Seems as if the only time my fiance talks to his ex wife on the phone is out of my site(so he thinks) and hearing distance. they have 2 kids, so it is not unusual for him to talk to her, but he always knows whats giong on there, what they are doing, where they are going, etc. (the ex and kids)but i never see him talk in front of me. And then last night he was out in the garage, and I went into my sons room looked out the window and happened to see him dial his cell phone. So I thought he saw me, but he didn't, and he started a conevrsation (i knew it was her cause I can tell by his voice who he is talking to) I couldnt hear the conversation fully and decided it was none of my business any way, so i walked away. about 15 min later i looked out the window again, and he looked like he was arguing with her, but still on the phone. Then he came in the house and looked all pissed off, but never mentioned he talked to her. Seems like if he thinks he has a few min I wont be there that is
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