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Family & Relationships - 4 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

and sexy?

2007-01-04 12:36:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-01-04 12:36:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

2007-01-04 12:36:08 · 42 answers · asked by 4evaluvu 2 in Singles & Dating

Ladies, do you always prefer guys that are taller than you when you date? How about same height? How about a guy that is shorter than you? Would there be times if you would make an exception?

2007-01-04 12:36:05 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Me and my fiance want to have a baby one day but, I won't be able to have children without medical help. He was with a girl for a year that had a child and he loved it. He brings up the kid all the time and all the good times he had with her. I'm nice about it and just act like i'm happy for him. Then we get into a fight and i bring up the fact that I can't stand to hear about it. I feel like because I can't fufill his needs for children as soon as we get married that I'm worthless. Part of me is afraid that he looks at me as an incomplete woman. What do I do? How should I approach him? A lil tip (he doesn't like me to bring it up). He gets Pissed!

2007-01-04 12:35:46 · 7 answers · asked by SNL1984 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband left me 3 days ago, I found a note that he is under pressure and cannot handle the stress anylonger. I love him so much. I had no idea anything was wrong. I am just heart broken. But now the biggest problem is that I have three small boys. I have never worked in our ten year marriage, I do not have any skills. I have no way to pay the rent or even the utilities bills, come to think of it. I cannot even make the car payment. I am sick, I have no clue what to do. He took everything out of savings except for $325. I went to public aid yesterday, they said they could give me food stamps, but that is all. How do I pay the rent? Utilities? Where can I find a job that pays more then $6 an hour? How can I afford to pay a babysitter? How could he have done this to me? I am so scared !!!! I have no family here, my Father lives in Arizonia, but he is on a limited income. What do I do? Where do I start? Where do I come up with rent for the 15th of the month. He was my life.

2007-01-04 12:34:49 · 4 answers · asked by lisa l 1 in Family

well my friend blows me and my best friend off to go and act cool,and for christmas i bought her some ipod cases which was 13 bucks out of my moms pocket! then she ges and gives them to somebody else and buys a new one! her present to me was only 5 bucks! should i give it to someone or to the thrift store?or should i just keep it and ignore her but it made me mad!please help!

2007-01-04 12:34:22 · 8 answers · asked by milf bitch! 2 in Friends

shes in 8th grade and im in 7th and me and her like each other, we were hanging out one day then we decided we should go to her house and watch a movie [New years] and then we started to hug and kiss during the movie, and thats how we found out we liked each other, we've been going out for a week or so now maybe little more and well i didn't speak to her much, i met her through a friend of mine. and i needsome stuff that will impress her, and stuff.
things i can do [that people wont laugh at me for] or say..
or something i can do to get more popular, i mean alot of people think shes hott, and stuff, but yeah i need advice <3

2007-01-04 12:33:58 · 5 answers · asked by Aarron C 1 in Singles & Dating

IM JUST ASKING i men why don't they?
I have not seen an asain with a black girl ever!!!!!
Why don't they date black girls.
Maybe they don't like ***?

2007-01-04 12:33:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband left me 3 days ago, I found a note that he is under pressure and cannot handle the stress anylonger. I love him so much. I had no idea anything was wrong. I am just heart broken. But now the biggest problem is that I have three small boys. I have never worked in our ten year marriage, I do not have any skills. I have no way to pay the rent or even the utilities bills, come to think of it. I cannot even make the car payment. I am sick, I have no clue what to do. He took everything out of savings except for $325. I went to public aid yesterday, they said they could give me food stamps, but that is all. How do I pay the rent? Utilities? Where can I find a job that pays more then $6 an hour? How can I afford to pay a babysitter? How could he have done this to me? I am so scared !!!! I have no family here, my Father lives in Arizonia, but he is on a limited income. What do I do? Where do I start? Where do I come up with rent for the 15th of the month. He was my life.

2007-01-04 12:33:41 · 8 answers · asked by lisa l 1 in Marriage & Divorce


you are on vacation you meet a guy,he's really sweet you guys hang out and talk..you have sex in the moment..he comes back to lay with you..and he's slept over before, he's only with you the whole entire cruise, he asks your friend what's going on with you and says really nice stuff, and after the cruise he talks to you and you even visited him..that would mean he cares right? enough to talk to you after a vacation

2007-01-04 12:32:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My friend came over to my house.We were at my dads.My dad WAS there and was with us.So we had parental supervision.Anyways,we were taking shots of some alcohol right?Nobody forced us or anything.Totally voluntary And the next week at school my "friend" was telling EVERYONE at my school that IIIIIII was drinking and she wasn't.She said that i had gotten sh*t faced and everything!!! GRRRRR!!! so i need good ideas for getting her back for this.PLEASE don't get into the whole alcohol thing and how i shouldn't drink and blah blah blah.Cause I KNOW what the bad things and crap are about doing it.All I want to is get back at her for making me out like an alcoholic minor.

2007-01-04 12:32:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I love sex too much... what should I do?? even when I have to do something else really important, I can never get out of sex! help!!!!

2007-01-04 12:32:20 · 4 answers · asked by hottie h 1 in Singles & Dating

my girl is turning 20 in feburary what are some good gift ideas i can get.. ladies please help me!

