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shes in 8th grade and im in 7th and me and her like each other, we were hanging out one day then we decided we should go to her house and watch a movie [New years] and then we started to hug and kiss during the movie, and thats how we found out we liked each other, we've been going out for a week or so now maybe little more and well i didn't speak to her much, i met her through a friend of mine. and i needsome stuff that will impress her, and stuff.
things i can do [that people wont laugh at me for] or say..
or something i can do to get more popular, i mean alot of people think shes hott, and stuff, but yeah i need advice <3

2007-01-04 12:33:58 · 5 answers · asked by Aarron C 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

Be yourself. You don't need to do or be anything more than who you are for someone else. If she doesn't like you for who you are than at least the two of you had some fun together. I'll tell you this though if your confident with yourself she'll be able to tell, and she'll like you more. That's the best advice I can give ya.

2007-01-04 12:41:17 · answer #1 · answered by hthr_1974 4 · 0 0

k first off congrats on finding a girl k first off heres somethings you need too know you will only find out on what she likes either threw her, cause dont talk to her friends cause if you have a suprise for her you never know if they might give it away to her in the "excitment" of the moment, and when your doing this you can either flat out ask her what she likes or u can pick up on hints and what i mean is, girls will drop little suttle hints like say ur in the mall waling around she sees like some piece of jewlery and says, "oh, thats cute" BAM you remember that piece that store that mall everything so that when it comes time to get her something you will have remembered it, also on the guys laughing at u thing trust me bro dont worry about it cause the guys will laugh but the girls will think that what your doing is cute, especially the friends, if ur in there good graces then ur all set, also girls love suprises be spontaneous, leave a love note in her locker, give her a rose just because, when u finnaly tell her u love her, mean it, dont b afraid to hold her hand in public or hold her, she wont mind, she might actually like it!

The important thing is just knowing what she likes but for now maybe a rose here and there a love note or even making her fav. treat or something k good luck!

2007-01-04 20:44:37 · answer #2 · answered by hbk0138 1 · 0 0

Just be yourself, don't try to be someone. If you want to talk to her then just go ahead and be yourself. Maybe give her a small gift or invite her somewhere.

2007-01-04 20:41:50 · answer #3 · answered by Questions 3 · 0 0

Be yourself!!If you don't then she probbably won't like you anymore.I mean she did start to like you for you right??So if it worked before it work again!!!

2007-01-04 20:49:57 · answer #4 · answered by J 3 · 0 0

Be urself

2007-01-04 20:37:27 · answer #5 · answered by Lexi 2 · 0 0

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