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Family & Relationships - 14 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

okay i want to get messed up on skittles and not OD how many should i take not to OD i have taken 12 at one time

2007-02-14 14:16:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I tried to remain friend with my ex ...because our relationship was a real mess and was not working , so we both decided to break up ...so now she is with someone else ....I'm not totally over her, but yet now and then she's checking to see if I have someone else in my life ...why do you think she wants to know about that ?

2007-02-14 14:16:45 · 1 answers · asked by bobby s 1 in Singles & Dating

our little differences came in at the last minute.The thingy is over and I`m stuck alone here on v. day what to do now?

2007-02-14 14:16:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I like this guy but he has a girlfriend!
He said I was his second choice!!!
What should I do???

2007-02-14 14:16:29 · 14 answers · asked by angels_hottie_lover 1 in Singles & Dating

This guy I went out with Saturday and I had talked to on Sunday and emailed eachother then he called me last night and we talked for an hour. Now I sit here on V-day and I didnt even get a call from him not even an email. Why do you men do that. Act like your interested and then act like you arent the next day?? Should I be offended by this?? Or is it to much to give a simple hello on the phone. we just started going out Saturday. If a guy is interested dont they call you everyday?

2007-02-14 14:16:22 · 12 answers · asked by Beth 3 in Singles & Dating

ok.. about a week and a half ago, i got in an arguement with one of my best friends. lets call her lizzy. the fight started because a rumor got started about lizzy and her boyfriend(both in 8th grade with me) having sex and lizzy being pregnent. i would NEVER do something like that to my best friend, but lizzy's highly influencial friends told her i did. she wouldn't believe me that i didnt start it(i was one of the only people she told that she was getting close to it, but the rumor was started for a different reason). so lizzy wouldnt believe me no matter what that i didnt start it. by this time shes really mad at me and cant stand me. at lunch last tuesday, she cursed me out and told me that she never wanted anything to do with me ever again. unfortunately she knows my 2 BIGGEST secrets(both being rather embaressing and not something i want people knowing) so i was scared. she is good friends with alot of my good friends, so they went on her side. alot of them still dislike me.....

2007-02-14 14:15:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Married people only please. I'm not saying my sp doesn't love me, he does, I just want a moment or two of that childish infactuation/lust again. Any suggestions on how to get him to look at me that way now and then?

2007-02-14 14:15:31 · 9 answers · asked by SadToday22 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend and i have been together for nearly 3 years, we live together and have already tried to start a family i know that he is faithful but for some reason he will not marry me i am confused and hurt and every time i talk about it he get angry.i dont want to start a family without knowing that some day we will marry me

2007-02-14 14:15:11 · 20 answers · asked by ashleya 1 in Weddings

Yes, I'm a girl. At school this boy constantly stares at me, and yes I like him. In Math one of his friends was acting as some spy telling him when I was looking at him. His friends are starting to stare at me. I don't know if these things are bad or good. So he smiled at me before, that still doesn't convince me if he saying bad or good things. He evens stares at me at me when I'm smiling. How can I get to the bottom of this?

2007-02-14 14:15:10 · 5 answers · asked by Real 4 in Singles & Dating

I recently met a woman ironically on this site. We developed an instant chemisty and after a short time, well we fell in love without ever meeting each other. I was convinced she was "it". Well a few days ago, it was revealed to me that she, while her personality, humor, etc, were her, the background information she gave me was not accurate. Not really close to it...she went from being 27, never married, no kids to divorced, older with a son.

I am still talking to her, and I still love her but not as strongly as I did. But I am trying to see if I can get back to the point that all the ideas and dreams and feelings I had about "us" are what they were before I got hit with this, because that was as good as it ever got for me, period, in 29 years, the time we spent talking before this. So what does that make me?

2007-02-14 14:15:03 · 7 answers · asked by JP 4 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and i have been together for nearly 3 years, we live together and have already tried to start a family i know that he is faithful but for some reason he will not marry me i am confused and hurt and every time i talk about it he get angry.i dont want to start a family without knowing that some day we will marry me

2007-02-14 14:14:45 · 8 answers · asked by ashleya 1 in Weddings

fill in the blank

2007-02-14 14:14:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and i have been together for nearly 3 years, we live together and have already tried to start a family i know that he is faithful but for some reason he will not marry me i am confused and hurt and every time i talk about it he get angry.i dont want to start a family without knowing that some day we will marry me

2007-02-14 14:14:28 · 4 answers · asked by ashleya 1 in Weddings

Dude, my girlfriend is totally jealous. She won't even let me talk to my gal friends without screaming at me for it later. I seriously dread the end of my last period because she meets me at my locker, and we ‘talk’. It’s like the Spanish Inquisition! I tried to tell her to chill out about it, but she’s all, “are you saying I’m controlling?” I want to just scream, “YES! That is exactly what I’m saying!” but I really do like her and stuff. But one of these days, I’m going to lose it!

So the question is: do you think that it’s worth it to be with a girl you like, but half the time, just can’t stand? Is there a way to make her…? I don’t know… Calm?

2007-02-14 14:14:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

It depends on the situation right? Like how often he sees her.