2007-01-04 12:31:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

every woman I've chatted with on dating sites starts talking like were married and I shouldn't be talking with other women with in a few converstions..whats up with that?

2007-01-04 12:31:43 · 15 answers · asked by Mike L 1 in Singles & Dating

So me and my ex broke up couple days before Halloween. She ended it because she said I was moving way too fast and was feeling more than she felt for me, which was actually true. She leaves, no contact for two months and she recently came back. We don't talk on the phone if anything small chit chat online or on text sometimes. But shes the one who broke the silence.

One day online she told me she wanted to clear something up and when it was ok to call me, I told her anytime at night, so she told me to expect a call. The night after, she never did. I asked the day after that what happened, and she said she had gotten distracted and when she noticed it was too late to call me. Now that same night, after I told her "no worries, it might not be too big of a thing. call me tonight if you want", she still hasn't called.

what might her intentions be here? should i not over think this? i really want her back, not sure if her not calling is a bad sign since she forgot to call me one nite

2007-01-04 12:31:09 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

when a guy finds out that u lyke him and when you pass him in the hallway he stares at u what does that mean? he knows i like him but i havnt said hi this yr(but talked 2 him last yr)....one time he followed me?? what is going on through his head? and what does it mean?

2007-01-04 12:30:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I want to be emancipated, I am 16 and I live in the state of pennsylvania? I am also on probation....I am not sure if probation will affect me being emancipated....I also heard of an independant living program.....How is that???

2007-01-04 12:29:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Any advice is helpful.

2007-01-04 12:29:26 · 11 answers · asked by bowlingcap 2 in Family

My daughter is the love of my life. My dad wasn't there for me when I was a child. I promised myself to a better father to my child than my dad was to me. My wife doesn't try to keep contact with me and my child. She claims it is my fault that she had a baby by another man. I relocated to another city to get established for my family. And she got pregnant while I was away working for my family.

2007-01-04 12:29:22 · 25 answers · asked by Quarterback 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i broke off a 3yr relationship when i went away for college now im back and it feels like theres still something there,but ofcourse she has here worries of letting me back in her life,should i keep my hopes up or should i just forget it and move on?what can i do?

2007-01-04 12:27:15 · 10 answers · asked by DAF 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-04 12:27:05 · 1 answers · asked by tyler s 1 in Friends

Ok so like my boyfriend never calls me and I always have to call him and I don't know weather to stay wit him or not?? I need some advise and I really like him!! I just feel like he doesn't have as strong of feelings for me!! Well please help me. Should I break up wit him or tell him how i feel asnd ask him to change his ways??

2007-01-04 12:27:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

fight all the time. we love each other. we don't live togather. how can we stop it?

2007-01-04 12:26:19 · 13 answers · asked by higa1980ash 1 in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend and i have been officially dating for about a week so we're still a really new couple...........well........he likes to touch me......and not in inappropriate places.....just like my leg or my sides........it's just it seems like he HAS to touch me like all the time..........and sometimes its just not appropriate for him to be holding me in certain situations........suchas church or in front of my parents..............how do i break it to him that he needs to only touch me when it is appropriate without him thinking that i dont enjoy him touching me?????

2007-01-04 12:26:11 · 7 answers · asked by jamie_lynn_1109 2 in Singles & Dating

there's this boy in my class and he likes me.everybody keeps on telling me that we should go out but we are homies and i don't feel comfortable going out with a friend.he keeps on beggin me to go out with him and he gets the same answer NO!!but i start to feel bad for him because every gurl turn him down for his childish behavior and teeth,but i just don't want to go with him becuase it may ruin our friend ship and i just don't like him (what shoul i do)

2007-01-04 12:25:38 · 6 answers · asked by deshatown_93 2 in Singles & Dating

his child support in a year. The current state i live in just sent paperwork to the prosecution attorneys office to be forwarded to the state he lives in for contempt of court. Child support just also found that he started a job on Dec 20th 2006. His last payment was Jan 10, 2006. So i will be seeing the monthly payments from him finally. Before this he paid his child support all the time. Basically i was kinda wondering in these cases what does a judge do in this kind of sitaution. He has 4 kids with me and is remarried and has 2. i was told, because my kids was the 1st marriage they do come 1st before the 2nd family. ...............And also with the income tax knowing he has not worked all year. She has (his wife). Does she file a injured family member where it doesnt get sent to the kids. Because i know when he is behind automatically it comes to me his half. But with the injured form will it come to them or not??? So i have several questions about this.

2007-01-04 12:25:17 · 15 answers · asked by stacey_smith302003 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Well If You Wantthe Storie Its On My two Last Questions, But I need a song To dedicated to my Best best friend Monica R.I.P monica! lotz of love girl.. Anywayz Ah I feel it was my fault she has passed ppl say it wasnt but it probably was, Okay we were VERY close soo i need a song to relate to that..

I Usually Think Of Her When I listen to this song By Boyz II Men Called "Its So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yestarday" I Just Bust Out Crying bad of tear listen to that song.. well If you have in mind plzz help me think thanx to those who help and i hope yall have a Happy new year.. Mine Is already Bad soo w.e

2007-01-04 12:24:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

thanks for the answers....

2007-01-04 12:24:19 · 25 answers · asked by Jack Daniels 2 in Family

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