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Singles & Dating - 13 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

is there a way to change a guys mnd when je says he's not dating right now.

2006-11-13 07:50:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have asked this before but didn't get to many answers on the pregnancy questions, my bf and I had intercourse the other night, my periode was suppose to be at the very beginning of the month, and we didn't use a condom, but I still got my periode, is there a chance that I still could get pregnant? or not, just thought I would ask one more time.=-(

2006-11-13 07:49:28 · 25 answers · asked by Rose_bud 1

I believe our relationship is over. Now, my couple is threatening me that if I leave him he'll commit suicide ... What do I do? I'm desperate and I would welcome any comments.

2006-11-13 07:46:39 · 16 answers · asked by Paulo L 1

ok, first off, i´m not sure if he is aware i look at his fotolog.
i was wondering why my boyfriend never posts in my fotolog or writes anything about me in his fotolog although he did for his previous girlfriend which he claims he left her because he didn´t love her...but i looked at his previous photos from when they were together and he wrote under them that he loved her...but he doesn´t do that for me...

he seems to avoid posting in mine which is odd(he has never posted me) and when i saw his recent photo today, there was one post(first and only for that pic) from this girl and i followed it and i found that he was posting POEMS about how beautiful she is in her fotolog...o.0like for ALMOST EVERY photoo.0 and no, he doesn´t put pics of me in his fotolog either...

he will kiss me infront of his guy and girl friends and when we go to dances he will like brag about me to everyone since so many guys like me...

also, he doesn´t write anything about me in his messenger heading thing too...

a lot of his friends are my friends too and they tell me he loves me...

probably thousands of people in our city know we´re dating...

he´ll kiss me in public and stuff...

he NEVER even sends me his fotolog...

i have posted in his so u´d think he would know i know about his fotolog...

and like an example of something he wrote for this girl on her fotolog would be something like(i forgot exactly how it goes but something like)
"i hear your song and your misty voice...your beautiful eyes and soft, flowing gorgeous black hair ...you swim in the tranquil waters singing your beautiful song (as a mermaid does)but i can´t give in. you are so stunning, kisses, your(insert his name here)(he writes "kisses" for lots of people though...)

maybe i´m just digging 2 deep?¿:S
or is there truely something fishy goin´ on here?¿:So.0
pleeze helpo.0;;;,

2006-11-13 07:46:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-13 07:46:23 · 6 answers · asked by karam w 1

I am a indian guy in australia for last 3 years and settled here with a prety good IT job earning big bucks.. I wonder why no girl approched me in the last 3 years.. i am a decent looking guy though... Do white or asian(other than indian) like indian guys??

2006-11-13 07:45:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


i was sitting next to my boyfriend watching tv as he was checking his mail and i couldnt help but notice there was a generated email from a sex site that had a list of girls matching his profile with nastly lude pitcures! I asked him why the hell he was getting that kind of male - he denied knowing anything about it and said it must be junk and deleted it! - i made him reopen it just to have a curious look what these websites were about. I was in shock when i saw it was addressed to his nickname and questioned it futher going into the website there had been a profile made and everything describing his character, which was quite accurate! and a title description of "no strings attached" - he denied it all and said it must be a joke one of his mates was playing on him - and asked why i wouldnt see it as funny? i was quite upset and he got angry at me and accused me of not believing him, he shouted at me and slammed the door on his way out! I didnt speak for him for 2days till he called

2006-11-13 07:43:33 · 18 answers · asked by PinkCrystal 1

I'm in love with a wonderful man, but to make the relationship work I will have to move to the town where he owns a business. This is far away from my family and friends and it will be hard to get a job in what I have my master's degree in....I feel like if I move away from everything I might not be happy....but I don't want to lose him....

2006-11-13 07:42:31 · 21 answers · asked by josie775 2

its my senior year in high school and its pretty tough, im an only child ALL of my family lives in NJ EXCEPT for me, mom , dad.
ive never had a girlfriend and i have very few friends. im doubling up on classes due to my dropping out of HS 1st semester of sophmore year but im still graduating on time. every day is exactly the same and im extremely busy. words or comments that u guys can give to help me out somei feels as if theres no hope, i want to believe but i just dont think there is. i have no one

2006-11-13 07:40:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

But why do I always end up hurt. Am I destined to get hurt all the time or I just don't know which men would never hurt me,,, Honestly, I'm one inch of turning into one of those women who don't want men at all, Spinsters

P.S: To Charity: No, I don't want to go to the party... Especially to hook up with a guy...

2006-11-13 07:39:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love this boy caled armando one day i met a boy at a party he was hot we got into dancing kissing and touching before i knew it my ex best friend saw me and the next day she told ever1 in school and armando fount out because my ex bestfriend named katia took photos and posted on the lockeres.now i am with the other guy i cheated on called jimmy but i dont love him what should i do

2006-11-13 07:37:37 · 9 answers · asked by Baby Girl 1

would a guy chase you for over a year if all he wanted was sex?

2006-11-13 07:36:03 · 26 answers · asked by Pretty Little Girl xxx 1

2006-11-13 07:34:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like today in class there is this guy that I don't like that makes fun of me. I sort of did something very bad. Last week I printed out a picture of Chucky-the doll-to prove to my friend that her crush really does look like Chucky. I also wanted to get revenge on that guy. So last week I wrote on the outside in bold letters:
WHOEVER READS THIS BEWARE or something like that. Today I stuck it in his seat, and when he found it he showed it to his neighbor and then took it to the teacher.
Now here is the rocky part- He went and got the kids who sat there before him out of their class and brought them to our class and Mrs. Barey was trying to make one of them confess to it. Now she has it sitting on her desk and I think she is going to give it to our principal! Now I or somebody is going to get in trouble for a stupid joke I pulled!