2007-02-14 14:14:00 · 9 answers · asked by Oublier 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-14 14:13:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I know I know, they are good in emergencies blah blah blah, I can count on one hand when I used a cell phone for a car problem. Truth is, it's all a joke. Texting, what a joke. People today are like goddam robots anymore. Nobody talks and interacts, it's all email, cell, fax, etc.....
we are not even human anymore. It's actually quite scary, I wonder what's next........cell phones that do laundry ?
People will bash me, I really don't care, the truth is the truth, we are out of touch, and cell phones are ruining society, I see it in the malls with kids as young as 12 on phones, parents have zero control over their kids, thinking giving them a cell phone is gonna keep them quiet. Yeah maybe for a day.
People we're moving too fast, and Im concerned about our future. I wish the good ol days were back, and I think most people wish the same.
see ya later ROBOTS.

2007-02-14 14:13:13 · 13 answers · asked by godzillasagoodman 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm full of the Valentines Day blues. The boy I've liked for about a year now rejected me recently, and I've been pretty mopey about it. Today, he lectured me about how I shouldn't talk about it to my friends, and he'll never feel the same way about me, etc.

I'm very, very sad. Can anyone cheer me up with a witty comment or assuring words? It's much appreciated.

2007-02-14 14:12:03 · 7 answers · asked by Hayley L 1 in Singles & Dating

give themselves a hand job? I mean my girlfriend refuses to sleep with me or satisfy me that way even though I do all her housework and have half my monthly salary deposited into her account. But so far she only sleeps with her girlfriends. And if I ever try to relieve myself with my hand she whips me, calls me all sorts of names and locks me up. What can I do that will change things in our relationship?

2007-02-14 14:11:52 · 1 answers · asked by Pet 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm still in love with my eigth grade girlfriend and i'm in tenth now. thankfully i don't see her everyday. i can tell i just try to keep replacing her and i just tell myself i'm over her but i'm not. what can i do to get past her?

2007-02-14 14:11:38 · 4 answers · asked by B-Boy Objective 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-14 14:11:06 · 9 answers · asked by Sir Ramki 1 in Family

a 19 year old in a band to be more specific

he flirted with me a lot, and says i'm "gorgeous" and we should hang out some time

would it be bad just to hang out?

2007-02-14 14:10:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

For guys:

When a girl plays hard to get, does it make you want her more or does it turn you off? Why?

If you said it makes you want her more, what has she done while playing hard-to-get that turned you on?

For girls:

From your personal expierience, would you recomend playing hard-to-get? Why?

If you would recomend it, what are some good things to do while playing?

If you would recomend it, what are some bad things to do while playing?

If you wouldn't recomend it, why?


2007-02-14 14:10:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband works nights as a server in a local fine dining restaurant. He works for minimum wage plus tips. It's the tips though, that pay for our bills, the 4 to 5 hour shift at minimum wage is hardly a paycheck.
We are friends with this couple. They are both in higher paying jobs than we are. She's an RN and he's a Physical Therapist. They know that my husband works for tips.
When we go out to restaurants together, they are sooo critical of the servers. They are bossy, demanding and rude the whole time. After all that, they refuse to tip well, even if the service was perfect. They say to us, "If they want better pay, they should get better paying jobs." The most I've seen them tip voluntarily is 10%, at a very high end restaurant. We usually split the bill in half when we go out, so they always make a big fuss when they see how much we tip.
Like I said before, they KNOW that's how our bills are paid.
Isn't that disrespectful to us?
Would you say something to them?

2007-02-14 14:09:43 · 7 answers · asked by Chellebelle78 4 in Friends

NO, not like a dog in heat, but does a woman get times of super horny feelings where she simply HAS TO HAVE IT?

Honestly now, does anyone know? Does the human body work that way?

2007-02-14 14:09:23 · 1 answers · asked by Yvette B yvetteb 6 in Marriage & Divorce

i have been married since 2005... but i knew the guy for about a year before that. Lately, things have been going down hill... and everything is falling apart. Nothing seems to work or make things better... we have been trying for some time now. I have met up with a old friend of mine from when i was 15 years old... and we started talking and getting to knowing one another again. Over the years we have lost contact and we were always the best of friends ... now we are seeing one another more then just friends. he makes me happy and he makes me smile... should i stay in the relationship i am in or go on to where i will be truely happy and respected?? (any answers are okay with me)

2007-02-14 14:09:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Here's the deal...its a loooong story so I'll try to consolidate it...First of all, I am in a love triangle I guess you could say...I have a best guy friend who I care about a lot. He is in the Marines and we have a really special spark between us...we started talking about being together about a month before he took leave to come home...but the kick is, my ex boyfriend who is in the Navy came home before he did, and we got back together....so my boyfriend went back to his base, and my best friend came home...he was devestated that I got back together with my ex....but we hang out anyways and the spark is still there :) now he went back to the Marines...and I've been talking with both guys everyday...I miss both of them and care about them both...but my best friend wants me to leave my boyfriend to be with him, he said he's in love with me and I think I feel the same way...I just don't know what to do, my b/f and I have been together for 3 years and he's talking marriage...please help!

2007-02-14 14:07:54 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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