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Family & Relationships - 27 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Ok ive known him for 4 years and i really like him and he likes me i know it and do you think i should ask him out?
i know everything about him we know each other as if we were brother and sister lol but were not (Thank God lol) But i want to so badly but do you think i should ask him out???

2007-02-27 14:30:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've met my bf thought he's single.After 1 year,he proposed to me but he admit that day that he's married.I accepted it because he said they dont live together anymore and before he meet me their divorce is already on process.And his wife is aware about us.After 1 yr.we got engaged they still live together.Ofcourse,I am hurt and asked him why he lied to me?He said,he doesnt want to hurt me.I talked to his wife,and she said they really dont do anything anymore.And she wants to leave her husband too.Ofcourse,it is humans nature to get mad and angry if you found out your love of your life betray you.He said,I am not thinkin rationale,if he dont love me why he dont just get a whore and why he stick with me for 2 yrs?and he have enough money to do it?He asked me now that I know everything,if I can handle it?If not,he said he can't do anything anymore but to wait only for the annulment.What does he wanted to say about this?Do I still have to wait for him?Felt like he's givin me false hope!

2007-02-27 14:30:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am a 27 year old man and I recently broke up with my fiance that I was with for 4 years, we were supposed to be married this summer. I thought that she was the one I could spend my whole life with, but she broke up with me because she didn't think we were right for each other.....
I know that I want to meet other women to help me get over her, but I don't know how else to stop thinking about her. Everything still makes me think about her, how can I stop?

2007-02-27 14:30:16 · 7 answers · asked by Ben 1 in Singles & Dating

Will the US Market continue meldown tomorrow?

2007-02-27 14:30:15 · 1 answers · asked by victorschool1 5 in Marriage & Divorce

so i have this really good guy friend right.. me and him have talked about everything over the phone from what our pet peeves were to getting drunk and he has a crush on my friend who he's never met and i recently gave him her phone numba and she told me they talked for 3hrs and she said that he thinks i like him (which i don't) and i don't know how to tell him i don't like him without him finding out that my friend told me about their conversation and i've been to his house and been flirty for some reason and he flirted back so yeah, it's kinda complicated...

2007-02-27 14:30:11 · 2 answers · asked by las_vegas_is_the_place 2 in Friends

okay, i love my boyfriend and everything but should i be worried about a chick he's been talking to? i mean he's texted her things like "could you see yourself with me?" he says that they are just friends and me and him have been together for 8 months. i love him so much but why does he have to lie about things i already know? does he think i'll be mad or break up with him? all i want is honesty. is that too much to ask. i am very mild tempered considering i am cajun and people in my family have been know for their tempers. what do i do. Please help me. he would nver cheat on my but why can't i seem to trust him? i want to trust him so bad but i been hurt so many times it's hard to trust anyone anymore. please help me, i'm going crazy!!!!!!

2007-02-27 14:29:17 · 30 answers · asked by demonswt88 2 in Singles & Dating

I am on the house title , but he has been paying mortgage and taxes. I want my house back

2007-02-27 14:29:13 · 21 answers · asked by Why me? 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Well this is a long story, but i'll try to make it short.

For a few years, my mom has been in rehab back and fourth because of drugs. She has a probelm with them and i dont like it, it really hurts me, you have no idea. She's been stressing for a little while and thats why she took drugs in the first place. Just last month, she has tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose with pills, she even wrote a will of testeament to her kids.

I found her lying on the kitchen floor just lying there with her eyes closed, i called the ambualnce quickly as i could and they rushed her into ambluance. I've been thinking for a past few weeks and really thought about it too.

Do i deserve this? Do my younger sibilings deserve this? I dont think we do, i dont want to live with her anymore. My parents divorced when i was 8 and my dad lives in Boston and i live, like 1,000 miles away from him. He's married and is excepted to have a baby on the way, i want to live with him. My mom took custody,

2007-02-27 14:28:53 · 4 answers · asked by Where's the sunrise? 1 in Family

So I have known this guy for 7 months he's 30 I'm 23 we've hung out at least 7 times but he has yet to kiss me or even try anything sexually. We haven't hung out so much bc I was in school and out of town...but still? He always tells me how much he likes me and calls me every day...so what is his deal? Someimes we hang out and he doesnt even hug me...I'm getting FRUSTRATED! Apparently it was hard for any girl to keep his attention, but he talks of how he's turned a new leaf and he has from what everyone tells me and what I see. So how can a girl get some attention?

