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Family & Relationships - 18 December 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I know what is love but i wanted to know what is love in other means.

2006-12-18 16:58:12 · 11 answers · asked by rafiq 619 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I recentely got married, ours is love marriage, before jackie was very open to me.., but now a days i have found that he is getting irritated when i ask any thing about his sisters, if i force him to answer he will tell something and sometimes even trys to change the topic. From this behaviour is feeling jackie is ignoring me. I dont have any one nor my parents nor my friends to help me in this matter...... please tell should i change myself or tell me how can i change jackie.....

2006-12-18 16:57:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I wasn't really into politics much but my finance was, and he wanted me to change to his political party. I did research and agreed with the majority of his party so I switched. After marriage and living with him I see how much he and his family are into politics. Most of the times we agree on issues but occasionally I am more in the middle this really annoys him. Also when I'm not really excited about a certain candidate winning or doing well he get's truly upset and will bring it up in our discussions. I'm not a real opinionated person for the most part I'm kind of middle of the road but when I don't agee with him 100% about politics he gets upset and annoyed. It's become a little to much for me and I feel I can't truly be honest with him. Is he asking too much or should I just play the game and become a yes woman? I was raised to be honest and speak the truth so I don't know if I even can. Please help me.

2006-12-18 16:57:28 · 8 answers · asked by stillsearching 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Odd situation here.
Let me lay the story 1st.
My dad left my mother right after my sister's baptism, she was about 5. He moved to Texas to be with this woman who he says he is in love with. After almost 8 years of them fighting, him beeing kicked out and arrested they decide to get married January 1st 2007.
Now my sister has always been closer to him than I was.
But when she found this news out she totaly closed up and cried in her room for almost a whole day.
I have no issue with the wedding.

Now the question.
How do I help her feel better and how do I make him understand how my sister is feeling?

2006-12-18 16:56:24 · 3 answers · asked by chrissandefur2003 2 in Marriage & Divorce

IHi eveyrone i'm a 20yr old guy i'm juss wondering if there's any1 out dere who feels da same way as me...It's gonna be such a lonely xmas and new yrs eve for me...like i don't have any special ppl to buy xmas presents to ..well da fact is that i don't even have a job to accumulate money to buy sumthing...like i was shopping with friends da other day...only to be depressed that i don't have any1 and any money to buy presents for...and everyone seems to have someone that they can really lean on to..unlike me...i'm feeling as if i'm gonna be spending time like this for rest of my life...

Is anyone feeling like me?? ; S ; S ; S

(On the verge of losing myself)

2006-12-18 16:55:38 · 12 answers · asked by KKK 1 in Singles & Dating

We were together for 7yrs and have 2 kids.He had an affair that lasted 3 months then another 3 months when we seperated.He says it was a stupid mistake and he regrets it and that he will make it up to me somehow.How can i learn to trust him again?

2006-12-18 16:55:16 · 13 answers · asked by Rachel 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ppl said it is my fault for not being able to defend myself but it seems unfair especially when he wouldnt let me go after I said uncle

2006-12-18 16:54:04 · 9 answers · asked by m m 1 in Singles & Dating

Knowing that my ex can get into crazy situations, listen to this teory that I have put together about what was beengoing on with him. Remember that I don't want him back!
As of last thanksgiving we were on good terms and he was wanting us(my son and I) to visit him for the holidays. I knew that he had slept with a woman and I could not say too much about it since we were not officially together but trying to work on it. He told me that she told him she loved him and he told her that he did not feelthe same. She got upset and he also likes to talk about his son and I to people and she was one and she didn't like me cuz she jealous. After Thanksgiving he was arrested for a violation that is in the system but it does look like a mistake cuz he was locked up at the time anyway.Well she bonds him out and after that he calls and tells me that they are in a relationship and she is pregnant and they are living in a motel. I was shocked cuz it came out of nowhere.

2006-12-18 16:53:14 · 13 answers · asked by ♦ Phoenix Rising♦ 6 in Family

For example, I have a friend Y. I introduce Y to person Z. Person Y is having a party over the weekend, and invites person Z but not I. I feel very much betrayed and undervalued by person Y.

