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Family & Relationships - 19 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I have a friend who is 18 and wants to move out but says that her parents have the ability to pull her back into there custody to where she can't leave. Is that really possible. Please site a case if you can this is real important to me.

2007-03-19 15:44:27 · 4 answers · asked by underscore 1 in Marriage & Divorce

One of my girlfriends has a crush on a guy that I work with. However, she has a boyfriend who she has been with for 7 years. She has cheated on him in the past, and recently she wrote this guy a note and stuck it in his door at his house. The note said something to the affect that she would love to "hang out" and for him to call her. She constantly comes up to see him... and he does not like her at all. So a girl I work with and I told her boyfriend that she wrote this letter, since we are friends wih him. We are going to show her boyfriend the letter tomorrow. When her boyfriend confronted her about writing the letter, she denied it, and then told him that I am the one who wrote it to "set her up." I am mad at her for pinning this on me... what should I do?

2007-03-19 15:44:25 · 5 answers · asked by WTF 4 in Friends

these two women has made my life miserable....well i was above average in academics but cud't make good carreer for myself....then i got married and have one sis-n-law and one brother-in-law(both schizophrenic)....and my mother-in-law is extremely interfering....and always humiliating me...i was tolerating this.....but now she wants to care of her schizophrenic married daughter...my husband understand the situation but dont want to leave her mother....my peace of mind is gone....infact i have 2 young kids.....for whom i fear she might make harm to them....as ishe is kind of jealous to me and my kids.....please help.

2007-03-19 15:44:08 · 8 answers · asked by vanshreeg 2 in Marriage & Divorce

And he happens to be my ex's best friend. My ex and I hate eachother, and nothing works out between us. So when this guy told my ex he likes me, my ex quit being friends with him, because my ex was like,"I hate her sooo much!". Yeah, the guy still likes me too!!! I wish I could have him, but I dont know if that'd be a very good idea. My bff said that this guy that likes me likes her too (my ex told my bff that), but I think my bff and my ex are trying to seperate me and this guy that I like... what should I do?

2007-03-19 15:43:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

well you know, today i asked what you guys and girls thought i what i will do with my gf and i. i made the choice im staying i love her, true im only 18, but i love her forever. i don' t care if you think im throwing my life away, i love her and thats that. I told her, and i were still bf and gf. even if that means i have to become a dad for the child, i won't mind i love kids. and i have 3 younger siblings, so i know how to take care of kids. i settled everything with her, and were not getting married i thought about asking her but its too soon, later is better. She has a job, i have a job, and besides i only work weekends, so i can take care of the baby when she needs me too, together. We love each other, her ex is gone, and he will get his *** kicked by me, because for leaving his gf thats going to have his baby, and he's an *** i met him he really is. In the add detail part i will post what i said before so non of you won't get confused. tell me what you think and be honest.

2007-03-19 15:43:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am in an confusing situation, if you don't understand I will do my best to explain. Well I had a boyfriend we went out for almost two months then he broke up with me, or so I thought. Apparently, my friend who new him told him we were over and I didn't even know about it. I was very mad at her and she and I told my boyfriend that I had not actually broken up with him but, he didn't beleive me or my friend. I hadn't talked to him in a month he wouldn't email or call me even if I emailed him. So finally he emailed me today. I still have feelings for him and find myself daydreaming about being with him. I'm not sure what to do, should I just forget him and if so how? Should I ask him out again, or should I just wait and she what happens? By the way he is the shy type and is a little nervous about a deep relationship. What should I do?

2007-03-19 15:42:44 · 4 answers · asked by sillygirl227 3 in Singles & Dating

i just told my bf of 4 years that i wanted a break to think about my sexuality.he was very dissapointed cos he was thinking about getting married.He says he does not want to see me anymore. I have not been feeling well of late and i just decided to do a pregnancy test cos my friend suggested it.well i have done it 4 times and it all says i am pregnant.i am going to get another one done.what should ido?he does not want to see me.he is not even picking up his phon.please give me only serious advice!

