i know u don't want to see other people so soon but that way it will be easier to forget about him and move on with ur life if u don't start dating know with other people u will be sitting on the coach for the next month dreaming about him while he is off partying with the girl that he is know planning to marry.
2006-12-25 17:27:45
answer #1
answered by Katleen F 2
You tell him you still love him do not sound easy just tell him no matter what he does you will always love him. It will make him know But if it is deffinetly done just tell him say i will love you 4 ever and if you do not feel the same i am ok with that even if u are not. But after all he was cheating for a reason so you know he doesnt feel the same way anymore either that or you are not giving him what he wants........and they will
2006-12-26 01:28:14
answer #2
answered by happy_go_lucky 3
Sounds like boyfriend got a head start on seeing other people BEFORE suggesting such w/ you. Shock him into reality, go out and find you a yummy guy to have some fun with. You never know: you just might snap this guy awake and keep him....or you might find a GOOD man who is better than boyfriend.
2006-12-26 01:27:45
answer #3
answered by Mr. Wizard 7
get rid of him. If he cheated on you he doesn't like you the way you like him. He wants to see other people because he doesn't like you anymore. And if he cheated on you he will do it again. Let him be. There are better guys out there that are sweet,kind, and caring. Leave him. I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear, but at least it's honest.
2006-12-26 01:31:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
you dump him, yeah you might still love him but it will be easier to fall in love with someone else then to work through this, once a cheater always a cheater and it is so hard to forget about the past it will always get in the way of the relationship
2006-12-26 01:26:50
answer #5
answered by Cassie M 2
I believe i am exactly someone like your boyfriend. i know you love him very much, thats why you are trying to give him another chance, exactly what my girlfriend did. So loved me much but i dont know why i just did love her that much. i could never fell satisfied..even though she has given me her everything. i ended the relationship for the betterment of both of us. She cried like like hell, she always thought i will come back, but i knew that i can never be the one she deserves, because i felt for someone else the way she felt for me. I never ask for her forgiveness because i will never forgive myself to leave such a sweet little girl. But what could i do, i never felt fulfilled with her. and thats why i could not give her back what she used to give me, love. Please try to understand and let him go. if you keep holding him tightly you will get rope-burns. I am sorry for all of us.
2006-12-26 01:43:22
answer #6
answered by UpNorthDownSouth 2
Take it from an ole pro, if you let us cheat once, we'll do it again. We may be good for a li while but we'll do it again when you'rt guard goes back down. Leave him alone. Love yourself.
2006-12-26 01:26:44
answer #7
answered by ZX3R 6
He dont deserve you! Its as simple as that. Just get over him and move on with your life. As if you never met him and didnt have a care in the world
2006-12-26 01:28:48
answer #8
answered by A.C. 3
Once a cheat, always a cheat. Dump him and get on with your life.
2006-12-26 01:35:15
answer #9
answered by myninny54 3
well u should forget about a guy who cheated on u trust me i no i went out w/ a guy tht cheated on me w/ 7 gurls.... u should make him jelcous and then when he comes crawing bac u say no i moved on i hate MAN WHORES!!!
2006-12-26 01:30:25
answer #10
answered by tori babe 2