A lot of the same junk being said over and over with no real answers here:
incest n. sexual intercourse between close blood relatives, including brothers and sisters, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, or aunts or uncles with nephews or nieces. It is a crime in all states, even if consensual by both parties. However, it is often co-existent with sexual abuse since usually the younger person is a victim of the predatory sexual activities of an older relative. Recently, it has drawn more attention as people began talking about the "silent crime," which is often covered up by a wife fearful of losing a husband, or the memory has been suppressed by the youthful victims. One problem is that on the surface the family may appear to be "All-American" while abusive incest continues. In 18 states incest also includes copulation or cohabitation between first cousins, but the majority of jurisdictions permit marriage between such cousins. The rationale for prohibition of first cousin marriages is not so much moral as the fear of proliferation of mental or physical weakness due to the joining of recessive family genes carrying such weaknesses.
Thats a direct copy from the refrenced link below.
2007-02-07 18:05:00
answer #1
answered by Cautiously Optomistic 1
I dont believe so. Its kind of wierd, but not incestuous! I think its ok if someone gets married to their ex step sibling.
2007-02-07 09:23:10
answer #2
answered by Cuteness 4
No, since you are not blood kin, it is legal, and legit. I know 2 other people that have married their step siblings within the state of Texas, and Louisiana.
2007-02-07 09:22:59
answer #3
answered by Battlerattle06 6
Of course it's not incestuous because you're not blood related. Society might see something wrong with that... but it's your life, your decision and your happiness.
2007-02-07 09:22:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Step sibling. No. Half sibling yes. If your dad or mom was involved in creating the kid then it is incestuous. Haven't you ever seen brady bunch. : ). Well at least the movie.
2007-02-07 09:21:54
answer #5
answered by Vthokie25 3
Not genetically speaking.... though if it were a step sibling you grew up with it might be viewed as social incest...
Technically you could BECOME step siblings after you are married... I know someone this happened to. Married a girl and a few years later their single parents married each other ...
2007-02-07 09:20:54
answer #6
answered by Ecofreako 3
Incest is basically defined as sexual relations between two persons who are closely related genetically. Various political jurisdictions and faith groups define the degree of closeness differently.
So, sometimes step siblings are considered incest...depends on who you ask. but, dating a step sibling is not illegal, it is a cultural taboo in some places because both parties are residing in the same household
2007-02-07 09:27:54
answer #7
answered by Divine_10 2
No because you're not related. But, on the strange and I wouldn't do it factor, rates about a 9 next to marrying a cousin.
2007-02-07 09:21:00
answer #8
answered by Groovy 6
it sounds a little weird, but not really incestuous. they're not blood related to you. so its not wrong. besides its not your fault that your parent (mother or father) decided to marry a person whose son/daughter you felt attracted to.
2007-02-07 09:22:28
answer #9
answered by ♥ 4
No. Incest is when you sleep with a blood relative. Your step siblings are not related to you by blood.
2007-02-07 09:25:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous