy loves the stuff and his tongue lashes around and stuff, and he jumps around and winnies. But wondering if it is the best thing for him. his name is Pluto.

2006-12-25 19:23:36 · 4 answers · asked by Tropicalboy 3

turns out things didnt work out between him and his wife of 13 years. one month ago i found out she was still living in his apt. and he was hidding it from me. he kicked her out and i go through his phone listen to his voicemails and i just cant trust him. he tells me he doesnt love her anymore. she left a voicmail the other day and she said why arent you answering your phone who are you with what are you doing but she asked like if he asks her the same thing. why would he care if he says he doesnt love her anymore. i love him so much i just dont know what to do or believe anymore. how do i get through this?

2006-12-25 19:20:39 · 8 answers · asked by momma 1

i no im in the wrong catergorie but im desperate
i no the basics truth or dare, spin the bottle, 7 minutes in heven an all that...

2006-12-25 19:19:20 · 8 answers · asked by emoanimals 2

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