A woman has 5 chldren, 21 to 9 years old, 1 son and 4 daughters. She also has 2 grandchildren, 6 years old and 6 months old, both girls. The woman know lives her life as a dyke. She is in her mid fourties and her girlfriend is in her mid twenties. She neglects her children for her relationship. She also does unappropiate things to her girlfriend around her children. What type of affect could this have on her children. Her oldest (son) lives with his dad, her oldest daughter and her 6 yr. old live with their aunt, her 15 yr. old daughter and her 6 mo. old have been bouncing from family members and is now back at home, and her 2 youngest girls live with their father. I feel bad for the kids because they have to see their mom like this. She dresses like a man and acts like a man, she even wears a strap on penis. I don't understand why she can't be discreet with her lifestyle to protect her children. It's not acceptable behavior for a mother.
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