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Marriage & Divorce - 5 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My wife and I are in the processing of divorcing after being together for 18-years (married for 16 - two children). We had an unpleasant marriage for most of those years mostly because we didn't get along even though we loved each other and had a great sex life: the main problem was that our lifestyle values were very different and that we were not respectful or considerate toward each other.

Now the marriage vows state - "For better or worst, in sickness and in health, till death due us part." If you marry before God and make a promise to your spouse to live according to those vows, at what point does that promise lose its meaning? Aren't a couple supposed to work together to solve all problems? To me the vows are more as follows in actuality: " For better (90%) or worst (10%); for richer (60%) or poorer(40%); in sickness (5%) and health (95%); till death due us part (0%). What do you think?

2006-06-05 15:23:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dh has two kids (6&8) from lst marriage. They are gonna be in my house soon. I'm gonna meet them the very first time. The point it they have no idea their parents have been divorced, needless to say about their daddy's remarriage. My dh has been afraid of telling his ex about his remarriage. He's been afraid that his ex will use his kids to againist him. His ex is very hostile woman. Now the cat is coming out of the bag very soon. Once the kids see me, there is no way he can hide from his ex anymore. I don't know what to do when I see his kids.. We don't have any kids ourselves. These kids have been brainwashed by their mother. Once their mom finds out our marriage, it's gonna be a diaster. I'm getting neverous and worried. Whenever I talked to my dh about his ex, he got pissed. He would tell me he knows the time when he should tell his ex about marriage.. Well.. ... I really don't like to be "stepmother"... ...Any advise or personal experience is appreicated..

2006-06-05 15:21:36 · 37 answers · asked by PetsLover 2

Okay I am constipated because I not only recently gave birth (well 6 weeks ago) but because I have changed my diet. My husband keeps asking me for sex, I told him I was constipated so he asked for head, then he asked me to get him off. What is wrong with men why why why? I don't feel like doing either or and believe me my husbands gets it on a daily basis it's just that right now I am CONSTIPATED how can I get him to back off?

2006-06-05 15:06:01 · 7 answers · asked by Michelle 2

Meaning: one chance, two chances or three strikes your out rule?

Also, under what circumstance would you use the one, two, or three strikes rule?

2006-06-05 14:44:05 · 18 answers · asked by Deanna M9903 2

He wanted the divorce - I still love him. Should I try to be friends with him - he wants us to be close friends? We have two kids, almost grown. I'm torn: One part of me wants to be friends another tells me that it wouldn't be good for me.

2006-06-05 14:28:41 · 22 answers · asked by Lotte T 3

A. The Husband
B. The Wife
C. Both
D. The Person Who Makes The Most Money

2006-06-05 14:27:44 · 18 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7

I am not a resident of Michigan

2006-06-05 14:18:47 · 6 answers · asked by toddc2004 1

i live with my boy freind and he dosent pay attention to me i love him allot because i have been with him for a year and a half he dosent hug me as much andkiss me ether i would like things to change but dont know how

2006-06-05 14:12:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-05 14:11:21 · 7 answers · asked by Sierra E 2

Let me give you some background: I have been married for over 4 years now. I have twin 3 year olds with my husband. About 2 years ago my husband became physically violent to me when he was drunk. This continued for about the next year until my husband was deported to Mexico. He is still in Mexico and should be able to come back in a few months. In the time he's been gone I have tried to talk to him about his behavior and how I want it to change. I threatened divorce about a month ago and now he wants to fix things. He wants one more chance. I told him that I wanted him to go to AA and counseling now. He said that he wont go to that, that in this year he has change. I need to give him that chance. I love him so much and want it to work for our family. So I agreed to give him that chance. Can I go back on my word? Should I wait for him to do it again? Do I move away and cut off all contact with him? I need serious answers. Thank you and God Bless.

2006-06-05 14:04:47 · 38 answers · asked by bellacervantes 1

I have since forgiven him we have been married for 15 years, but I find myself treating him very badly, with putting him down or ignoring him or just giving him a dirty look here and there, I cant seem to just forget it, does anyone have advice to help me resolve this issue about myself. It just really hurt me and I want to feel better again.

2006-06-05 13:54:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's seems like the old days were people stayed married forever has come & gone. Most of my older peers have been thru atleast 2 or 3 marriages.

2006-06-05 13:43:24 · 11 answers · asked by rick 1

2006-06-05 13:42:14 · 10 answers · asked by giveusfreeee 1

But then today i was viewing this question that ended up being something really negative so i went to my history so i can erase it because if my parents found out they wouldf think i'm addicted to porn or something which i'm not! So then I saw some words that involving the words f****** and p***** and c** stuff like that. So i thought "Whats this?"(I knew what it was but i was curious to see who was looking at it) So i click on all of them and they had these women licking the man's d*** and they women having d***s in their p**** in them and a lot of nasty stuff! The day before my dad told me to hide a plug to the computer that gives you access to the internet! So the other day before these porn pop ups came up! So then i heard my dad say this isn't me a million times so nerviously! So i'm thinking that its my dad! What should i do! I'm only 11! Please help me i'm litterally about to cry! This is sexygal's little sister. Please help and should i tell my mom!

2006-06-05 13:42:06 · 3 answers · asked by BeautifulSin64 4

how can i get rid of cramps and bloating ? i feel like crap for five days how can i feel better?

2006-06-05 13:41:04 · 66 answers · asked by alicia g 2

can anyone help me with this , i feel like i am getting hot flashes or something as i feel hot every morning when i wake up

2006-06-05 13:39:27 · 22 answers · asked by alicia g 2

We now have 4 dogs. Four. I didn't ask for any of them, but when she brought in one, I eventually adjusted and loved this animal. She assured me that she didn't want any others. Then she became obsessed with finding another one, and without asking me, brought home another dog. I adjusted and enjoyed both of them. She assured me that she wouldn't bring home anymore. Then she became obsessed with finding another dog, and without asking me, brought home another dog. I haven't even had a chance to adjust to three dogs (INSIDE dogs, no less) and, although she has assured me that there was NO way she'd get another one...she has become obsessed with another dog and now has just surprised me with another puppy. Along with the 2 kids, this is so much for me to take. This isn't the only thing issue we've had in our marriage, but I'm at the point now where I feel she is so self-centered that she is only concerned with her own immediate self-gratification. How do I deal with this???

2006-06-05 13:31:06 · 11 answers · asked by foot lovin man 1

I am currently married to a man who when drunk is physically abusive. Two weeks ago I told him that I wanted to get a divorce. We have two young kids and I want to find a better father for them.

Now, I have a friend who is always nice to me and my kids. I told him about what’s going on and he expressed his immense love for me. He talked about how smart, beautiful and charming I was. I explained how I couldn’t have a boyfriend until after I was divorced. He agreed. I told him that it was fine if we remained friends while I was in the divorce process.

Yesterday I talked to my husband and he was VERY repentant toward me. He asked for ONE more chance. I agreed.

I have talked to the other guy, and while he is very sad, he is willing to wait for me. I figure that it is only a matter of time before my husband hits me again, but I want him to know that he had that chance to change.

What things can I do with the other guy now, to keep our relationship going? Write him letters? What

2006-06-05 13:16:52 · 41 answers · asked by ? 2

How would you handle it if your wife looks nothing like she did a year ago before you got married and she refuses to do anything about it and says I should love her for whats inside. I dont mean to sound selfish, but looks are important also. She has gained about 30 lbs, cut her hair short, and rarely wears makeup. I know this is very common as I have friends that are going through the same thing. My question is why is this such a common problem, and how do I handle it? sex life sucks.

2006-06-05 13:13:31 · 19 answers · asked by juju 3

I was married to my first husband for over a dozen years. Yes, i strayed. I admitted my wrong, i learned from my mistakes. I have been married for 2 years to a great man. He has no idea how much I love him. His job takes him long distances from home. His previous wife strayed on him, and they divorced. I do all i can to reassure him that i love him, to show him i am there for him. He makes me relive my past over and over again...he says because of what I did, in my first marriage, he cannot trust me, and never will be able to. He says that she taught him that. I am sure that he strayed on her before her on him, but thats irrelevant to him, bcause he says that when she chose to stray, he had already realized his love for her...Why must i relive my past mistakes over and over for him..i cannot be the person i told him i want to grow to be if i continuously must relive the past. Please tell me how to deal with this. I'm not sure how long i can keep living my life like this.

2006-06-05 12:54:56 · 8 answers · asked by Elly 3

i,ve took to sleeping in the spare room as my partner smells so bad he only ever washes about every 4/5 weeks maybe longer his bed clothes aint been changed in 6months he,ll scratch his sweaty balls ectra then continue to eat a sandwhich . he,ll ask me for a kiss or cuddle maybe sex and i,ve given up with the hints so tell him honestly that no i dont want a kiss ectra cause he smells he,ll say yeah so what,can i have a kiss ectra so i repeat agian no so he,ll say **** you then but he still wont wash/bath i,ve tried telling him i prefere him clean ectra and he turns me on more when he,s clean i,ve even been over the top with him WHEN he,s bathed kissing him,cuddling him saying things like ohhh you smell sexy i love it when your clean blar blar but noooooo that still dont sink in you,d think the fact i,ve slept in the spare room for months now would jolt him into taking action but nooooooooo i feel sick just to see him mess around with his pits and privates then try touch me after HELP!!

2006-06-05 12:51:08 · 56 answers · asked by moonpup35 2

My husband left me on Thursday and left a note. I can't quit crying. The nights are the worst, we snuggled together perfectly. I feel so lonely. Advice please!!

2006-06-05 12:49:50 · 26 answers · asked by carolscreation 4

if your husband bought his secretary or someone at work something more extravigant and appealing and more expensive of a birthday present then he did you?what would you do?

2006-06-05 12:45:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its called dirty boy
Hey dirty boy,close those dirty eyes.go back home to your wife and kids,say i love you and other lieshey dirty boy keep looking at me with lust.hide those thoughts that burn your mind.depurside you know you musthey dirty boy lick your lips like you taste mebut keep those fantasies hidden they must never see hey dirty boy when you touch it think only of me imagine all the dirty things between us there could be hey dirty boy grab me where the lights wont go dont hide your urges let them show hey dirty boy dont bite your lip so deep youll need every drop of blood for me so remeber that and make sure to keep hey dirty boy wjhisper those thoughts into my ear i promise theyll stay between us no one else has to hear hey dirty boy come here and take what you need satisfy that dark longing inside its been a while since you let it feed

And what do you think about this one this was giving to me husband from some girl at work?

2006-06-05 12:39:47 · 2 answers · asked by nikki 1

2006-06-05 12:39:19 · 5 answers · asked by jsjr12469 3

My husband hardly ever asks for sex, and I want it all the time. I am pretty cute, and I've had plenty of guys show an interest (so no, I ain't fat or ugly.). I think maybe he has a little performance anxiety or something but I can't be sure. He says he wants more sex too when I ask about it, but he doesn't "pursue" it so I assume he doesn't want it. Even when I flirt with him and try to initiate, he sometimes doesn't quite catch on. How can I get him to be a real tiger in the sack?

2006-06-05 12:32:01 · 7 answers · asked by tallgirl 3