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Singles & Dating - 13 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

yea i always wonder why but i think its the fellas that put pressure on the ladies even teenage girls sweat about how they look well i do the same before i leave the house i have to look good but the reason women do this is because the fellas want a perfect lady out their well nobody is perfect!!! so it makes the ladies feel selfconscience about themselves so the guys should stop i think.

2006-11-13 08:08:22 · 7 answers · asked by sweetncuteladi 2

2006-11-13 08:08:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

ONS- one night stand

2006-11-13 08:07:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I met this guy like 7 months ago. When I first met him I didn't like him like that. He wasn't what I was use to dating. So anyways about a month ago I started seeing him in a new light. So he asked me to be his lady and I was like okay. So since then he comes over on the week ends and call but not like he use to. I went through his phone and saw where he has been texting not one but two girls. I confront him about this so he's like they are just friends I told him that he needs to squash that and soon or else we would have to be friends and he was like okay. My problem is i can't really put my finger on it but I don't trust him. And also he's talking about moving in........what da &*$^. I guess the problem is he's not as emotional or up front about his feelings as I need him to be. I told him yesterday that I missed him and his exact words wereOh yeah! well ur special to me as well. And i got u..You will be happy. What? Plz help because I don't know what to do. I know this is alot

2006-11-13 08:04:04 · 7 answers · asked by tlnay025 3

2006-11-13 08:03:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i stil love my x but he no longer feels as strong 4 me, is my relationship really over, or is there a chance of fighting 4 it. is love at first sight true or just a myth?

2006-11-13 08:02:32 · 10 answers · asked by bootykaza 1

i think it has to do something with sex but i dunno....

2006-11-13 08:02:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my b/f and i just broke up, but i still want to remain friends with his family. it was a mutual thing, so there aren't really any hard feelings.

has anyone ever been in this situation? im not that close to my family and have grown to love his. is it wrong to want to stay in touch with them?

2006-11-13 08:01:58 · 4 answers · asked by jasmine 2

This boys name is Drew and I like him we are only together during two times of the day ,early in the morning and later in the afternoon, everytime I look at him i want to kiss him, he wrestles in the afternoon I know this all because he told me it all he's always talking to me out of the blue , he even told me he loved me I did'nt even tell him I had a myspace and he turns out wanting to be my friend but i don't know how to ask him out ,Im usually that askie not the asker.

2006-11-13 08:01:23 · 14 answers · asked by cutiedownlow 2

i really want to go to this dance at my school. but no one has asked me yet. i really want and need a date becuz no one wants to be by their self while there friends dance with their boyfriends. what should i do?

2006-11-13 08:01:19 · 14 answers · asked by blackprincess#1 1

Well, my girlfriend wants me to go to her parents house for Thanksgiving and I am really scared that they will reject me. I am stable on my meds and think I pass as normal dispite my bipolar. But the last episode was so scary, I got kind of like Billy in Six Feet Under when he is off his meds. I sometimes wonder if it is fair to bring another person into my world because even though I am ok now, I know its just a matter of time before I mess up again. But I love her so much. I just don't think its fair to saddle her with somebody who is mentally ill. I am so confused and scared.

2006-11-13 08:00:05 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Insecurties we all have them.. how do you get rid of them..

and why are they there!!

2006-11-13 07:59:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently I had sex with the man I have fancied for a long time. He is almost 50, I am 26. He is successful, good looking and great in bed. Kind of "macho-player " image.
We had a fantastic night together, and than I left home to sleep. He called me the next morning inviting me to go out with his friends. I told him I can't and that I will see him next week.He texted me again on Sunday saying "When will I see you ?" and I responded " Maybe not this week, but the week after this. I need to reflect." He responded by sms, rather sarcastically " Try looking at the miror...:-) See you soon." I haven't heard from him since.
You see , I was playing hard to get, but now I feel I have being stupid pushing away guy whom I really like.
But than, why he never bovered calling me in the 5 days that passed since we had sex?
He told me he thinks we have special chemistry and he has serious intentions...
Am I right to expect more than just a couple of texts? Am I right to demand more attention?

2006-11-13 07:59:19 · 21 answers · asked by Rita B 1

A guy "friend" I spend a lot of time with is always talking about girls. Every five minutes it's, "I need to find a girlfriend", "I wanna go meet some chicks", "Hook me up with one of your friends", "I met a girl last night", "That girl is cute". He'll even calls me up sometimes just to tell me he met a girl or "got lucky". I have been under the impression that he likes me alot from what has been said and what has happened between us. I just can't figure him out. I can only figure a.) he is trying to tell me he's not interested in me "that way" b.) he's trying to make me jealous c.) he has low self esteem and is trying to make his love life sound better. Your opinions would be so helpful. Thanks!!!

2006-11-13 07:59:07 · 11 answers · asked by Megan K 2

he hugs me alot and always wants to sit next to me...he buys me things alll the time...what do u think?

