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Family & Relationships - 7 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My mom, dad and brother get in blow outs constantly about how my brother is a bad kid and crap like that. He really is a good kid, he doesn't smoke, drink, and he's never had a girlfriend or anything. He's eighteen and has his own car. they are mad because he goes out with his friends like once in a blue moon. They (parents) are so strict, i'm not allowed to wear pants to school, and i'm from a muslim family, but all my other muslim friends wear pants, so i decided to borrow some from a friend. my mom found out aboiut them and totally went histerical!!! she said i have no self respect and all that. plus she read my diary and got mad because of the guy i like, she thinks that liking guys is a sin and crap like that but its really not, because all the other muslims i know are allowed to do things when i can't even wear a pear of pants without getting yelled at. my dad says i don't show any respect for my mom but i do, i do all her chores and translate, how can i deal with all this?

2007-02-07 09:21:39 · 28 answers · asked by Green 3 in Family

theres a friend i have, his dad hits him and he wants it to stop but he is to scared to tell a teacher or a cop or something like that but he told me but i want to help him but i don't know what to do, do you think you can tell me what to tell him?

2007-02-07 09:21:21 · 17 answers · asked by crystal 1 in Singles & Dating

thx for answering my question.here is the thing........he cheated and now lives with this girl this is after a 29 yr marriage.....i dont think it fair that i would have to get a second job while his girlfriend stays home and he supports her.......i make very little meanwhile he has a new car a nicer place to live etc etc....i live in Ny ......does anyone know if i am entitled to alimony based on all i have said?

2007-02-07 09:19:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

There's this girl who rides my bus who I can't STAND. She thinks I'm her best friend. Whenever I say something or start singing something, she always tries to sing along. It gets REALLY annoying. She's two years younger than me and is really sensitive... How do I tell her I hate her guts without making her cry in front of everyone on the bus?

2007-02-07 09:19:05 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Before you judge the situation, she has worked really hard all year long and these are the marks that basically determine university entrance and she didn't get what she'd deserved especially in one subject where the teacher was being a prick. BUT that's not the reason for the post.

After that she started crying. I'm a guy and a close/average friend I guess and I was sitting right beside her. I didn't know what to say?? I was like "its ok" lol Thats the only thing I could think of. Then another friend of hers sitting two seats away came over and gave her one of those its ok hugs (but she was a girl!!) so I'm just not sure what I guy in this situation could do. I just felt really bad sitting there....

2007-02-07 09:18:51 · 6 answers · asked by thee_guy 2 in Friends

2007-02-07 09:18:09 · 58 answers · asked by In 2 Deep 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Why do girls tend to be bare foot round the home?

2007-02-07 09:17:32 · 18 answers · asked by Sarah 1 in Singles & Dating

This is for Fayetteville, North Carolina

2007-02-07 09:17:06 · 12 answers · asked by down_4u22 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Some of my friends are either sick or otherwise busy when I ask for help, These are people who I have helped many times. My car is temporarily disabled and I called 3 people for a ride to work and each one refused to help me.

2007-02-07 09:16:52 · 5 answers · asked by ARLENE H 4 in Friends

well i really think her husband treats her wrong and i dont know how to tell her she needs to move on always telling her what to do and whent to do it and is always hitting on her what do i do

2007-02-07 09:16:45 · 14 answers · asked by cutiepie17 1 in Family

Plz help me
I have a cousin who is 3 years older and takes me to the mall and yesterday he ditched me and I got lost!!!
My parents don't know and I have to go with him to crappy places and then he looses me and I get really scared!!!!! I don't know what to do cuz tomorrow we are goin somewhere.

2007-02-07 09:16:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

At my school disco I met a chick she fancys me I fancy her what would be a good valentines gift

2007-02-07 09:16:18 · 10 answers · asked by >>HaRdY BoYz<< (EAW) 5 in Singles & Dating

My and my other black friends have the toughest time meeting women out and about. We're great on the inside and out, but it seems as if people subject us to a much harsher screening process. Many people label us as the "uncle tom" type so I don't know if thats scaring girls a way. Anyway, we're all 26 and out of college now, so we are considering turning or attention to the net to meet women.

2007-02-07 09:15:22 · 7 answers · asked by The darkside of skittles 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-07 09:15:10 · 11 answers · asked by xhetal09x 3 in Singles & Dating

Ok, my bf and I lived together for about 8 months and were together for a little over a year.
One day when checking my email, i connected to the internet and he had forgotten to close out his messenger. So it came up with an offline from a female stating that she had just dropped her pants and wanted him to come take a look. it listed a link to go to. i was upset but also know that sometimes u get those when you enter into some sites. Ok, so to satisfy my intuition.....i looked into his archives and found where he had contacted other females and commented on their breasts and such and asked to see them on web cam and such.
Now, if you were me. What would you do?

Note* He knows I went through the same thing with an ex who ended up cheating. I told him i didnt care what he looked at, but that I did NOT want him chatting or contacting in any way with another female like that when he was with me. He said ok.
But ended up doing it anyway...ladies if you will...what would u do?

