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Ok so like my boyfriend never calls me and I always have to call him and I don't know weather to stay wit him or not?? I need some advise and I really like him!! I just feel like he doesn't have as strong of feelings for me!! Well please help me. Should I break up wit him or tell him how i feel asnd ask him to change his ways??

2007-01-04 12:27:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

11 answers

If he does not call you and you find yourself calling him all the time, try not to call him. Wait and see how long it will take for him to call you.
If you do that, your question will be answered.

2007-01-04 12:29:35 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

i know for a fact that when guys act like that theres reasons, and most of the time there not good ones., dont want to hurt your feeling, after one thing, another person in the picture, like to play games,ect. i would break up with him and see what happens. even if he says he doesn't, do it any way and observe what happens for a week or two. his reactions will tell you what was the problem. i know this because im a guy that stoll this question from his mom to help u out. trust me ive seen it, done it

2007-01-04 13:17:27 · answer #2 · answered by moe 5 · 0 0

You love your boyfriend more than he love you. Try to widen up your mind, don't just concentrate your love to him. You still have a choice, try to hang out with friends and not just him. Let him call you. If he really love you, he will surely call you. Sometimes the more you stick to him, he get fed up and tired of you. Let go and enjoy your life....

2007-01-04 12:31:45 · answer #3 · answered by rose 2 · 0 0

Ever seen "Seinfeld"? Breaking up on a whim like that is a classic move, referred to as a "preemptive break-up". The beauty is that if he doesn't care about you, he will be emotionless about the break up. If he does care, he will want you back and shape up on his own. Brilliant!

2007-01-04 12:30:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't waste your time! Don't call him anymore, don't ask him to behave certain way. If he loved you or had as strong feelings as you have, he would care. Just leave him and move on.

2007-01-04 12:32:28 · answer #5 · answered by Armerys 3 · 0 0

if theres one thing i hate is that every guy has there own way of expression there fellings... look think bout it b/c u can be makin the biggest mistake in youre life ... you should talk to him about how you feel ... that is what a realationship is build for to trust in eachother and to talk to eachother .. to love eachother .. well i hope my advise helped

2007-01-04 12:35:55 · answer #6 · answered by jeanete 1 · 0 0

It looks like you are into him then he into you. Stop calling him and wait a week to see if he's missing you at all. If not, move on.

2007-01-04 12:47:28 · answer #7 · answered by childofGod 4 · 0 0

i think that you should TOTALLY tell him how you feel.......but be kind (and vunerable because guys fall for that) ..........say something like "babe, how come you never call me?" and stick out your pouty lip.........then say "I want to talk to you and tell you all about my day because i feel like your the only one who cares"........then hug him and act all sad about it.......if he doesn't start calling you then maybe he isn't as interested in you as you are in him...........also some guys aren't in to the whole talk on the phone everyday for 8 hours thing.........it's your call.......but if you feel like he really doesn't have the same feelings for you as you do for him then your'e probably right......don't worry things will work out .....and if they don't he probably wasn't the right guy

2007-01-04 12:33:01 · answer #8 · answered by jamie_lynn_1109 2 · 0 0

I would say no if most guys dont call because we forget a

2007-01-04 12:32:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Talk to him first and see how he reacts. If he is willing to try and fix things then go for it, if not dump him.

2007-01-04 12:28:54 · answer #10 · answered by enozo73 2 · 0 0

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