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Other - Family & Relationships - 11 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I've heard that I should always want a girl that takes care of her feet...because if she's willis to take care of the least of her.....then she's really a catch. Is that true

2006-07-11 07:42:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

one minute he acts like he hates me, the next he flirts w/ me. sometimes he ignores me and sometimes he talks w/ me. He teases me alot 2. can u decipher his confusing signals?

2006-07-11 07:39:39 · 5 answers · asked by angel 1

i'm looking for a cool way so say i love you to someone with out actually saying the words again!

2006-07-11 07:39:13 · 4 answers · asked by retro_stargurl24 1

2006-07-11 07:35:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

but as soon as they found out you have cheated they want to beat you or leave they get real angry, wanting to leave. But its ok for the women to accept it.

2006-07-11 07:35:22 · 21 answers · asked by cilstubbs2 2

2006-07-11 07:33:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

He keeps on begging me and saying he really didnt mean to and says he is really sory and i must forgive him?but i still love him very much.

2006-07-11 07:30:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was born into a christian family but do not really agree with everything that they believe in . . . Anybody ever 'shop' religions to find the best one . . or am I throwing the finger to the 'man' if I look around?

2006-07-11 07:26:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Assuming the person is actually telling the truth.

2006-07-11 07:25:44 · 17 answers · asked by Mr. Hat 1

2006-07-11 07:22:39 · 16 answers · asked by gary w 1

and if so what are some good ways to get away without getting caught

2006-07-11 07:10:52 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been with my bf for 6 mths now. We were together before for 2 1/2 years but we broke up for about a year but now we're back together. I really do love him and he tells me that he loves me. He is a good person and does almost anything for me; he takes care of me after work, gives me massages, always compliments me, likes to spend most of his $$ on me (even tho i have my own $$), he likes to be with me instead of his friends/family..he's just so sweet. But there is one thing that he does that makes me question this relationship, he lies to me.....not about bad things but about small things...but it's just the fact that he lies to me, that bothers me. I have told him before that i don't like being lied to and he said he wouldn't but i always find out something from his family. And when i confront him, he says he didn't mean to.....it's just so frustrating at times....is it just me? do i have a trust issue? please help...need some advice....thanks

2006-07-11 07:10:06 · 11 answers · asked by confused one 1

After reading a question on here about a lady who messed around with a married man supposedly not know, it brought up a question in my own mind. I met this lady over 6 years ago at work. For over 3 years she has made passes, and sent many messages that she was interested. Let me add I am married and has been married for almost 20 years. About 2 years after meeting this lady my marrage was on the rocks. My wife would not even sleep in our bed or even sleep in the same room for that matter. So; I got to a weak point so the speak. So; I started flirting back with the lady. I told her from the start that I was married and loved my wife. Don't beat me upside the head yet. I know if I love her I should not mess around. I made it clear to this lady I was married. Things got heated and we eventually had sex. I wanted to use protection but she told me that not wearing a rubber and staying inside of her was the best part and besides I have a condition wear I can't get pregnant anymore

2006-07-11 07:08:11 · 10 answers · asked by darkinchi 1

well ever since my boyfriend was sick for like 2 days hes been the biggest dick when normal hes the nisest person ever he says he doesn't give a s**t and i should know that so i asked if i had sex with another guy if he would care and he said he doesn't give a f**k and i told him if he did that with another girl there would be some butt wooping and he just said whatever i don't know what his deal is

so i ask if he cares about me cause it seems like he doen't but he says he does and he asked me why i though he didn't.hes like in denial when ever we fight he won't admit it and he won't talk what do i do????????

2006-07-11 07:07:40 · 5 answers · asked by mudslinger 1

My boyfriend might get hired for a position where i work

2006-07-11 07:04:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

if one partner had been dishonest and lied many times.. had an affair once but you chose to forgive, how do u forget and how to rebuild the trust once more??

2006-07-11 07:03:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well it all happened Sunday... my new guy and me were cuddled on my couch.... his physco ex shows up at my door with their 3 kids.. they arent together, he has custody. He wasn't to pick them until much later. She freaked and called me names etc. Well I turned to Jack after she left...... and told him I needed to think, he left with the kids.... I'm upset, I don't know how to handle this at all...... devastated......what should I do.... missing him to the moon, can call he phone isn't activated yet....?

2006-07-11 06:59:09 · 9 answers · asked by SANDY V 1

2006-07-11 06:57:23 · 14 answers · asked by andrew_is_sexi! 2

I am always moody to the people that I know and care about, but nice to the people I barely know and dont really care about, does this make sense?

2006-07-11 06:56:27 · 10 answers · asked by Virginia Gal 3

I had a Fourth of July party for my friends and neighbors. I went all out on all the food, drinks, liquor, fireworks, the whole thing. At some point in the evening we ran out of Ice my friend when down to the store and got more. Two days after the party she barged in my house and demanded I give her Ice back. I wanted to hit her. What would you of done in this situation.

2006-07-11 06:52:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

just want to know if it is as good as i have heard
also how bad if at all is it for my body

2006-07-11 06:50:33 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

since i turned them in for abuse, neglect and drugs, state took kids, then her father turned he in and state gave kids to him. Her father gave them back to her, state closed file and she left husband with another drug user. now kids are in same situation as 6 years ago. State won't listen. What do we do?

2006-07-11 06:48:04 · 6 answers · asked by bubba2 1

I love giving oral sex to my boyfriend...all the time. Every day, when we wake up, before we go to bed. All the time. I love it. I think I'm really good at it too because I've gotten no complaints and it's easy to bring him to climax for me that way.
Lately, he will want it for a few days and then all of a sudden he's say no when I try. Sometimes we make a game out of it and I'll try every way possible to get to his "thing". But, it frustrates me that I have to "beg" to do it, or try really hard to get to it. Sometimes he just flat out refuses. I know this has nothing to do with another woman because I'll be with him for days and hours upon hours and all of a sudden he'll just not want it. It confuses me and makes me not want to ever do it again, but I the thing is i WANT to. Help.

2006-07-11 06:46:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love so much but hes leaving at the first of august and i am scared 2 let him go!!

2006-07-11 06:43:04 · 5 answers · asked by andrew_is_sexi! 2

I was chatting with someone on the computer and he is 17 and im 14 but he lives in the united kingdom but he asked me to be his pen pal saying that he can't wait for me to write him. If I had to ask my parents they might say no but over there at 17 its common to move out so he lives on his own and works as a semi pro soccer coach. do you think its ok to write him?

2006-07-11 06:41:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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