2007-03-19 15:42:37 · 12 answers · asked by Chelseachic 2 in Singles & Dating

I know this guy who is 9 years younger and lives 2 hours away. We've known each other in real life for over year. Last summer, after we'd exchanged several emails, he began flirting online with me and the flirting became very sexual talk-about what he would like to do to me & have me do to him. I'm really attracted to him & would love to hook up. I think he's attracted to me as well. But we've never gotten together. Earlier today, we were talking about getting together later this week, but I'm sure for whatever reason it won't happen this time either. I'm really attracted to this guy, but I get tired of just talking about it. It's very frustrating. I know he's single and straight and I find it hard to believe that he's NOT attracted to me after saying the things he's said. He knows what I look like, etc. I'm not some random stranger he's met online. Can anyone give me any insight as to what might be up with him? Could he be intimidated because I'm older than him? What is his deal? :)

2007-03-19 15:42:25 · 4 answers · asked by Doogie 4 in Singles & Dating

I was talking to this guy it was like he couldn't spend enough time on phone text and IM with me and now he says he's having all these promblems with work his kid and he's all overwhelmed and this weekend we just traded pics so is he blowing me off or does he just need some time to work things out then he'll be back Please be nice i'm already upset thanks in advance

2007-03-19 15:42:10 · 6 answers · asked by Leveler 6 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-19 15:40:41 · 15 answers · asked by newcastleuntd9 1 in Singles & Dating

I am getting a divorce. My soon to be ex decided to destroy a few of my belongings before he left our house, including a living room set and computer (given to me by my mother prior to the marriage), clothes, and a few other minor items. Will he get away without having to reimburse me for the broken/damaged items because of the 50/50 laws that accompany marriage in Texas? Please help! Thanks, in advance.

2007-03-19 15:40:28 · 5 answers · asked by Dane 2 in Marriage & Divorce

tell me,in depth,what really turns you young felines on:-)

2007-03-19 15:40:08 · 5 answers · asked by J-Bone 2 in Singles & Dating

Does anyone know of any nice outdoor ceremony sites in the Kansas City area? The wedding will be in the May-ish time of year. My family has already done ceremonies at the Rose Garden and Powell Gardens. I'm hoping for something unique. No clique rose/flower gardens or gazebos. Anyone have any suggestions? (espically something near water.)

2007-03-19 15:39:21 · 1 answers · asked by Future zookeeper 2 in Weddings

I know ive asked this once already but nobody answered and I'm having a lot of problems with this and its kinda hard to admit it. I just can't talk to girls. I can talk to anybody except the girl I like. People keep telling me to not get nervous, to suck it up, and not to show that I'm nervous when I talk to her. The bottom line is I just get flustered and things just don't come out right, and no matter what im going to be really nervous. How can I fix this?

2007-03-19 15:39:17 · 2 answers · asked by spacemanspiff091352 1 in Singles & Dating

Today my boyfriend of 9 months now told me he wants some space.. he said he loves me and he doesn't want to be without me. He just wants a variety of friends and to be with other people besides me.. I feel this way to, because he and I are together every single day!! eek! The only thing that worries me.. is, is this the beginning of a break up? :( He and I have only taken 1 break before and it was for a couple days.. I'm probably thinking waaaaaaaay to much into this.. but any advice is appreciated.

2007-03-19 15:38:29 · 7 answers · asked by BeachGrl1985 2 in Singles & Dating

some guys i knowwhen its the right moment guys talk about girls in front of me sometimes and their exes and then they ask me what i look for in a guy,i usualy tell them but then they ask how far would you go with a really hot guy you knew those questions.but i then ask them are you trying to figure me out and they say kinda or just admit it.i really get the vibe that when some of these guys talk and ask me about my perspectives on relationships i get the vibe that they are interested or tlike me,but then i get the vibe that they are just trying to figure me out by testing me if im easy or not.which one are they doing or is it both,why??

2007-03-19 15:38:11 · 1 answers · asked by emeralcoastsurfgirl101 1 in Singles & Dating

A lot of people know the term friends with benefits.
Is it normal for friends with benefits to make out and then for one to ask the other if they can feel the other up? They might as well go out, no?

2007-03-19 15:37:47 · 7 answers · asked by R 1 in Singles & Dating

ok so this guy i like thinks i needa be more flirty torwards him. I can flirt with any guy but i like him and he likes me so its hard. Got any ideas

2007-03-19 15:37:25 · 8 answers · asked by JESSICA 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm in love with her, but I don't know how she would take it.

