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Other - Family & Relationships - 11 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Neither one of us is getting any younger. I know this is what i want. how can I get him serious about us i'm not going to keep waiting around. once i'm done with school (he has his diploma and I am going for 2 BS and a MS). I am supporting him to go to school and look towards our future. I am not perfect but, I know in my hearts of hearts we are perfect. My family loves him, his mom loves me why cant he see that. I dont want the games, I don't want to play hard to get. We flow that should be enough.

2006-07-11 08:55:45 · 13 answers · asked by jaminatab 2

I would like to know if there's anyone else out there who has had their life changed drastically over a short period of time.
This is what happened to me over one year's time:
January 19, 2005 -- Started dating the love of my life
April 13, 2005 -- He proposed!
April 16, 2005 -- Surprise--Got pregnant! (Took the test May 8--Mother's Day)
That summer we moved from Arizona to Mississippi so I could be with my grandmother (who died October 29, 2005...I am so grateful I was able to spend those last few months with her)
October 13, 2005 -- It's a boy! Yes! I knew I'd get my boy!
November 16, 2005 -- We got married!
January 18, 2006 -- Our baby boy, Elijah, was born

So, it was actually one day less than a year. Everything happened so fast, and now our lives are so different...and we couldn't be happier.
If you have anything to share or would like to comment, I'd love to hear it.

2006-07-11 08:52:52 · 12 answers · asked by EarthAngel 4


My wife loves me deeply - no question abt that. But she is hardly ever interested in having sex with me (after the first 7-8 months). We are married for the past 18 months.

Any help will be much appreciated.

2006-07-11 08:50:55 · 40 answers · asked by life_is_rhythm 2

...balloon and it popped. Aren't they supposed to last longer?

2006-07-11 08:50:33 · 16 answers · asked by schillinfl2 3

My niece is two and a half and just hasn't gotten the concept yet

2006-07-11 08:48:45 · 12 answers · asked by Doreen A 4

2006-07-11 08:45:53 · 13 answers · asked by yes i 1

Would I have gay sex with an unknown person for a million dollars? I said absolutly, she said I was nuts. (she said she wouldn't) She also said she would probably have to leave me over the decision if I did it. My question is...would you do it for a million or even less?

2006-07-11 08:44:24 · 10 answers · asked by BL1957 3


Today, naval midshipman Owens went on trial for alledgedly raping a fellow midshipman. According to the Washington Post, "while the woman, who was drunk at the time, said she never explicitly told Owens to stop she testified she didn't consent to have sex. She said she refused to kiss him and tried to pull away and told Owens she had a boyfriend."

If he had asked and she'd said no it would clearly be rape. But he didn't ask and she never said no. She just didn't say yes. So, is this rape or not?

2006-07-11 08:40:55 · 91 answers · asked by Karl 2

What do you think about them?

2006-07-11 08:38:36 · 16 answers · asked by Klok J 1

I say they are, what do you say and why?

2006-07-11 08:35:49 · 29 answers · asked by Almont00 3

She and a friend of mine developed a crush on each other.(Needless to say, he is really no longer a friend of mine). Things happened, but not the worst.. thankfully. I had given her the chance to tell me everything and even then she still hid things. 9 months later turns out that all the problems in our relationship were due to her guilt for not telling me everything and due to her insecurities in life. She made it seems as thought I was not good enough all this time. We are on a break right now. I am now reliving all that pain because I now know everything. I don't know if I can trust her again - all I have is visions of her doing the same... just because she did it once. I am torn to just end it, or try to make it work. The guilt she had deflected on me all this time makes it hard. Can she truly want to be with me now...can I ever get over the suspiciouons. I just keep playing out the deception in my mind, but I do love her - it has been 4 years. What to do?

2006-07-11 08:34:56 · 3 answers · asked by rogue_in_so_cal 2

My name is Shelby and I want a nickname. But I can't think of any good ones. Here are some things about me that might help:
I love country music, I like purple and blue colors, I like cats, the rain, the beach, cheerleading, swimming, shopping, decorating my room, and tons of other things
My favorite foods are pizza, chicken, skittles, ice cream, and pop corn

So please help me in finding a new nickname. The one I like the most will get 10 points. Please, please, PLEASE help me. And please take this seriously. I really need help and don't want to waist 5 points.

BTW- I don't know what category this should be in, so don't say anything about the category

2006-07-11 08:29:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I date a black man and he makes me feel like im dirt.I love him but to me i think that he needs help with this as the saying goes i will date a white women but not seen with one.I think im good enough to go to bed with but not good enough to been seen in public with should i move on or let this go on i know there is someone out there that won't do this to me maybe i should move on please help

2006-07-11 08:28:37 · 23 answers · asked by lorettaq_25 2

I want to take a vacation alone. I am married with two children. I love my family and want to be with them, but I need a break. Is it unfair of me to want to have a few days alone. To read, to think about something other than the kids and the house, and work. To have " ME TIME"? My husband has a two week vacation at the end of this month. He will be home, so the kids could stay with him. We are planning a family event, but I want a few days for just me.
He plays golf several times a week, and thats his time.

2006-07-11 08:25:39 · 41 answers · asked by skynickie 2

Come on ladies....lets hear yall

2006-07-11 08:25:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-11 08:22:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

because you don't tell how much you need him, or how much you love him. you didn't give him a card,or give him a surprise, or you laugh with other people and cut up, and he feels left out.

2006-07-11 08:15:10 · 11 answers · asked by buttons 1

Some of the questions should be answerd by the Magic 8 Ball, don't you agree?

2006-07-11 08:14:41 · 4 answers · asked by dzHorwath 2

2006-07-11 08:12:21 · 12 answers · asked by gray_snickers 1

Have any of you mothers out there breastfed your husbands? Or have they asked you and you have refused??

What would you think of them if they did??

2006-07-11 08:09:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


i just finishes having it and need to see if what we did other people do too!

2006-07-11 08:07:37 · 7 answers · asked by cutiepie36 1

do u think someone that cheats deserves a second chance if the person they cheated on is willing to give them one? especially if it was like a one time thing and didnt mean anything.....or do u think that they shouldnt be lucky enough to get a 2nd chance?

2006-07-11 08:06:26 · 18 answers · asked by Calilv0123 3

i have known this girl for a really long time and she is my best friend and honest truth i have had a crush on her ever since i saw her.she has a boyfriend and i figured to play my position and then we had a 2 hour talk of how we felt for eachother as much as i adored her she did me as well she told me she loved me and not him and she was going to be with me but the problem is she doesnt know how to break up with her man and its hard on me because its one of my best friends but for this girl i would do anything and know its vacation and i cant talk to her and i miss her so much and wonder if she even thinks about me what do you think i should do i left her a message on her yahoo email but she never retutned it i tell you wat is a guy to do

2006-07-11 08:05:55 · 18 answers · asked by bhitta122389 1

I dont because i happen to be one and im never happy.

2006-07-11 08:05:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

we've been talking for about a year. but now that i like someone else he seems to want me more than i wanted him, how do i deal with that?

2006-07-11 08:03:54 · 9 answers · asked by pain turns into love 2

What is one accomplishment each of your children have made that has made you proud. My oldest son has become a pro. bullrider after working so hard at it. my middle daughter is a wonderful wife and mother and my youngest son has struggled through school and is about to graduate a trade school. And with all my kids I am so proud of there moral values and how they treat and respect others

2006-07-11 08:03:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know my great grandfather immigrated into Boston, not Ellis Island, sometime in the mid or late 1800s.

2006-07-11 08:03:21 · 2 answers · asked by lane 1

2006-07-11 07:58:17 · 4 answers · asked by RACHAEL R 2

2006-07-11 07:48:09 · 3 answers · asked by benam 1

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