2007-02-27 14:28:19 · 28 answers · asked by Superfly21 4 in Singles & Dating

Has anyone else ever wondered why typically(but not always) the husbands have less expensive wedding rings. Alot of women (but not all) have their rings appraised and some feel disappointed or unapprciated if they don't get a ring that atleast looks glamorous and expensive. However, they don't feel as though buying their soon to be husbands dull and comparativly inexpensive rings is a sign that they don't care about or appreciate him. This is 2007 and supposedly everyone wants to be EQUAL. Tradition shouldn't have much baring because traditionally women getting married was a ceremony for basically taking her from her family and GIVING her to her husband. Also traditionally women were mostly housewives. So what's the deal? This is alittle (alot) off topic but is it ok to hold on to tradition (chivalry, gentlemen-like and lady-like behavior and all of that other crap) when u r getting something good out of it even though it's not based on equality.

2007-02-27 14:28:06 · 14 answers · asked by Vince R 5 in Marriage & Divorce

How can I tell her that I can't attend? I mean she knew about my plans as I have always taken a nap every afternoon on the weekends the last five years so its not like she didn't know I wouldn't be able to make it. Do you think she did it on purpose just so I wouldn't come?

2007-02-27 14:27:03 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

2007-02-27 14:26:43 · 3 answers · asked by art_girlt 3 in Friends

This guy who I have never meet, a mutual person we know gave him my number and I'm in GA he's in Kansas...after talking to me twice none of which amounted to anything he wants me to fly out to KS? I don't know him from the stuff on the bottom of my shoe! He sent pics and wants me to do the same but parania wont allow me too...I have ignored his calls, dont call back when I miss, and HE still won't get a clue! What else can I do that isn't too cruel?

2007-02-27 14:26:04 · 4 answers · asked by Superfly21 4 in Singles & Dating

In a nutshell,. theres this guy whom i seemed to tak a liking too.I think what did it was the fact that he would always smile at me, and come up to me and ask how I was.He gave me his cell number, but when he called me, and he heard my voice , he hung up but he called back and he told me he would like to my FRIEND and that if I wanted to go to a movie or hang out to give him a call..so a month passes, and we workout together, and the whole time he's blushing and laughing, and he tells me"you make the cuttest litlle faces" and he's asking me "do I have a friend to work out with" and if not he would like to workout with me...so a week goes by...and we talk and I told him i enjoy his company and we should hang out.. he says that we could but in a few weeks because he has no money..so a few weeks go by...and no phone call, so I text message him, while he as at work to get coffee after he gets off.. he then tells me..he's at work, so we should get together next week...

Additional Details

6 minutes ago
and so I straight up ask him If he's intrested..and he says we can meet up sometimes..BUT he can't say thats interested in hanging out as an ongoing thing

2007-02-27 14:25:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

seriously people :)

2007-02-27 14:25:04 · 4 answers · asked by jenny z 1 in Friends

I was unprepared, stressed out and have no lawyer. I feel I got the shaft and want to undo it. What can I legally do. Is there a form/s I can file with the clerk's office to amend the agreement? If so, how long do I have to take such action?

2007-02-27 14:24:17 · 7 answers · asked by msv2kool4u 1 in Marriage & Divorce

lets say ur a teenage boy and u have sex. and u get ur girl pregnant by accident what would u do? leave her or get a job and take care of her? im only aking cuz i see some leaving them. i hate those!!!!!!!

2007-02-27 14:23:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-02-27 14:23:21 · 10 answers · asked by joseph 1 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my ex boyfriend still acts like he wants to be with me and we still act like we are together but then when he is around his friends he acts like a ***. he still tells me that he loves me but i just dont know what to do. i have talked to him about it and when we are alone it seems like he cares but once he gets around his friends he just totally blows me off and acts like i dont exist. this was my first love and i dont want to loose him. we have been friends for 5 years and together for 3 1/2. should i keep trying to make things work out of move on??? any advise? please

2007-02-27 14:22:39 · 12 answers · asked by B 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-27 14:22:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I like this boy and he gets in trouble a lot and i don't get in trouble in trouble a lot what should I do???