A purely hypothetical situation mind you, but this kind of thing is everywhere. If we've known a friend for years, and then they meet some of our other friends and get along well, and go out with our friends more than with us, why are we so jealous and hurt?

2006-12-18 16:52:37 · 5 answers · asked by Link 4 in Friends

I don't really trust my dad at all. I don't relate to my mom at all and she's too critical of me.. I'm 15 female.. I guess all teenagers clash with their parents..

but really.. I don't trust my dad at all.. I have some resentment still.. when I was little he used to have such a bad temper! Cursing, yelling, hitting things (not people at least) I used to get really scared of him, and he had such a short fuse I was pretty damn scared...

.. I'm I just being a big baby..? should I get over what little of past there was.. lately I've noticed myself .. like trying to get other.. well not quite father figures but close enough.. like with teachers and stuff.. I know I should have a good relationship with my dad.. but guys with tempers I just cant stand.. but I know everyone has a temper

.. how do I just accept people have tempers... and get pissed off.. I dont know how

2006-12-18 16:52:29 · 6 answers · asked by egf 2 in Family

Recently my girllfriend and I are going through a rough patch. We have decided to cool it off a little bit because we have very different religious views. I'm Christian and she's a non-believer.
I have always gotten along with her friend as we both go to church together. There have always been this very extreme sexual tension between us and we both gave in to it.

The problem is that the sex is tremendously carnal and animalistic but I still like my girlfriend. Should I tell my girlfriend and how do I do it without coming off like a hypocrite as I am very devout and pure and don't want to lie.

2006-12-18 16:52:04 · 40 answers · asked by Skyeboi 2 in Singles & Dating

What is wrong with me? I thought quiet people don't like to be social and are loners...

2006-12-18 16:51:35 · 4 answers · asked by larry j 1 in Singles & Dating

Theres this guy that i really like but havent seen in ages coz he lives away...he's going to be in my town next week & wants to go out to lunch or something to catch up.

The thing is I dont know where would be the best place to go though...As it is, its going to be awkward anyway seeing we havent seen each other in awhile so i dont want to pick anywhere too romantic/flash. (Things that are too flash and romantic make me uncomfortable & it will only add to the awkardness lol)

But at the same time i would like it to be somewhere nice...(casual but nice) Any suggestions about where we should go?...

(The town has pretty much everything: restaurants, pubs, cafes, park, beach etc...if that helps)

2006-12-18 16:51:23 · 3 answers · asked by hello hello! 3 in Singles & Dating

always please people in 360 to keep it going?

2006-12-18 16:51:13 · 4 answers · asked by truth set free 1 in Singles & Dating

I've met this guy who seemed pretty great ( at least thats what it felt like the first time we met) and for the first few months...we clicked right away. Then suddenly...we started to drift...and that just made me want him even more-like I was missing him. And usually I'm never like this about guys. I usually tend to like or date someone w/o having those " speical feelings." And the worse part about this is that everytime I hear a certain song or see something ...my mind always thinks about him. Everytime I go out with my girlfriends and i go home at night...my mind always leads to thinking of him...and it drives me INSANE! I wish I never even met him...because I don't want to fall in love with him. I feel like I'm too young to fall in love with him and that there are much more important things in life than...him. So please, does anybody have any advice?

2006-12-18 16:49:54 · 14 answers · asked by maryflo 2 in Singles & Dating

The guy I've sort of been in a relationship with (but who lives far away) is coming to visit me soon. Where should we hang out and what should we do? I feel like going out to dinner is way too formal, what/where is a good casual meet up place?

2006-12-18 16:49:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

There is this girl at school an she has a new ipod mini shuffle. So??????? My friend Katherine(Kath) said that she is trying to boast about it but I like ipods and i've got a nano. Kath is real nice to me so I let her use mine. the girl is real mean and boastful so sometimes I don't work well at school

2006-12-18 16:48:46 · 4 answers · asked by Sankiny 2 in Friends

I'm really sorry!!!!!

