Make the day unforgettable! Anything you buy is just an object. Sure she got it from you but there will be more gifts to come in the future, so after some years it wont be that outstanding. You remember the Disney cartoon Aladdin? The princess wasnt touched by anything but the magic carpet ride... Well if u do not own a magic carpet at the moment, you still have some chance. Try to find out something memorable, surprising, romantic and very very unique! She should see the effort and love more than the money but treat her like a princess at the same time.
You could take her to a very good restaurant by horse carriage, she wouldnt know where you were going of course. Reserve the table before and ask for some unique decorations, her fav flower in the vase, her best chocolate on a silver plate when u arrive, tablecloth in her favourite colour, candellight. A beautifully wrapped gift should also be lying on the table (so she can also show her friends besides telling). Choose some special food for the two of you, and dessert of course. After the meal make the night even more memorable!
For the gift I'd buy lingerie or jewellery. Lingerie is better but you have to be sure of her size. You could even make it more exciting by asking her to unwrap it only at home, so she ll see the gift and be wondering what it could hide. Good luck big boy!
2007-01-04 13:15:22
answer #1
answered by WonderGirl 2
Her race has nothing to do with the gift you choose. A lady her age would appreciate something heartfelt as opposed to something like a gift card. A nice cheerful houseplant would last longer than a cut flower boquet and you would probably save a few dollars that you could use on a card. As for the gift here are my ideas: (1) A nice brooch to wear when she dresses up is one idea. (2) A very soft, pretty throw blanket that is light yet warm is always appreciated to cover up in the evening while sitting watching TV. (3) Find out where she was born and look in the book store for a nostalgia book from there. (4) Finally, if you must go the gift card route make it for a meal out and at a place she frequents. ~~Try to enjoy the process of finding her a gift she will love. Someday if you are fortunate enough to reach 80 maybe someone will do the same for you. :))
2016-03-19 14:42:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It depends on what she likes. I would personally like the the "little things". My boyfriend and I just started dating and he was so thoughtful. He got me things that others thought were silly, like bananas and V8 juice. I actually eat those every day for breakfast. I get leg cramps and bananas help. I love v8 juice. He also got me a photo album so I could start putting pictures of Us in there. Those are the "little things" gifts he got me for Christmas that I thought was so thoughtful and sweet. He also got me other things, like my birthstone on a necklace, a candle, a throw blanket to take naps on the couch with, and a VCR because mine had died. I am 39 years old.
It depends on her tastes. Is she a sensitive girl? Does she like those little things? Most ladies love getting flowers with whatever else you are getting. Some women love getting pampered, so a day at the spa would be a great gift for them.
Spending it with you is probably something she would love to do. Maybe you should throw a surprise party since it is her 20th, with her family and her friends. Get with her parents and ask for suggestions and just tell her you are taking her out for dinner and actually the whole family and her friends will be there to celebrate. That is always a surprise, if everyone can keep a secret.
Have fun and Happy New Year.
2007-01-04 12:41:42
answer #3
answered by Stephanie F 7
It might be either:
A day in a spa
Nice clothes: Dress, shirt, etc
Cell phone / blackberry
Nice perfume
Nice sunglasses
It depends on the girl! Does he like to read? Almost all women like flowers and candies, but you could use those besides the real present; and if you want to make her feel very special do not forget a nice card with something actually written for you, telling her sweet nothings but real ones; always be very honest.
2007-01-04 12:38:40
answer #4
answered by Armerys 3
If she conforms to society get her bath/body stuff- anything that smells like cake/cookie dough/etc.....can be found at sephoras. Actually, anything from sephoras.
You could get her some victoria secret stuff.....the pink line they have there is really popular and cute!
for a more original gift, you can give her a class/workshop in a box..she can pick any class she wants to go to! It's called giftybox, and the site is
Also, check out catagorizes the receiver based upon interests..and is very accurate!
2007-01-04 12:39:29
answer #5
answered by bree 3
A great Zin for about 8 bucks. Can find a great California one anywhere for that price. Get a bagget of bread, porte wine pate and some bri cheese and fresh fruit. Take her out on a quiet romantic picnic and that will be the best 25 bucks you ever spent.
2007-01-04 12:36:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm no lady mister... :-)
Anyway, I do have a few ideas. iPods are great, Bose QC3 headphones, laptop accessories, silk scarves are great because she can wear them so many ways, gift cards of course, pedicure/manicure, tickets to a concert or show (with you of course), a night out to dinner complete with a limo (again, with you), a stylish new cell phone, or my personal favorite... a Mercedes CL or CLS 500 (either way is fine).
2007-01-04 12:42:40
answer #7
answered by AK 6
jewelry is always special. It doesn't have to be big and gold. but something nice from a little store or a department store.
find out what her favorite color is, or notice what color shes wears a lot (is it black, or bright colors?) and mention that when looking for a piece. necklaces or bracelets are always good. you can never go wrong with plain sterling silver with her initials on it.
good luck!
2007-01-04 12:37:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This Site Might Help You.
good birthday present for a 20 year old woman.. Ladies please help?
my girl is turning 20 in feburary what are some good gift ideas i can get.. ladies please help me!
2015-08-08 10:57:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Maybe a necklace with some kind of charm that can fit your name and her name somewhere on it. Engraved (like the back)It's personal and takes a lot of thought and shows you really care!
2007-01-04 12:34:59
answer #10
answered by lady2 4