2007-02-07 09:13:58 · 33 answers · asked by Truth Teller 5 in Singles & Dating

My best friend is a guy. For the past 6 or 7 months, we've both had feelings for each other. But 4 months ago, I said that I'd prefer not to ruin our friendship by starting an "official" relationship. He agreed that was a good idea, and it seemed like he genuinely meant it. But since then, we've spent a ton of time together (with the occasional dating-ish thing, like going ice skating in nyc or cuddling on the sofa). My feelings for him have only gotten stronger, but I didn't think to take back what I'd said, and he never made a move, either. So I thought we were both happy with how things were.

I was away this past weekend, and when I came back, I realized he was acting distant. And, well, I can read him like a book, so the truth soon came out. He felt too "attached" to me, and there was someone else he liked as well.

2007-02-07 09:13:51 · 9 answers · asked by Andre@ L 2 in Singles & Dating

i would love a Valentine boyfriend but am not sure how to get one. do i ask him or is there things to do to get him to ask me w/out it beeing obvious?

2007-02-07 09:13:24 · 4 answers · asked by ness1648 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-07 09:13:18 · 45 answers · asked by i am in love 2 in Singles & Dating


2007-02-07 09:13:12 · 21 answers · asked by yungblud00 2 in Singles & Dating

9 mths later she gave birth. her partner knows that the baby is most likely mine.
she is refusing to allow a paternity test to see if i am the father.
where do i stand and what should be my next move.
thanks neil

2007-02-07 09:13:06 · 18 answers · asked by NEIL M 1 in Marriage & Divorce

yes or no am only 23 yrs old with Aspergers Sydrome because some girls say am a freck and stuipd also ugly.

2007-02-07 09:12:57 · 6 answers · asked by keridorrington30 1 in Singles & Dating

I said no I do not do you think i'm a mind reader, but I know a lot of very clever nice people on yahoo answers they might tell me , if I ask them very nicely. please all you very nice people out threr can you help me and tell me what my Lady is thinking. Thank you. and the daft old man said Fat chance. but please do feel free to have a nice day and night. and I will see you in my dream's. Some freinds dont help, but a true friend is closer than your own family. Proverbs 18:24. yours in Jesus Christ. Peter William Lack.

2007-02-07 09:12:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok, i basically invited my friend to a concert, but as i got to know him, he was a jerk to me, annoying, and bossy. so now i don't want him to come. me, my mom, and my 2 friends r coming. the only thing i came up with is that there won't be enough room in the car. i'm having trouble coming up with who b/c if he asks why there won't be enough room, what do i say? thank you. and i considered honesty, but he's too sensitive.

2007-02-07 09:12:37 · 8 answers · asked by Ska Baby 2 in Friends

I am in 8th grade and i like this 7th grader. the thing is that he will talk to me but he wont go out with me because he thinks i'm ugly. i know he is being shallow and i know i should move on a forget him but i like him too much. I need to get him to try to get to know me, but how? what should i do?

2007-02-07 09:12:04 · 6 answers · asked by Rhode Islanda 1 in Singles & Dating

My bestfriend/roommate just got a boyfriend named Kevin. Kevin has a roommate/bestfriend named George. Well George and I met at a party and hit it off. We've talked on aim a couple times and in her person and we seem to really enjoy each other. I want to ask him for coffee sometime. Here's the catch... last semester i was on a leave of asbsence from college and during that time george confessed to his best friend ellen that he was in love with her. Ellen not only rejected him, since she honestly didn't feel the same way, but told him that she actually has a new boyfriend. Needless to say George was crushed and he is just now getting back to normal however everyone agrees that he will not have the balls to ask anyone out anytime soon. So should I even bother asking him for coffee or is he just too damaged?

2007-02-07 09:11:34 · 10 answers · asked by aloha29 1 in Singles & Dating

Well ive been with this guy for 3 years and 2 months, the first year i was with him he was never abusive, the second year i was with him he still never showed abusiveness..... the third year i was with him I started to see the abusiveness, when we'd argue, which was like starting to be an every other day thing, he would like get in my face like a centimeter away and call me names like b*tch, whore, slut, i f*cking hate you and stuff like that and i wouldnt know what to say or do back. Sometimes he'd even leave me on the side of the rode to walk home. I know this sounds stupid but i feel like i love him too much to leave him adn stop this, and I thin but HOW THE HELL DO I LOVE HIM when he treats me that way. Now hes starting to ignore me, yell at me more, pich my stomach and arms and grab me and push me away and drive off. I use to cut myself when hed do that and overdose on pills and not tell him, but I can't keep doing this its so hard, how can I get out of this and get help??

2007-02-07 09:11:20 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Based on this convo I had with her

me: I see. how tall are you?
girl: 5'6
me: do you wear heels?
girl: sometimes...it depends on who im with
me: like a date or socializing?
girl: actually it depends on if the guy im with will still be taller than me...i have this thing where guys have to be tall
me: im 6'1
girl: usually when im with friends i wear sneakers unless we are dressed up
girl: well then id wear heels, lol

From there, is she saying that she wants to go out with me?
Is she inferring she'd don her heels for me?

2007-02-07 09:10:05 · 9 answers · asked by Pep Streebeck 1 in Singles & Dating

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