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Family & Relationships - 15 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My husband and I have been married 18 years and have 3 teenagers in the house. All the bedrooms are pretty close together so noise can be heard from room to room. The hubby and I have been having a difficult time being intimate without anyone hearing or getting interupted. We've tried mornings and nights while everyone's asleep with no luck.
Besides going to a hotel can anyone give me any suggestions?

2006-12-15 12:39:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My exhusband and I have been divorced for about 9 years now. We have two girls one lives with me and the other lives with with him. Now Oct.31 he went to the hospital he lost a little over 6 pints of blood he was about dead. Now he is out but aint doing well. He has his own business I found out him and his wife went to a lawer and had business put in his name and I don't know what all. We have joint custody of the girls. And the ex has life insurance. But turned business and everything to his wife.Now I found out that if something does happen he dies my girls is titled to some insurance money. And being that I am alive and I am the real mother my daughter has to come home to me right? I don't care about the money really all I care about is my daughter.

2006-12-15 12:39:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


2006-12-15 12:38:35 · 13 answers · asked by luvcrosby87 2 in Singles & Dating

OK my best friend is a really nice girl. But everytime I ask tell her we should go out and do something she wants to bring her boyfriend along.
Like today, I told her we should have a small dinner to celebrate Christmas, and she's taking her boyfriend.
It was supposed to be a friends's thing. My sister was coming along, but she's not going.

I hate being a third whell. Also her boyfriend is 35 and both of us are 23.
What do I do? How do I tell her to stop doing that without hurting her feelings?

2006-12-15 12:38:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends


Why does everyone ignore me?
Please tell me.

2006-12-15 12:37:00 · 18 answers · asked by GROOVY LILY 3 in Singles & Dating

last night was our xmas party in boarding but i didn't attend...no exchange gifts...y?i don't want to receive nor give gifts from those persons who are in the habit of doing back gossips...yeah they said things against me...they judged me...they made me believe that they were nice...never did i do or say something against them...i'm hurt and so my treatment to them have changed...i'm not the same old me-the sweet,loving and caring..now am aloof..i just avoid them but i don't treat them bad..and they knew that..they asked me y but then i just could't say..they wanted me to stay last night but i went out...did i do the right thing?some of them don't approach me, while some do..yet i don't know who of them are true...i just don't want to share my life with such people but we're living in the same roof, i couldn't escape...

2006-12-15 12:36:52 · 3 answers · asked by "befriendme" 1 in Singles & Dating

I'll try to make this short....

My fiance and I own a three bedroom house. We rent out two bedrooms. I take care of everything roommate related. Anyway, one of the girls is completely irresponsible. She doesn't take care of her cat. She...
• Doesn't clean out the litter box (which stinks up the entire house). Before she moved in she agreed to do it once a week min.
• Doesn't provide him with enough food or water
• Let's him have free run of the house (he's supposed to be either in her room or outside) and cause damage
• He's a violent, uncontrollable pet
When he's in the house he scratched things, gets into stuff, and makes a mess. She won't clean it up. When I confronted her about it she basically told me I was sh** out of luck, that she had to work and didn't have time for him. She has a lease so she can't just leave. I can force her to get rid of the cat but that would cause so many problems and she'd try to leave. Every time I get near him he scratches me. What should I do?

2006-12-15 12:36:02 · 4 answers · asked by mirah_music 2 in Friends

My wife and I became enemys rather quick.We Rushed to Vegas in 4 hours of me moving to California.we bearly new each other.We used to hang out in Colorado but never No sex.She became pregnant after leaving Colorado due to the fact that she fell in love with a thug drug dealer.My nephew had a moment with her after her stay with him for months.He even had a girlfriend at the time.She moved to California due to finacial strain.You no how it goes.Daddy has a good job but stepmom isn't buying it the hold time.She works too hard to take care of a stepchild with two kids.The thug is from cali so he moved down as well.He left before the birth of their child.She was then put on the spot while working then had to move out due to stepmoms.I moved to cali after chatting on Line with her then marreid her in 4 hours.Not knowing her real good.Some sex talk too.She even talked dirty to me.I mover down and married her.Now she left me and wont even call.Her dad has changed.Could this be a financial?

