I was engaged about a year ago and have been broken up for about the same time. Though we lost contact for about past 2 months. We were together for about 4 years and he cheated on me during the second to last year of our relationship. After all was acclaimed for and all was forgiven; my fiancé’s mistress would not leave us alone. Every time she would come to pay us a visit I would get these dreams and sometimes even hallucinations. I would dream of some kind of snake attacking me or just dwelling beside me.
Some time before the departure of my relationship a lot of things were going on between my ex-fiancé and I. Back then I had 2 best friends one was a boy and the other was a girl. I was acquainted with the girl much longer then the boy. The boy and I were really close and would often have a day of fun with my fiancé. He was almost like a brother. Whenever my ex fiancé would disappoint me my friend would be there to give me a helping hand. Now after some time my friend and I had a connection which should have never succeeded into a reality. Though it did and after the terrible incident we never spoke to each other again. Now my other best friend became aware of what had happened and gave solemn promise to never discuss this with anyone. Though it wasn’t discussed I was utterly miserable for months and did not know anything other then to cry. Now here the turning point, one day I was sitting on the sofa with my feet extended out towards my best friend’s feet. Then I saw a snake at the corner of my eye, the snake was the color of my friend skin tone, directly hissing in my ear. I immediately screamed with much fear( I thought it was a real snake). We immediately got up and ran and after a while inspected the area. Now till this day we have never found a snake in the house or even a snake skin. Though later on that evening my friend and I had a dispute and she spoke with my fiancé. She told him about the whole thing that had happened with my friend. Now ever since then we have not been able to amend what happened. The snake I saw was a real omen of what was to come into my life. I have never in the entirety of my life have experienced a more devastating year. Just about 4 months ago I had a dream about a snake attacking me. I ended up killing it. My other friend had given me a tiger eye necklace just before I had the dream and said to wear it so that it would protect me. She was pregnant at the time. The dream I had started off with her walking next to me. Then she had left and a snake came to attack me and I killed it. I have never been able to kill any of these snakes and the connections have only been linked with my ex. Not to mention, I never considered the girl a good friend. After that dream I had another one in the same night. In this one I had seen a baby and the baby was situated in a dark area. I had a sense that I had saved the child by killing the snake.. Afterward I discussed this with my friend and she had no clue what to make of it. My friend ended up aborting the child. No here is what I wonder was killing the snake a sign that my ex will come back or was it a connection with my friend. Oh and my ex is with the mistress now. He went with her knowing that it would be the only way to hurt me. I know in the heart of heart that he still loves me, he is just up set. Please give me some kind of understanding on this whole story.
Thank you
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