So me and my ex broke up couple days before Halloween. She ended it because she said I was moving way too fast and was feeling more than she felt for me, which was actually true. She leaves, no contact for two months and she recently came back. We don't talk on the phone if anything small chit chat online or on text sometimes. But shes the one who broke the silence.
One day online she told me she wanted to clear something up and when it was ok to call me, I told her anytime at night, so she told me to expect a call. The night after, she never did. I asked the day after that what happened, and she said she had gotten distracted and when she noticed it was too late to call me. Now that same night, after I told her "no worries, it might not be too big of a thing. call me tonight if you want", she still hasn't called.
what might her intentions be here? should i not over think this? i really want her back, not sure if her not calling is a bad sign since she forgot to call me one nite
24 answers
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Family & Relationships
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This is just an opinion but....
I think she has another fella on the fly. Things between the two of them going up and down and back and forth. When things get screwy with him, she turns to you. When things with him pick up she forgets about you.
Like I said it's just an opinion and I could be wrong but that's what it sounds like to me.
2007-01-04 12:34:47
answer #1
answered by hthr_1974 4
Base on what you wrote. This girl a long time ago told you she is not interested in you and raise a Red Flag that you have not seen by ending the relationship and telling you that you were moving too fast and feeling more than she felt for you.
It is a woman that choose a man that she want to spend her time with and all this thing about she saying she calling you and not doing so is another Red Flag. You need to get up and smell the coffee, this girl is getting her kicks by rattling your cage each time or in another way playing with your feelings towards her.
If this girl really wanted to call you despite the time, she would make an effort. If you are not careful her behavior in the long run can have you doubting some one else that has a genuine interest in you, as well as hurting your confidence as a man.
A man wants to know that he is with a woman that makes him feel that he is part of her life. By her actions, and in what she says to him. When you have some one playing those mind games that is not good for your health and well being in the long run.
You need to have your head on and not let your feeling for her to have you in your present pathetic situation.
2007-01-04 12:51:04
answer #2
answered by Premio 4
I know this is hard to get through, especially if you feel more then the other person feels for you. I think if she says she wants to clear something up with you, i'm guessing its not about getting back with her. But if she's been saying that she'll call you and she hasn't, obviously she isn't seeing to get you back or else she would have called already. I'm thinking that she's not seeing you as someone important anymore thats why she isn't intrested in calling you back right away. Yeah it does hurt but you should make it seem like you don't care. When she calls tell her your busy, make it seem that you are moving on. The reason why she hasn't called is because she knows you still care about her and why she hasn't called. This is letting her wear the pants. So put on a tough face and pretend like you don't need her. When she calls why dont you let her say what she has to say then cut her off and "say hey i have to go. But i'll call you later." call her a few days later. Teach her a little something about what she's done to you. I hope this works out if you decide to try it. best wishes.
2007-01-04 12:37:30
answer #3
answered by CiNdiEe 2
OK...lets gain some perspective here...just because you want her does not mean she wants you. She may have 'come back' because she was not sure of her first decision to dump you. That is completely plausible. Regarding the 'not calling you on the phone'...that is just weird. She is obviously playing games with your head. It is one thing if the day got away with her that one time and she forgot or figured tomorrow is another day BUT to do it again after she said she would call...she is messin with ya bro. Let by gones be by gones and don't give her the time of day. In all seriousness you do not want things to go on like this forever do you? Good luck and god speed. Give her up!!
2007-01-04 12:36:33
answer #4
answered by ? 6
She might just be checking to see if you are still interested. And since you obviously are, she might not be. Sounds like she is toying with you. Next time she asks if she can call tell her you are going out and maybe you 2 could catch up sometime next week. See what her reaction is and go from there
Sometimes, to some people, the chase is better than the catch
2007-01-04 12:37:46
answer #5
answered by Dee 5
She's playing games with you. You need to move on. A confused love is very dangerous. You think you want her back because she probably was fine and you miss her kiss, touch, smell, etc., but that's exactly all you want. Unless you really got to know her, which if she's playing all these games with you, you would know to "fall back" and move on to like a different girl. There are plenty of fish in the sea, though you may feel you like this only "fish". Communication, I see, won't be a problem, so talk and approach someone who won't cause you such confusion.
2007-01-04 12:36:05
answer #6
answered by Hitch 3
Same thing happened to me 2 years ago. Just keep the silence. If not she will be playing games with your head until you just stop talking all together. listen to everyone else and move on. Take this time to do something you want to do with you're life. I bought a new sport bike. Now I have no problems meeting women who are alot better then the ex.
2007-01-08 11:10:19
answer #7
answered by flboarder18 1
She is to busy for a guy like you, I think you deserve better sweets you sound like a guy who would give up everything for that woman but she isnt gonna give up anything for you so just move on and try to find someone that is ready for a serious relationship my advice to you take things slower than what you normally would it might be easier dont rush in things and get you heart crushed again it helps good luck hun.
2007-01-04 12:36:36
answer #8
answered by a tired mommy 1
OK hey my best friend went throw the same thing except he was moving to fast and she wouldn't put out so he cheated on her but any way hey it sounds to me that you just have to think about this it wont go any were she doesn't want to be with you so its OK you will find some one els when your not even looking. i guess she just doesn't want this right now and may be your not the one but its OK cuz you will find the one and its not her.just try to for get, get rid of every thing she has given you and put it in a box you need to be clean of her and dont worry every thing will be OK.
i hope you find some one special and just relax it will be fine.
2007-01-04 12:40:40
answer #9
answered by JEEP GIRL 2
who knows why peopple do what they do, but sounds like maybe she might think she is, or actually may be pregnant... might want to make sure she calls you, if this is a definate impossibility, maybe shes just playing mind games, if thats the case, leave her alone, find someone else
2007-01-04 12:34:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous