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Friends - September 2007

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I am in the 10th grade. My friends make fun of me because I dont like the same music they like. I love Aerosmith and I love classical music. I hate most rap. Some it okay but most if it is garbage. My friends say that I dont listen to rap because I think that I am better than they are and they call me a sell-out. They say black have no business listening to rock music.I am not trying to be better than anyone. I just know what I like and waht I don't like. I have told them that it hurt my feelings but they just make fun of me even more.What should I do??

2007-09-04 10:35:50 · 4 answers · asked by Laila C 1

He doesn't trust her @ all. She has changed so much for him over the last year yet he is the only one who hasn't seen the change. I have tried to get along with him for her sake. He said some disrespectful things to me & I told her I was done. I'm don't even want to be around her if he is going to be there. Was that wrong of me? Let me clarify NOBODY in our circle of friends likes him or thinks he is right for her. Yet she claims she is in love.

2007-09-04 10:03:00 · 7 answers · asked by nosugamomma 2

I posted a question earlier about my neighbor (also my husbands friend/co-worker). I get the feeling this guy does not like me at all. He is very friendly to my hubby but refuses to speak to me. All the responses so far everyone's saying that I am wrong for not wanting this guy on my property..... So what everyone is saying is that it would not bother them to have someone at their house they know doesn't like them??? You would have a cookout and feel comfortable inviting your nextdoor neighbor who refuses to speak to you?? So if me and my husband are in our yard playing with our kids and this guy comes into my yard with his girlfriend and introduces her to my husband but acts like I am not even there and does not introduce me.... you don't think that is kinda rude? Wow I am really suprised by all the responses and everyone saying that I am over-reacting. I think you people are wrong. I gurantee that if you thought someone didn't like you, you would feel uncomfortable around them!!

2007-09-04 09:48:26 · 3 answers · asked by missy1525 1

every year it seems like i change schools... well thts because i do... most of the time im changing because of my parents well this last time i changed becase i chose too. Well, its a new school with new people a new year... should i change from my old ways to new ways... if i stop hiding behind my past... is there any way that i can move forward and not be so scared of what people think? Plz Help!

2007-09-04 09:36:00 · 2 answers · asked by Hannah Lynn 1

i have a 10 year reunion coming up,and im not going but it has come across to me that at least i wont have to explain why after 10 years im only making minium wage and not using my licenses i went to school for. doesnt it just really matter if your happy?anyone ever felt this way

2007-09-04 09:34:44 · 14 answers · asked by soulm8s7 2

I've always been really introverted. I want to stand out from the crowd, but I don't see how I can do that (without dyeing my hair pink or something). If I'm really nice, I'm ignored, if I'm sarcastic, I'm called a *****.

I'm not that pretty or tall or anything, so I usually get guy's attention by being a little sarcastic to them. Trouble is, they never ask me out or anything because they think I don't like them.

It feels as if everyone got these lessons on friends when they were in kindergarten and I just missed out. I never know how to approach or just talk to people.

2007-09-04 09:26:38 · 2 answers · asked by Sarcasm Queen 3

My frend is going to this school called Shaw and she is scared becuz all of her enimies will be there and she fears that she is going to get jumped or have no friends, I am nervous about the first day of school as well becuz of the usual, but her prob is worse. What can i tell her to help her feel more safe there??

2007-09-04 09:10:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay, this is wat happend i kissed by bffs brother and he is 16 and he stayed back twice and noew he is my 9th grade class. it feels kinda weird to be near him in skool. well also because he tried doing other things to me to but wouldnt let him. but what do i do
please give me better answers

2007-09-04 09:01:39 · 13 answers · asked by ☆ ♥ Lil Ms. Sunshine♥☆ 2

and then they cancel

2007-09-04 08:54:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

my so called friend is being a pissy *****. I asked her to come over today and she said after she eats. Then after she was done i asked her to come over again and she said "No" she is always on a so called Gaiaonline website and the only time she ever wants to come over is when her mom kicks her off the computer. then she got mad when i said"You never want to come over" then she complained that i never ask her but the truth is that i asked her almost every day of the summer and she only came over ONCE, and when she did she left 20 minutes later after i wouldn't let her go on my computer cause i wanted to go swimming. then i tolf her that she could have asked to come over the days i didn't ask her or she could have asked me to hang out but she was like "No It makes no sense to ask". She is just so bitchy. What do i do? HELP!

2007-09-04 08:44:07 · 10 answers · asked by Im not T 2

They are all so loyal but I need a best friend to talk to about personal thoughts and feelings !!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-04 08:35:29 · 5 answers · asked by annapaige DD 1

My good friend/roommate subleased her room to this girl. She wasn't a stranger because she was our other roommate's best friend. Well, those two both graduated and my friend's subleaser ran off without paying one month's rent! The subleaser girl moved out a day early too! They signed some papers with the leasing office just so that they knew the room was being subleased, but they say they can't do anything about it. We've called her many times, using many different people and many different phone numbers. We've tried emailing the subleaser girl as well as her bestfriend who was our old roommate. They both refuse to respond. It's really difficult to handle this because we are both out of the country. My friend was being nice and letting the subleaser girl pay later because she kept saying she didn't have the money on her. But she ended up running away. Is there anything we can do? It's $600 and we're college students that can't afford to lose $1.

