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Other - Family & Relationships - 11 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I love a woman. An Angel. She rejected me, but I continue to love her anyway. One day, for the hundreds of time, I told her that I was sorry if I annoyed her, or made her upset because I kept loving her anyway despite of the rejection. Then she answered that she wasn't upset, but sad. Is that possible? To be sad when you have somebody loves you so much?

2006-07-11 05:22:50 · 22 answers · asked by Little Detective 2

And if that's too easy, how about "What's the meaning of life?"

2006-07-11 05:15:36 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's been 6 months now And I've had enough...I've told him that he has to pick me or her..He has untill thursday to decide...Do You think it's a good or bad idea? Can I do something else so that I wont have to live with his psycho mom and still have him? Please HELP!!!!

2006-07-11 05:14:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-11 05:11:51 · 21 answers · asked by candyannabel13 2

Like they talk 2 u on the phone they are talking all nice 2 until their friend comes over or your at their house their friend comes over and he starts cursing at you{ like on the phone } then you arguee with him and curse back.

2006-07-11 05:07:13 · 2 answers · asked by amari 1

wat is the FIRST thing you look for in a girl?

2006-07-11 05:04:39 · 12 answers · asked by Genny gennie gen gen~~~~~~~~~!!! 1

I think I was trying to be scammed by this person who told me to email them my FedEx tracking shipping number to receive my money order. I don't think the site exist because it's full of pop-ups and ads and I can't log in. I'm glad I got my package back. I think they are a fraud. I was trying to sell an item on craigslist. Plus these people told me that they could only deal with me ONLY through the email. Wouldn't give me information about this company, not even the 1-800 number. The package was supposed to go to Largos, Nigeria. What do you think?

2006-07-11 05:01:20 · 6 answers · asked by Common_Sense2 6

It IS common for MEN to become horny seeing WOMEN naked, masturbating, or having sex... but I wonder why WOMEN also feel the same?

I admit that I'm bisexual. I feel horny everytime I see women naked, frenchkissing, making out, masturbating, having sex, or kind of that (you all know what I mean here!!).... It'll make me masturbate wildly in the end again and again if I can't release it all with my boyfriend....

But, why do we all feel the same? Isn't that kinda weird?!?

2006-07-11 04:57:50 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would love to hear some!!!

2006-07-11 04:56:09 · 6 answers · asked by ladyjamie 6

I am a young Bi-female and also have a boyfriend. I was wondering...is it REALLY so bad to mess around with other girls when you have a bf? My bf is not into girl on girl...but he knew when he met me that I liked girls. He is boring sexually...and I love to have fun. Would any of you guys break up with me because you found out I was messing around with other girls behind your back? Is it really the same as screwing another guy? Not as bad, the same...or worse?

2006-07-11 04:55:56 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-11 04:49:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

my b/f likes to joke around about women on tv or just women he sees. he thinks its funny but i told him that its not. hes say things right to my face and he cant understand why i just mad. also why do guys need to look at porn on the computer? ive talked to him about it. u sont see girls looking at it if they r dating or married unless they r doing it together.

2006-07-11 04:47:53 · 10 answers · asked by horses19 1

2006-07-11 04:47:44 · 5 answers · asked by sweetness 1

..even if you REALLY like them and even though they play hard to get, at times 'tell' you they wouldn't mind a relationship with you?

2006-07-11 04:41:55 · 4 answers · asked by ~2Sxy4u!~ 4

We have an 18 month old son together. We are complete opposites. We don't enjoy doing anything together. He never wants to be home. I'm too controlling. I feel like his mother. But we still love each other. Any advise?

2006-07-11 04:39:59 · 6 answers · asked by Abbi 2

I see so many questions about what to do about certain guys that women may be dating / just broken up with / considering dating / married to, that I've decided to post some advice which seems to fit every situation:

-You know in your heart what needs to be done, whether you're going to break up, get back together, or start dating a guy. You know that if he cheated with you (or your friend or someone you know) on his previous girlfriend, he will do it to you.

-If he's willing to sleep with you on the first date or soon after, and has no problems or hesitations with it, he may well have done that with other women, no matter what he says.

-If he insists on going out with guys all the time, and ignoring you except when you insist upon seeing him, he's probably not interested in you.

-If you husband or boyfriend is abusive, especially physically, first get out! Nobody deserves it, and you are better than that. If he wants you back, demand counseling before moving back.


2006-07-11 04:22:35 · 4 answers · asked by classical123 4

Where do you sart? Don't want to have to pay to do this ideally, as my old chum might not want to talk to me anyway!

2006-07-11 04:21:25 · 10 answers · asked by Pepper 3

i have PMS today(and for the last week) I hate my job today, I hate my fiance, i want to phisically and mentally abuse him.He is a raving idiot. And he didn't really even do anything. I really do feel thisway. I know it is irrational, but I can't help it. one minute I realize how crazy I am being, the next i just don't care. I will be normal in about 5 days.
Tell me your issue. WHAT TO B****?

2006-07-11 04:18:14 · 8 answers · asked by ladyjno7 4

2006-07-11 04:09:46 · 8 answers · asked by Funny Lady 3

Is it wrong for me to feel a bit creepy about this> Should she toss this crap? I told her I think she needs to let go of it to move on and she says , I have moved on. I DON'T THINK SO.

2006-07-11 04:05:52 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im really worried because she is already 7months so if any nurses or doctors or mothers out there could give me any advise? Also we really need your prayers.

2006-07-11 04:05:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-11 04:01:39 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need advice, My childrens father owes my children 8000.00 in supprt. The other day he threatend me because Im in violation of court orderd visitation,well i researched and there is no order for visitation...I choose not to let him see his kids because he cant stay out of jail he beats his girlfriend up, and she is a pill popper. I want to know in the state of Florida how can I go after him for this money and raise the amount of support he is ordered to pay 33.00 a week for 2 children which is unreasonable considering I pay 142.50 a week for ther child care so I can work. Also What should I do about his nosey girfriend who threatens me everytime I mention the word childsupport and bringing him back to court. They are both basically bullies.

2006-07-11 04:01:23 · 6 answers · asked by italianprincess_fl 3


2006-07-11 04:00:46 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have been seeing each other for over a year and Im sure he could possibly do better than me, unfortunatley I love him now. I want to keep him, but not just on the weekends all the time. I have tried to not see him for like two months, miss him terrible and then, it happens again every weekend.

2006-07-11 03:54:30 · 4 answers · asked by SECRET woman 2

well, i d like to die in a weird, mysterious way..dunno how exactly but i dont want it to be ordinary..like i want it to be painfull and extraordinary..what do u guys think about it? how would u rather die (if u had a say about it,of course,,.)

2006-07-11 03:51:56 · 28 answers · asked by ? 3

He slept with someone else and I asked about the relationship he says "I don't want to talk to you about this, give me some time to let her down. Then he says he still loves me but he still talks to her I think. They work together, but if I try to ask about it he says I am hanging up. So I got on the comp and left him some messages and told him what I thought after he was gone for 2 days and no call. He says "well you want me to go so I will leave you alone. I love him but I don't know why and we are in 2 different towns.

2006-07-11 03:51:35 · 11 answers · asked by BC 1

2006-07-11 03:50:15 · 16 answers · asked by True 1

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