I see so many questions about what to do about certain guys that women may be dating / just broken up with / considering dating / married to, that I've decided to post some advice which seems to fit every situation:
-You know in your heart what needs to be done, whether you're going to break up, get back together, or start dating a guy. You know that if he cheated with you (or your friend or someone you know) on his previous girlfriend, he will do it to you.
-If he's willing to sleep with you on the first date or soon after, and has no problems or hesitations with it, he may well have done that with other women, no matter what he says.
-If he insists on going out with guys all the time, and ignoring you except when you insist upon seeing him, he's probably not interested in you.
-If you husband or boyfriend is abusive, especially physically, first get out! Nobody deserves it, and you are better than that. If he wants you back, demand counseling before moving back.
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