My son has ADHD, he does not listen to his father or me, we have to ask him numerous times to stop a particular bahavior or come behind to make sure he does what he is suppossed to be doing, we also have to ask numerous times for him to finally do what he is asked to do. We have tried yelling, talking to him, taking away priveleges, and spanking him on occasion. It seems like everything we have tried is not working. I have also taken him to a counsleor, this has helped some but his behaves for a short period of time, basiscailly he behaves to earn something back that we have taken away from him because he has misbehaved, then once he gets it back, he goes right back to misbehaving again at school, at home, at the afterschool program, and on the school bus. He recently got suspended from the school bus for three days because he refused to do what the bus driver asked him to do.
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