2007-09-04 07:57:14 · 2 answers · asked by sunshine27 1

you tell a friend what shoes you are getting and they go out and buy the same ones???

2007-09-04 07:47:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

iam 14 years old my sisters friend is 16 she stays over a few times but last night i went to sleep then i woke up because i forgot to check my myspace messages when i finished i coulden go back to sleep so i played socom online till a bout 2 in the morning then all the sudden my sisters friend jessica gets on top of me and starts kissing me wtf i acted like i was sleep till she leaves but she slept the rest of the night in my bed right by me she put her tongue in my mouth something or some pulled the front of my pants down a little i acted like i woke up to stop her and she was in my bed the rest of the night this is the third night this happen to me what do i do???? iam lost

2007-09-04 07:13:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two friends,we are university classmates,we have been friends for about two and a half years.We go out and have lots of fun But my two friends do their projects together most of the time.We have to present another project in few days .since my frienship with both of them is getting really strong I thought that this time they would call me so we could do our projects together.Today while I called my friend she said nothing much till I heared my another friend talk,they were again doing their projects without me even without letting me know my friend was their.I reminded her even a simple invitation was enough!Should I continue being friends with them?

2007-09-04 06:56:26 · 7 answers · asked by yooooha_mastenger 1

I just started University and I want to talk to the others in my English course but I have no idea what to say. The only thing that pops into my head is "so...um... you like english huh?" or "what time is it?" so I don't say anything at all. But I want to get to know them! Good topics of conversation and good ice breakers please?

2007-09-04 06:52:52 · 7 answers · asked by loveless_sselevol 3

2007-09-04 06:16:23 · 12 answers · asked by Incognito 3

My best friend called and asked for my honest opinion and advice and I was completely honest with him.....Now, I am second guessing myself. The only thing is for the first time I told him that he deserves happiness and peace, and don't we all deserve that?

2007-09-04 06:14:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK here's my story. I just started school at a community college, and I have no friends. That's not just in school, but outside of school as well. There's another layer to my delima, and that is I'm gay. So how do I make friends without scaring them off, because I just happen to be gay?

2007-09-04 06:12:16 · 3 answers · asked by LG_89 2

2007-09-04 06:06:28 · 4 answers · asked by pearl 2

my friend who is a girl wants to play truth or dare with me later...we are 19 years old..the truths are easy...but what are some good dares that can be done between 2 people

no nudity..or streaking..or stripping or mooning

is daring her to let me give her a wedgie a good dare??? i need other suggestions or ideas please

2007-09-04 05:47:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 05:47:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

one of my friend has a pigtail fetish...... not only does he love pigtails on chicks, he apparently is turned on by people putting his hair into pigtails( noone's done it though...... he just fantasises..... ) how can i help him...... he even has pretty long hair.....

2007-09-04 05:43:15 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yeahh..I know. *Insecurity*...I'm just wondering what people's opinion would be.
Please be honest and rate from 1-10

Pretend this is the type of friend you have:
-Doesn't hang out with you at all in the summer and barely during school time
-Contact is mostly in school (lunch, class, HR, lockers, gym, anywhere else) but still calls on the phone once and a while
-Does talk to you about things that happened in life
-Tries to hang out but usually never succeed
-Complains a little in life (not exactly a pessimist)

Thank you? +__+

2007-09-04 05:42:21 · 7 answers · asked by Nina is here! :D 4

Long question, but I really need some help, so please bare with me!
I have been very busy with school, and one of my friends took it personnally. I explained to her that I wanted to do well at university, and that is the only reason why I am spending less time with her. She did not believe me, and she continued to take it personally, which resulted in her being unpleasant to be around at times. I am now in grad school, and at my going away party (I moved 600 miles away) she ran around to my friends saying "I hope I dont get ignored tonight like I have the last 4 yrs", or "supposedly she is my best friend....but not lately". This made me very mad, because not only did I have to deal with the emotional difficulty of leaving friends and family, I had to deal with her insecurities of our friendship. Now I am in a new city, and she is 'waiting' for me to contact her as a test of how much I care for her. How do I confront her about what she did at my party, or should I just let it go?

2007-09-04 05:14:29 · 6 answers · asked by Bobbi S 2

2007-09-04 05:00:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been with my girlfriend for over 4 years already. We are both over 24. I promised myself I would never have sex (through any kind). My girlfriend is getting frustrated with me. But I think sex is very perverted and stuff. I do kiss her (and foreplay) and everything but I would not have sex ever. Do you think she will leave me for not having sex?

2007-09-04 04:55:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

one of my friends does not post pictures of me where i look good. so when i ask her to post them for me she won't when she says she will. i feel like she hates making me feel beautiful cuz she's not. is this crazy?

2007-09-04 04:44:37 · 7 answers · asked by pookie 1

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