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Singles & Dating - 25 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

so ...since i saw my bf 1 time a fall in love....hes sooo cute I really love him and he loves me too....i`d like 2 know other opinions about this

2006-12-25 19:17:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 19:16:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so. Im only 11. and iM not gonna make out any time soon. this is just a follow up to my other question about the right age to make out. But anyways. can sum1 please describe and tell me in detail how to make out.

2006-12-25 19:14:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, I prayed for a man to come into my life and I gave him what I wanted specifically and just saturday night my prayer got answered I guess, I met a guy at my cousins birthday bash. He came sat down by me, it wasn't no arm room between us. Well I felt him eyeing me da 2 hours he was there. I thought since he eyeing me I'm going to see what he's going to do. He sat there a whole minute before he even said anything. I was talking to a friend when he came sat down all close get this there was another couch open to sit on. So I turned around asked him for his name, we exchanged names and stuff. He was real cute. And also he was what I asked for specfically. Was it love at first sight for me? Cause as he wus eyeing me, I was feeling how cute he is. And I was hoping we'd talk and we did! Weird huh?? But the thing is I never got his phone number and I just wonder if ill be seeing him again.

2006-12-25 19:12:36 · 14 answers · asked by Pretty Native Lady 2

0k i like this guy he is one of my brothers friend i like him because he has respect for me he is so out going and he so much fun to be with i sometimes just wish i could have that universual control like the movie click and just pause the whole freckin world just to kiss him in the lips .. anyways i just wish that i can tell him how i feel and i want to but at the same time i dont .....i dont no if i should tell him how i feel because first of all i d0nt n0 h0w he is g0in t0 feel about me second of all becuase i d0nt n0 h0w my brother is g0in to react if we d0 g0 out .. but the main problem is that h0w d0 i n0 if i sh0uld tell him because i d0nt want t0 get hurt.. what should i do ?

2006-12-25 19:10:44 · 17 answers · asked by bbbb 2

Tough situation here, keeps me awake at night, stops me functioning in the day. A guy, known him for 3 months. Asked him to take it slowly, I needed time. I thought it was going slowly, I was coming round....he had started dating someone else. I know I am ready now, ready for him. I have stopped contacting him to let him concentrate on his new relationship. We cannot help but contact each other, works both ways. We meet, the chemistry is the best I have ever known. I adore him, this situation breaks my heart. I need him in my life, if only as friends then I still need him. He thinks that I am still not ready, what am I to do to show him I am, ready for him, ready for us. He is THE one you know, have I missed the boat? Is he playing with me? Kind advice would be good you guys, cannot move past these feelings.

2006-12-25 19:09:14 · 17 answers · asked by Andrea 2

Workplace romances...not good...

Anyway, there's this gorgeous guy at work. He's 17 (I'm 19), hates his mother and lives away from her, and nice (usually). But he's being tedious lately.

He was so flirting back with me. We'd have play arguments about nothing. I started it. We also talked a bit. He seemed to likes me...

Anyway, I came in on my break day to work and said hi to him, and irritated a manager for disrupting him. Next day I thought "maybe he'll bother to say hi to me". Nuh. Not a word, I wasn't worth it. Then I roundabout asked him out. He was "too busy", but it was his dismissive tone that got to me. I got pissed off at him, & since he's been been downcast.

It's been icy lately, he's been upset and gets happy when I'm about laughing. I SWEAR he hangs around me but says NOTHING!!

I'm a bit fed up with this stalemate. Despite the screwness, I like Guy 1. I could talk to a girl friends with him to say something to him or something? I dunno. Should I,or just move on?

2006-12-25 19:08:03 · 14 answers · asked by JDA 3

Im only 11. Im not planning on making out any time soon. Im just wondering. Im in middle school now. right. so my ex-boyfriend asked me [[when we were going out]] if we could makeout. At first I said yes, but later I told him I wasnt ready, and I was positive he wasnt the right guy. Plus Im not really sure how to.

so any suggestions on the age and how to?

2006-12-25 19:00:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

You meet him before you see him, in a matter of hours, your lost in thought of the many possibilities , that could be for you and your new acquaintance, you literally spend an entire day just conversing with him, you can't believe how much you are attracted to this man, his sincerity, his warmth, his honesty, you pray that your mind is not playing tricks on you and this beautiful person is real..... and that you were finally sent your soulmate.....When allowed the chance to meet that man who seems to be sent here just for you, your previous thoughts of being in love are made a reality, he's perfect, my idea of perfect, can this finally the love God has promised me would be along if I only had patience?

I spend most of my days constantly thinking of him , your dreams are haunted by the possibilities that he may not be for you, and someone is playin a terrible game with your emotions and your heart, You think you should back away, but the thought of not having him in your life literally sucks the oxygen from your body, causes your heart to ache and forces unwanted tears from your eyes....I ask you again IS THERE LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?

2006-12-25 18:59:52 · 16 answers · asked by caramel1071 1

HELP ME! Ok so there is this boy i go with rite! and he told me that he still has feelings for his ex and today i talked to her and she told me that they text and talk EVERYDAY! and she told me that he told her to buy him a dog tag with her pic on it and he was gonna wear it! remind you: we dont go to the same skool. so yea, what should I do? HELP ME ASAP

2006-12-25 18:58:25 · 10 answers · asked by sidekickLX! 3

Where can i find permanent chatter who like to help me with my new project?
Im searching for people who will help me with a new project. Im searching for people who love to chat and like to people all over the world!