2006-11-13 07:58:57 · 4 answers · asked by sweetgurl3491 2

Me and my ex-boyfriend were really good friends for about 2 years before we started dating. I would say we were best friends. We were attracted to one another but we were both afraid that a relationship was going to ruin our friendship. However we eventually got together. It was good at first but after a while our situations changed and we felt that it was best that we go beack to being friends so we could both concentrate on ourselves. We were still cool for a long period after that, then he started acting funny. He would try to make me jealous sometimes by mentioning other girls or doing things like that. Then for some reason we just stoppped talking. Now that we have a few classes together we see each other practically everyday. When classes first started we would talk and text each other and things went back to normal. Now he will look dead at me sometimes and wont say anything. Then he'll call out of the blue and want to talk for hours. I'm confused. Why is he doing this?

2006-11-13 07:58:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this boy who is a friend of mine we will talk and laugh and I really, really like him. I think he only likes me as a friend but I'm not sure. How can I tell? I want to ask him out but I don't want to ruin our friendship. What should I do? Plus once I ask him out what should we do none of us can drive. But mostly I want to know what to do about telling him how.

2006-11-13 07:57:30 · 5 answers · asked by baby gurl 2

my neighbors brother invited me to a b-day party friday night but the weather was bad and i dont drive in bad weather. anyway he didnt offer to come get me but he asked if he could come get me so we could hang out before he goes out. i told him no because i dont know him that well to be going over his house. i guess he got bored of the conversation and told me that he was gonna call me back later but he didnt. it was really no sweat off my back but im guessing he got "salty" because he thought i would be easy? anyway i guess since he saw me in my undies one night he got to thinking those thoughts?

2006-11-13 07:56:38 · 9 answers · asked by MiaDiva28 6

Have you ever answered a question by fuburcat? If so dont anymore. All his questions are fake. Take a look.
My Teacher WAnts To Go Out With Me?

Im 12 And My Girlfriend wants to have Sex With Me Im thinking about doing it should I?

My Girlfriend Gave me aids she didnt tell me when we had sex?

I DOnt LIKE White People How Do I CHange?

I Cant Stop Masturbating what Should I DO?

Do You Belive?

2006-11-13 07:56:37 · 4 answers · asked by Candice 3

thz guy likes me but i liked hiz friend first and he thinks i want hm but i dont. how do i get hm get him 2 go?

2006-11-13 07:55:40 · 15 answers · asked by brebreizballin 1

She is my bestfriend's sister and their family is now poor and going through a lot financially. I am rich and like if I marry her then I will look after her family as well.

Do you think I should ask her parents their daughter in marriage?

2006-11-13 07:55:26 · 7 answers · asked by Mr Business 3

I have been dating this guy for a very short time. We were intimate and I think I let me emotions run wild and I pushed him away. I have had issues with pushing guys away because I want a serious relationship. I brought up an issue which now I think is kinda petty and I should have let him make up his mind to do on his own. I think I have ruined a relationship that had the potential of being great. what can I do to make up for this. I already apologized for the things I have done , but I don't think it was enough. He has stopped answering my phone calls and texts. I am very depressed what should I do. And I am not a teenager I am in my twenties as well as the man I am speaking of. Please give whatever adive you can. Thank you.

2006-11-13 07:55:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I ask about his profile staying active. He is telling me that he is checking his email and not looking on yahoo personals and that is why his personals profile shows active in the last 24hrs, 3 days ect.... Is this the truth?

2006-11-13 07:54:07 · 7 answers · asked by T T 1

Okay, here's the deal.... This guy and I have been talking for alittle while and he is a cool guy and everything. I'm diffenetly interested but, I get mixed signals from him. He acts interested and them right when I think 'okay we're getting somewhere' he just shuts down and completly shys away. He will text me and ask what are you doing, & then thats it even if I reply or ask him something back it's no answer. & He will ask me if I have plans for a particular day (as if he is trying to ask me out somewhere) & nothing again. He'll call and if I miss it he'll say no it wasn't me or an excuse to not make him seem like he was trying to get a hold of me. Like it was an accident(yeah right 3x a day) I just want to know if their is something I am missing here is he trying to give me a sign or just what the hell is going on! I haven't had much dating experience so any advice is great.

2006-11-13 07:53:35 · 5 answers · asked by izzy_her 1

2006-11-13 07:52:20 · 14 answers · asked by just_sexy 1

My Bf and I have been together for almost a year... last week my Dad came here from on of town to visit.. expecting to see/meet my Bf and my Bf ditched .. He left right before my dad got there and didn't come back.. So he never met my father.. Now Thanksgiving is coming and he wants me to meet his Mother! O I sooo don't look forward to being in the ocward does she like me or hate me self consciousfeeling all day.. So.. I told him I dont' want to go to his peoples how for thanksgiving, because he dissed my dad.. so now we are even.. Is that wrong? that i dont want to meet his Mother.. Or should i go anyway dispite what has happend?

2006-11-13 07:51:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is mainly for the people that answered my last question about my friend.
this question is about me, now, my boyfriend (A boy who happens to be a boy) asked me out, and i said yes, but after awhile in the date, i begin to feel quizzy around him! I feel... so...so wierd! His smile makes me melt, and he looks at me in a romantic way! I need some SERIOUS help! What do i do on our next date?

2006-11-13 07:51:25 · 8 answers · asked by Diamond Jackson 2

what is wrong with her and should i wait.

2006-11-13 07:50:33 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

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