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Family & Relationships - 26 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I stopped smoking for my man, and he made me so mad so I got a cig and started smoking it. So he took off and went to get drunk. When he gets drunk he will do anything. Should I worry about him cheating on me? What should I do?

2007-03-26 16:30:43 · 11 answers · asked by ~*Jenn*~ 1 in Singles & Dating

In pursuit of my last wauestions I starting probing the male mind about why guys tend to not be as sentimental about their relationships as girls. My answer " We are girls just never notice". So, what are these hiding sentimentals??


2007-03-26 16:30:40 · 2 answers · asked by armadillododgeball 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

In pursuit of my last wauestions I starting probing the male mind about why guys tend to not be as sentimental about their relationships as girls. My answer " We are girls just never notice". So, what are these hiding sentimentals??


2007-03-26 16:30:14 · 14 answers · asked by armadillododgeball 1 in Singles & Dating

Well... i'm in a tiny bit of a pickle..
I dated this guy named T last summer until november... needless to say I feel in love with him and when he broke up with me I had a very hard time dealing with it. I moved on from him however and started dating someone else, named M, for about a month and i broke up with him just recently. Well T has stayed a friend of mine and now that we are both single again I am beginning to look at him again.
Well heres' the kicker.. I'm moving to another state in 5 weeks... part of me wants one more goodbye with T and just that little something for the next 5 weeks. The other part of me says to just roll with my life until I move. So what is it ladies? Do I have some fun and get back together with my ex for a little while ( which it may continiue when i move, i'm not too usre about that yet) or do I just leave my life alone and stay single??? I'm really confused, please help!

2007-03-26 16:30:12 · 12 answers · asked by Ashley A 1 in Singles & Dating

I am 21, 6"2' and 150 pounds. I have worked out hard for years and eat alot but my body has not changed since I was a teenager and my weight never changes. My doctor said I am genetically proned to being tall and thin and there is very little I can do to change that. I was just wondering if anyone else thought I should give up trying to meet women, since none of them would want someone like me.

2007-03-26 16:29:58 · 15 answers · asked by AJ 1 in Singles & Dating

Are there certain things a girl should avoid doing? And what do guys find cute?

2007-03-26 16:29:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

me 27 yrs old,5'6 "....indian skin...

2007-03-26 16:28:43 · 9 answers · asked by samrat_nokia 1 in Singles & Dating

i'm too much of a tomboy and i have a lot of guy friends, yet none of them sees me as anything more. How can i be more girly?

2007-03-26 16:28:32 · 11 answers · asked by confused 2 in Singles & Dating

I went on a lunch date after church with a friend about four months ago. About a month ago, I put a message on her facebook board saying her picture looks amazing, asking how she is doing, and saying I will call her. Anyway, she sent me a message saying she wondered if I had tried to call last weekend. I did not, but why does she wonder? Does she want me to call? And why if so?

2007-03-26 16:27:59 · 15 answers · asked by +TheEndIsInSight+ 2 in Singles & Dating

me 27 yrs old,5'6 "....indian skin...

2007-03-26 16:27:12 · 6 answers · asked by samrat_nokia 1 in Weddings

My father has been in prison for 12 years, since I was 12. I havent been in contact with him for many years, for various reasons. I have come to a point where I need to decide if I should be in contact or continue my life without him. Does any one know of an online support group or chat that can help me through this tough time, or does any one have some advice that has been in this situatin before? Any help is greatly appreciated!

2007-03-26 16:26:58 · 3 answers · asked by ngbb19 1 in Family

i was planning on joining the bloods and i got homeboys in it already that'll jump me in and yes i know all the stuff they go through but i was just wanting to share my thoughts about should i or not
i grew up i dont kno how to say a gangster just without a set to call my own and no i dont set trip its no longer about colors its about getting money so i know all the info and stuff and for u ppl out there saying i cant join cuz my skin color im half mexican ***** and they let white ppl in anyway
so should i ?

2007-03-26 16:26:58 · 18 answers · asked by born to live, bred to die 3 in Friends

please help because we are getting married soon/

2007-03-26 16:26:48 · 52 answers · asked by international lover 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I know that we can get some alone time in tomorrow moring so i'm going to tell him that what i look for in a best friend and a boyfriend is basically the same thing so i usually just follow the cues that they are sending me to decide where things are going, but i've been getting some mixed signals from him so i was just trying to see where he wanted to go from here?
cause i really do like him
but i would be happy going either way
is this a good way to put it
and i would love suggestions or any other ideas

2007-03-26 16:26:13 · 3 answers · asked by Nicole 3 in Singles & Dating

Like just out of the blue have a text message convesation with another guy or do they just talk to girls

2007-03-26 16:25:56 · 8 answers · asked by mary lynn 2 in Friends

me 27 yrs old,5'6 "....indian skin...