Additional Details

OK here are the details... the project is seeable under www.innocentangel.org ... im getting new members each day there but the chat is always empty because if someone join nobody other is there... so i need a small crew of 8-10 chatter who are always there and chat with newbies etc....

2006-12-25 18:58:00 · 5 answers · asked by explosivegrey 2

I've been with this guy Michael for 5 months now and recently realized that me and my ex are still very much in-love.We haven't done anything behind my boyfriend's back that could be considered cheating and I want to end it asap but my boyfriend is going through a hard time right now so I can't do it right away.Is it wrong to break-up with one person to be with someone else as long as you're honest?It's not like I can help the way I feel.

2006-12-25 18:57:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Clowns walking down the street at 4 in the morning with flask in hand and lil poodle in the other that growls and yips and stuff?

2006-12-25 18:55:18 · 14 answers · asked by Tropicalboy 3


2006-12-25 18:54:03 · 6 answers · asked by soccerplayer95820 1

My boyfriend and I have been together a while, over a year. And in the last two months have fought for the first time. His grandpa died recently which has taken a great toll on him, emotionally & on our relationship. He has with drawn from me & says he really cares about nothing anymore.

He is partying more, drinking more and has changed when he is drunk...from a nice drunk to a mean drunk.

I want to stick by him, but I am not sure how much more I can truly take. He has gone back & forth on us staying together/or not.

I hate to admit I didnt realize how deeply I cared for him until he was about to leave me, yes I know how convenient that sounds. But it is the truth, and it's not a ditch attempt to keep him. I have honestly never cared before about any of my bf's leaving & normally left them. Except for one.

I have never EVER spoken to my mom about my bf's before him, so this is a really big deal. Cause Ive spent my xmas holiday sorting things out with my mom.

2006-12-25 18:54:00 · 3 answers · asked by nkbapbt 3

You could be a shy person because you like to listen to what is happening around you.

2006-12-25 18:53:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 18:50:22 · 18 answers · asked by miss.confused??? 1

Does anyone ever answer Q's with a friend, or is the net somewhere that you always visit alone?

2006-12-25 18:47:46 · 8 answers · asked by punkvixen 5

im not the one who dates,but i do get hit on by a lot of man.i am very preppy, and wear a lot of clothes frome Hollister,Abercrombie&fitch, American eagle, and aeropostale.i have very high class manners, and respect for people.whenever i go out somewhere, i get hit on by whites,hispanics, and asians.Why can't i get a black man? Black man seem to be into "ghetto girls",who will do "anything", and thats not me.I don't use slang,or talk in toung.Am i too preppy, or is it that i dont have the"SISTA HEAT"?

2006-12-25 18:47:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister is freaking out because her boyfriend is leaving for the marines and will leave her for a few months sometime next year. Should she break it off until he returns or what? I see them together and they seem so much in love. i know that this will be very hard on both of them, but she is worried on what their future will be...what should i tell her? she won't listen to me anymore.

2006-12-25 18:46:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 18:43:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

anyone can answer this but i was wondering...why do guys seem to always look a girl up and down before looking at her in the eye? Are they cheacking us out to see if they want to talk to us or if we are even worth there time? or do only shallow boys do that?

2006-12-25 18:41:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay... my three friends and I were talking about a scary movie when a guy gives his master a chopped head, when all of a sudden my sister comes in and says "ew! why are you guys talking about giving someone head?"
All my friends said ew and started laughing. I didn't laugh because I didn't get the joke. They told me I was SO innocent and will find out a little bit later. I asked my boyfriend about the same story and he laughed too and said witha scary face. "you can find out now if you want." I said no, still not knowing what the second meaning to the word giving "head" means... does anyone know??? Is it a dirty word????????? I DONT KNOW!!

2006-12-25 18:39:58 · 19 answers · asked by Kathrine 1

There is this boy I liked then we started hanging out alot and I kindah see him as a brother, we are close, every time we are around each other he stands with in a couple feet of me and if I leave he gives me a hug and pulls me in close does it mean anything or am i just being sillly?
~Thanx in advance

2006-12-25 18:37:50 · 16 answers · asked by ziri 2

My first love was when i was 17 and he was 15, I ran away from home to be with him we lived with his mom, we had some issues and we went our seperate ways without really discussing it I mean we were young. Throughout the years I always thought about him and wondered how we went wrong, for the next 4 years I dated but if he called me I ran to him. I then got married and was for 7 years, I saw him around and I always felt the same I did when I was 17. My marriage ended and about 1 year later he contacted me, I was dating a great guy so I kept it cordial, it didn't last long we lost contact again. A year into my relationship I contacted him, I wanted to have a long talk about what happened when we were younger. I knew i loved him but he was in no way avail to give me the life I wanted. I kept on with my relationshipfor 3more yrs and now I still feel the same about him and he about me and am evaluating my current realationship. Can love really be this strong. Will it work?

2006-12-25 18:36:45 · 9 answers · asked by Hopless romantic 1

2006-12-25 18:36:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 18:33:26 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many people came over and did anyone help you clean up the dishes and stuff???

2006-12-25 18:33:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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