What do I do now? Am I going to get in trouble? Or somebody else?

2006-11-13 07:33:05 · 9 answers · asked by Serene 1

2006-11-13 07:32:49 · 12 answers · asked by hooot7love 1

i want to go on the pill, but im not sure how to go about it, i DONT want my parents to know, or any of my family for that fact, whats the sensible age, who do i phone, what do i say?

2006-11-13 07:32:23 · 9 answers · asked by tnt_bbe 2

2006-11-13 07:31:08 · 19 answers · asked by Missle 1

my boyfriend and i havent saw each other in about 3 weeks.. hes away most of the time at grad school.... any really good ideas to spice up this thanksgiving break??? positions, food, anything welcomed... we are VERY opened to anything and usually try anything we hear!!!

2006-11-13 07:30:46 · 14 answers · asked by hopelessly_in_love 2

In the past or in the last week?

2006-11-13 07:29:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I haven't had sex for a few weeks now. He said it's because he's been thinking about our situation and how we started out with sex on the first date and sex every time there after. He said that he knew that I was with him for more than the sex but he was only with me for the sex. Now, he's saying that the reason he hasn't wanted to have sex because he's now interested in getting to know me and that sex should take a back burner. He said he's confused and having some emotional issues about commitment and wants us to start over slow. He said that he wants me because I'm good for his spirit and that he knows what he needs.

I should be appreciative and I can go without the sex but can't help but to be curious as to why he can't get to know me better with the sex. Should I believe his story or what should I think?

2006-11-13 07:29:32 · 20 answers · asked by geminig 1

i have had this crush on this girl for a while now, she knows i like her, i know she likes me, we have told each other. We haven't done that much for a while, and its confusing me on whether or not she is still interested. She is a very busy girl, i plan on getting into a conversation (online) about regret, then asking her if she has ever regretted anything. I will then proceed to say that I only have one regret..not kissing you yet.. I know im putting myself out there, but the wait is becoming unbearable, i dnt really have the time to worry about this, I have midterms, but i have to let her know this... is this a good plan?

2006-11-13 07:27:42 · 12 answers · asked by joel 2

my boyfriend has had a couple of dreams about him and his ex having sex. He says it was a nightmare but i really feel insecure about it.

2006-11-13 07:26:57 · 16 answers · asked by hollybarry08 1

Ok here is the problem I just started dating this guy who asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes because he has been a great guy. we have only been dating for about a week and have been bf/gf for like two days here is my concern. If he asked me to be his girlfriend why would he still have his status as "single" on his myspace page. I know its petty , but if he doesn't claim me on there does he claim me elsewhere. I have been introduced to all of his best friends so I am very confused why when I bring this up he chooses to ignore it. It makes me think he is second guessing his choice or he only wanted me for what he could get out of me and since he got it he doesn't want me anymore.Or could it be that I am so paranoid about being hurt again that I am overreacting? I thought we had a real connection and it seemed that way until I asked him about this. Maybe this is just how he reacts I really don't know cause we haven't known each other in a relationship setting very long.Please Help!

2006-11-13 07:26:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

we've been going out for 4 months short of a year and are in our 20s. we're great at communicating, never fight...no problems. it's just that sometimes when we go on drives...there's no real conversation that arises. we listen to music and things of the sort...it's not completely dead, but it's not like a chat session like he does with his friends and i do with mine. btw...we work together too...

2006-11-13 07:25:58 · 6 answers · asked by Snki55ed Princess 4

I'm having a hard time understanding why men work so hard to get a woman to give him her heart...and when she finally does...you men become jerks. Can you guys please explain why you do this?

2006-11-13 07:25:37 · 5 answers · asked by lisa 2

I've been dating this guy off/on for 3+ years. He works in construction and has a job where every few months he travels to a new city/state for a few months. Well he is now in North Carolina (I'm in Texas) he has offered to make all the arrangements for me to come and visit him. Does he really like me or is it just sex? That's a long way for just sex. We havent' seen each other but 3 times in the past 4 months, before that it had been over 2 years since we've even talked.

2006-11-13 07:25:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been to many bars trying to find women that are single but usually the wrong ones are there. Where do all of the romantic women go? It seems like they go into hibernation expecting somone to fall on there lap. I have been recently thinking about going to Russia to find my bride casue it looks like they know more of what it takes to make a relationship work than American women and beside the divorce rate is a lot less compared to American women. I think a lot of American women lost what famiy values mean or what marriage means. Yes you can probably say that about American men probably too.

2006-11-13 07:24:14 · 5 answers · asked by gregorylaudenslager 2

theres this girl in my 2nd period at my highs school. i wrestle and she does too. shes not buff, gay, or manly lookin i assure u shes very cute, beautiful. i was struggling in wrestling with my grades and i dropped out , not that we ever talked. but EVERY single day we both look at eachother from across the room and quickly look elsewhere. today, which she never does, she came across the room at the end to talk to one of my friends who sits right next to me whom she doesnt even know. what do u think i should do? was she giving me a hint?

2006-11-13 07:23:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked a question about a guy earlier. Well, about 5 minutes ago he called me. The conversation wasn't long. He said he was sorry he was to upfront, and he said he really liked me and what not. Well before I hung up on his butt, he tried to give me an explanation of how times have changed and that people nowadays have sex within the first 2 dates, he said that we should follow the trend. I know I've done some things in the past but I'm trying to change, it offended me and I hung up on him. Are guys naturally jerks?

2006-11-13 07:23:48 · 15 answers · asked by Abused Tampon 1

I want to like kiss him, but I'm too scared that I'll mess it up.

2006-11-13 07:23:34 · 7 answers · asked by [[.i'll.wave.goodbye.]] 2

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