She was molested by her father when she was ten, so she has serious trust and intimacy issues. I'm basically the only guy, maybe the only person she trusts. I'm like her protecter. I don't want to lose that trust. She shuts everybody else out, but still opens up to me. She's never had a boyfriend because she's afraid of the physical intimacy. Should I tell her how I feel?

2007-03-19 15:36:26 · 22 answers · asked by Gary W 4 in Singles & Dating

i did the wrong thing! when we were on a break, but being on abreak still doesnt justify what i did so dont say "it doesnt matter" coz it does.He has asked me to go away fro a while dont talk to him coz he cant look at me coz i hurt him (by the way i did tell him coz i didnt want to live with the guilt of having a secret from someone i love deeply). But if i go away it will make it easier for him to forget about me!! i dont want that! he doenst want me to do anything nice for him coz it will make him angry and he did say that he loves me more than his last gf who did this to him, and even tho it didnt work with her there is a 'chance' it might work with me coz he loves me more. How do i gain his trust back i dont like feeling sad and depressed without my boy i love him so much.

2007-03-19 15:36:00 · 14 answers · asked by bella g 1 in Marriage & Divorce

They always say there's someone out there for everyone. I don't know if that's true for me though. It never seems to work that way for me. This last guy in the beginning was the sweetest and kindest I'd ever known and I felt like it was worth going through all the other stuff to eventually find him and I was sure I could trust him. But he wasn't what he seemed and he was not to be trusted after all. And I think that's made it hurt the most of all . So I'm wondering if there maybe isn't going to ever be someone for me? Does anyone else ever wonder that too?

2007-03-19 15:35:42 · 8 answers · asked by Hopeful girl 3 in Singles & Dating

Ok, so i have a lot of really good friends. But, i have some not so good ones. One of them (i will call her A) is knd of becoming a pain. She always is getting wrapped up in the drama and pulling me into it as well. She is always bugging me asking if i am mad at her. If i dont talk to her for a few minutes or i talk to someone alone she says that she is "uninportant" and it gets me so annoyed. But, i dont know how to tell her. I NEED HELP!!!!

2007-03-19 15:35:34 · 10 answers · asked by grace102 1 in Friends

Do you have any first kiss tips??
Any at all>...???? I really need some........

2007-03-19 15:35:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Now that your kids are grown and you have 20/20 vision... What would you do differently if you could go back in time?

2007-03-19 15:35:01 · 4 answers · asked by DJP 2 in Family


when i grow up i want to be a filmmaker. A director. A producer. I have some ideas what i want to film and what documentaries i want to do, But YOU as the audience i want to get your opinion what You want to see. If i were to make a documentary and you had the choice to pick out what it would be about.... what would you want it to be?

Carina....remember that name.....

ps. I know what i want to do...so don't give me stuff like "oh your gonna be a bad filmmaker...all i want is just your opinion

2007-03-19 15:34:41 · 13 answers · asked by The REBELution! 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

I met a guy and he seems pretty interested- he tells me he has a gf- but is still trying to talk to me. What is going on?

2007-03-19 15:33:49 · 11 answers · asked by nerby79 1 in Singles & Dating

My son-inlaw is having some problems with his ex. She took him to court, her and her lawyer lied, but the judge would not even look at the evidence my son-inlaw have. he live in one state and she live in another, and does not jhave a lawyer ( can't aford one). Its seem like the judge and lawyer knew each other well, and they are taking advantage of the fact that he is not living in the same state and does not have a lawyer. I want to know if this judge has the right to do that ( make his ruling only on what the ex and lawyer says and not giving him a chance to diffent himself. He would not even let him speak. Any help will be apreciated.

2007-03-19 15:33:43 · 6 answers · asked by ? 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ok, we're both girls. ever since high school when i was a new student, this girl keeps staring at me..my friends noticed...later, i ahd a crush on her...it turns out we go to the same college..i dont like her anymore..she has a boyfriend too..but sometimes we take the same bus, and i noticed her glancing so often at me while she chats with a guy..but when we sit together we have nothing to talk about...why does she keep looking at me?!

2007-03-19 15:33:40 · 7 answers · asked by vincent m 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

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