2007-03-26 16:25:54 · 8 answers · asked by samrat_nokia 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i asked one of my guy friends the other day if he thought that a girl who was in shape and petite about 5' was considered cute in a childish way or cute meaning beautiful too. i have had guys tell me im cute but they say it in a childish way which drives me insane but most guys say they think its just sexy to be small and pretty. lately while im pumping gas in my car, at a red light, or at a store i have had guys whistle at me, smile, or try to flirt and dont get me wrong, im flattered by it but why is it that some guys have to be jerks and say being petite is too much like a kid. do you think that its hot for a woman to be petite with a good body or not?

2007-03-26 16:25:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Lemme ask you all.. A lot of you come online and ask questions about how do I approach someone, or how do I ask for something. SO now I ask you, why dont you just bite the bullet and ask? Whats the worse that could happen??? Will you Die???

2007-03-26 16:24:57 · 6 answers · asked by -Dr. D 2 in Singles & Dating

yeah. im like hyde and jekyll. anyone got an antidote for this mishap monster? <3

2007-03-26 16:24:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

it was so ntense i orgasmed is the pink normal i'm not pregnant or anything do you think i could have hurt something?

2007-03-26 16:24:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

to eventually talk to somone whom you suspected of stalking you? My friends ex girlfriend thinks that he was stalking her. i know for a fact he was not and would never do that. She said she wants him to stay out of his life. Does she mean this forever, or do you think over time it will be water under the bridge? Hes really distraught and I told him to give it time.. was this good advice?

2007-03-26 16:23:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My typical wedding gift is $100., but I will be attending one soon with my fiance. This is the first time we've gone to a wedding together, and I'm not sure about gifting. Should we now give $200. because there are 2 of us, or is less alright, as we are kind of considered one couple? I really don't know and just want to do the right thing.

Thanks for any replies!

2007-03-26 16:22:57 · 14 answers · asked by melouofs 7 in Weddings

I have noticed that a lot of women on this website are blaming men for everything, especially on the singles & dating category and marriage & divorce. All I ever see is "men are pigs" ... "men are jerks" ... "men are dumb" ... "men are stupid". Some female users will answer EVERY question with some sort of anti male response.

A man asked a question about his wife, and he caught her cheating. This was an actually answer he received:
"Women are never to blame for their actions, it's always the mans fault. What did you do to drive her to doing this? If you tune into the View, or Oprah or Dr. Phil they will help you modify your behavior to prevent you from causing her to do this."

I don't think it's fair to say it's always the man's fault. In my last relationship I did everything I could to make it work, but she still cheated on me ... with more than one guy. I understand that SOME men are jerks, but not all of them are, and the man hating crap is getting ridiculous.

2007-03-26 16:22:33 · 28 answers · asked by Patrick 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm trying to figure out if this guy likes me in an intimate way or just friends. I've known him for maybe 8 months. He's a clerk @ a store by my house.In the past 2 months or so he's been starring @ me a lot & I was joking one day & asked could I use his Cadillac. He said yes!I was shocked.I asked him if he wanted me to put gas in it & he gave me a $20 bill & said just bring it back when I'm done with my errands.His co-worker asked what was up with us because he doesnt do that for people. He let me use it again a couple days later.We flirt & crack jokes when we see each other, but I didnt think he trusted me enough to use his car. We've never even been to each others house before.My friend likes him, but he is always short & dry with her. But when we talk he smiles & laughs all the time. My friend said she didnt even know he talked that much because he is usally quiet.He's from overseas.I dont know how their customs are & I dont want to ask him & then he only wants friendship.

2007-03-26 16:21:23 · 10 answers · asked by Wisdom 3 in Singles & Dating

My brother used to be very gentle, and he never hurt anything. But, when we moved out to the country, he started to become very violent. He used to hurt my sister and I, but our father forced him to stop that. So, he found an alternative to help vent his anger; our dogs.

I tried to speak to our parents about this, but our father simply wrote it off as him starting puberty. But, soon after he told me this, when our parents were out, my brother accidentally kicked a small dog too hard and killed it. He asked me to help him bury it and begged me to not say anything. I was angry, but my brother was and is very dear to me, so I agreed.

But, I could not stand the pressure. My sister was distraught, and every night I would hear her calling out the dog’s name, and she would always ask me if I had seen it. It was unbearable. So I finally admitted to my mother what had happened.

2007-03-26 16:20:41 · 8 answers · asked by Athena Lynn. 2 in Family

2007-03-26 16:20:20 · 1 answers · asked by fabstar15 1 in Singles & Dating

my bf and i used to have romantic gentle sex.... till i told him i wanted crazy, dirty (you fill in the rest) sex.... now i want gentle sex.... we never have it? ever!!! its always rough and kinky.... i dont waNT it anymore.... what can i do?

2007-03-26 16:20:09 · 34 answers · asked by Dancing with love 2 in Singles & Dating

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