2006-12-18 16:48:43 · 14 answers · asked by abjogt 2 in Singles & Dating

Hey guys

I want to know if this girl likes me or not. I talk to her all the time. She ims me even when she travels and even if she is like in ny and I'm in Va. I like her a lot but I don't want to say that cuz I think it will ruin the friendship. Plus she gives me lots of free beer when she bartends. i talked to her about relationship but she told me she just got out of a relationship. But I have never asked her if she likes me,
What do i do?

2006-12-18 16:48:20 · 9 answers · asked by Hokie 1 in Singles & Dating

is it a family member or best friend? please elaborate. i'm curious as to how many will say family vs friends and why.

2006-12-18 16:47:30 · 15 answers · asked by lanna 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

i just moved in with my boyfriend and i moved from another state. i left everything for him. we were very happy when we were apart and not living together. i knew he drank but it didnt seem to often. know that i am moved in the drinking has turned into an everyday thing. he brings up that his friends drink and every guy does that. but im not dating them. i love him very much want to make it work but i hate the drinking. sometimes he will try to hide it. And i see him drinking it. his mother gave us wine for the christmas dinner. he drank 2 bottles in one night. and then replaced the bottles and drank those 2 and the thrid one that night. i dont what to do anymore. i dont know if i should call it quits or try to stay. someone please help!

2006-12-18 16:47:09 · 10 answers · asked by doesnt know what to do 1 in Singles & Dating

I have known this guy for about 2 months and I really really like him. Although hes not the best looking, hes funny and charming. I only know him from outside of school and his life with me is completly seperate from at school. The prob is that he has a gf at school and he didnt try to hide it. I want to ignore it because I like him so much and he likes me. Ive never met his gf and they dont sound so serious. Is it wrong to still like him and date him?

2006-12-18 16:46:58 · 6 answers · asked by Liz . 2 in Singles & Dating

i want to but its hard and hes a looker. so should i just let him go? if he is looking when im around, i wonder what is he doing at these parties. in a case like this i should just let him go right? or am i wrong? he has done things in the past to make me not trust him. what are the odds of him changing. he is 43 and im 37.

2006-12-18 16:46:42 · 4 answers · asked by eaglestraces123 4 in Singles & Dating

what would you do if you suspected or knew this had happened?!?

2006-12-18 16:46:24 · 16 answers · asked by chinacat 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

Ive been married 18 yrs with 3 young kids. Ive stayed home with them for 8 yrs. My hub works alot. His ego has grown exponentially. Takes me for granted. Doesn't hear me when I speak sometimes. When I was pregnant, he yelled at me right before I had the baby & then acted proud daddy. I cried for days. Had his own secret acct, credit card, & put half of the check into his acct each month, while I tried to make ends meet. Showed little concern or support when I had a stalker. Sexually, he can't. Especially if I lead. I have to be passive. Yet, he does help me around the house & I don't see how I could ever make it financially alone. I also dont want to hurt my kids. But Im not happy & I dont love him any more. I want to be loved so badly & I want to show it. Ive tried so hard. Everyone thinks hes wonderful. Theres a subtle dominance. Im so tired of being alone. He says he loves me. How do I figure out whether to leave? How do I prepare myself financially? What should I do?

2006-12-18 16:46:21 · 20 answers · asked by daydreamer 1 in Marriage & Divorce

The husband and his friends bring these bar ladies to YOUR house, and party it up. Do you think this is disrespectful to the marriage? (Even if there was no "messing around")

2006-12-18 16:46:18 · 15 answers · asked by Penny P 5 in Marriage & Divorce

there is this guy that i like and i think he might like me back but i dont know help!!!1

2006-12-18 16:46:05 · 2 answers · asked by jamie_lynn_1109 2 in Singles & Dating

when i go chruch me and this girl at are eyes for long but noone smile. when she launds she looks at me. onetime she was fixing her hair and looking at me why. why does she keep on looking at me is she into me if she did not why does she do this things.? that mean she dont have a boyfirend.?

2006-12-18 16:42:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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