2007-02-27 14:21:24 · 16 answers · asked by crazy_for_hot_boys2006 1 in Singles & Dating

Recently I sent this guy at my job a box of chocolates and a note that said from a secret admirer. For about a week after he seemed really grouchy to me and other co worker girls. But now he's acting normal. Why do you think he acted this way. Was it because he was afraid one of us was going to ask him out. But now that it's blown over he's just happy about it and realizes it isn't going any further. I purposely acted especially different. I mean I noticed when he first got the package. He kept looking in my direction to see if I was looking at him. And of course I purposely didn't. I I've tried to act very normal and not nervous around him. So I really don't think he thinks it's me at all. But I guess he must of thought I liked him because I swear he kept looking at me when he first got the package.

2007-02-27 14:21:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

There's this guy that I've known for a while but just recently started hanging out with and I can't figure what he thinks of me. I flirt with him and he flirts back but when I try to talk to him like on myspace he won't talk back. His attitude about me seems to change daily and I don't get if he likes me or not! help!

2007-02-27 14:20:54 · 2 answers · asked by thatonegirl 2 in Singles & Dating

I am 54 years old and my wife is 51 years old. She loves me so much. I only like her, not love her. We been together for at least 30+ years. I never had children with her but I did made love to her since I was 28 years old. She fell shortly to a terminal accident. I told her "I love you" so many times I cannot even count. I never fell in love with her. I didn't leave her because I wouldn't have someone to have sex with and she'll be heartbroken if I did left and i would have been paying for child support if she did got pregnant... and plus, I never fell in love with her so i didn't want to be very sad if she had died. If I did fell deep in love with her, I know I will be very sad right now, but good thing I didn't fell in love with her. I can imagine myself leaving her and not being sad. I don't feel bad at all for her death. I had to pretend to be crying on her funeral to let her family think that I am sad but really, I am not sad. I don't plan to ever fall in love but will date.

2007-02-27 14:20:19 · 9 answers · asked by Salsa Dancer 1 in Weddings

my bf tried to have sex with me tonight but i said no when i was leaving he said that the next night (when i was going over) if i dident have sex with him that he would break up with me and that im baby for not doing it with him that night and kicked me out. what should i do i like him but im not ready for sex im only 14??? should i do it

2007-02-27 14:20:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok, there is this guy in my class that all the girls have a crush on (I think he acts gay). Everyone including his best friends Julio and Thomas, say that he thinks I'm hot and that he likes me. but here is the catch, he flirts with the other girls, not me. I think he should make up is mind. Does he like me or them? Who do you think he likes, me or one of the other girls he flirts with?

2007-02-27 14:20:09 · 1 answers · asked by Blueberry. 3 in Singles & Dating

its like this, there was this 2 guys named JV and ENZO. JV is a half chineese, rich, cute, joker, his kinda rap lover, he's a basketball player, he's good in dancing, he's nice and he's my friend, on the other hand, there was ENZO.enzo is a cute guy, he's a half korean, he's a serious type of guy, intelligent, and rich. they are both nursing students, and i like them both. but IF the 2 ask me if they can be my partner. who will i choose? JV the chineese or ENZO the korean?

2007-02-27 14:19:35 · 8 answers · asked by irazunaffu 1 in Singles & Dating

I finally became good friends with my best friend and then I kiss him.Now it feels akward when I'm around him.I want to be around him 1/3 of the time and when I'm with him I want him to go away.How can I fix this mess?

2007-02-27 14:19:31 · 2 answers · asked by Bellatrix/Jimmypants 2 in Singles & Dating

I am 54 years old and my wife is 51 years old. She loves me so much. I only like her, not love her. We been together for at least 30+ years. I never had children with her but I did made love to her since I was 28 years old. She fell shortly to a terminal accident. I told her "I love you" so many times I cannot even count. I never fell in love with her. I didn't leave her because I wouldn't have someone to have sex with and she'll be heartbroken if I did left and i would have been paying for child support if she did got pregnant... and plus, I never fell in love with her so i didn't want to be very sad if she had died. If I did fell deep in love with her, I know I will be very sad right now, but good thing I didn't fell in love with her. I can imagine myself leaving her and not being sad. I don't feel bad at all for her death. I had to pretend to be crying on her funeral to let her family think that I am sad but really, I am not sad. I don't plan to ever fall in love but will date.

2007-02-27 14:19:22 · 3 answers · asked by Salsa Dancer 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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