2006-12-15 12:34:52 · 16 answers · asked by spice 1 in Marriage & Divorce

are you turned off by a guy who uses viagra?

2006-12-15 12:34:08 · 11 answers · asked by Jimmy 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-15 12:33:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Hes really hot, but sweet, too. I fell down the stairs[face was red for a week] and he helped me up and helped me get to the health room. Is he interested?

2006-12-15 12:33:33 · 5 answers · asked by YAY MONKEYS! 1 in Singles & Dating

I am disgusted at this country. I know several white college professors that date their students and no one does anything. Because I am a black man, I was reprimanded for dating one of my students. Is this fair? I have been a teacher at this middle school for 3 years and now I may be fired just because I have dated several students? Can I sue?

2006-12-15 12:33:27 · 9 answers · asked by Pokemon Master!! 1 in Singles & Dating

I was just in an awesom relationship with a girl, and she had to move away. I did everything in the world to help her not to but she wouldnt accept it. Maybe it just wasn't ment to be. What do you think? I told her she could move into my house, she didn't have to work. I make enough money to live comfortably. But she decided to move back to her ex-bofriend who is very abusive. I did everything in the world to make her happy. What are your opinions.

2006-12-15 12:33:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships


I have a three yr old. ANd I think she would love baby alive but at three would it be good to get her that. or she would hold off for another yr? Christmas is so hard now!!! All she has asked for is a castle (which we got her) and a baby (we don't amind getting it but baby alive eats and poos and everyhting). Any suggestions or adive would help. Also if you or anyone you know has a baby alive and can shed anylight on if it is a good product or not?

2006-12-15 12:32:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

People have told me to move on, but I can't keep my mind off of this guy no matter what. He is taken by a complete brat and they have been going out on and off for about 2 years. I don't mean to be selfish about it but I really wish they would just break up already. So the question is, how do I keep my mind off of him?

2006-12-15 12:31:57 · 9 answers · asked by georgiasunshine 2 in Singles & Dating

ok, I like this guy who sits across from me in art class. I am a HUGE klutz. Everytime he sees me I trip, say the wrong things, I forget stuff, and on top of that, I have a cold, the tissue box is right next to him so he has to see me when I blow my nose. ITs REALLY embarrasing!

2006-12-15 12:31:56 · 8 answers · asked by fizzycola5539 1 in Friends

i didnt want to loose him, he came around partically 4 sex we have 2 girls 2gether been seperated for about 4mon i left the house after 5mon of him partying & coming home everyday at 1pm etc & now i feel like something is missing its hard 2 understand how he 1day decided it, that our marriage was over & there was nothing left 2 do. i tryied 2 go 2 marriage counseling but he didnt want 2, i have begged him 2 work it out & nothing! i know there someone else involve, so why do i still want 2 be with him, why dont i have dignity & face that fact that he doesnt want me in his life anymore, why? why can i get closure and move on, why do i feel like my life is missing? i have my daughters who i should be thankful 4, but i feel like i need him & there is a piece missing in my life this is 2 painful & it really physically hurts is a gut pain that i wish didnt have is like they crumble your stomach/heart into pieces, how do i tell myself that this is it & there's not much 2 do how do i move on

2006-12-15 12:30:53 · 14 answers · asked by HelpmeFast 1 in Marriage & Divorce

In a highschool situation, does that seem realistic/right? the girl is a senior, the boy is a freshman..... is the girl a perv?.....does the boy just want bragging rights? Or, is this just an "age is just a number" situation?

2006-12-15 12:30:52 · 17 answers · asked by Roxy MV 1 in Singles & Dating

my firend i cosider my lil sister till a couple weeks ago when i woke up and realized that she was hot. and when that hapend i started acting like a total dumbass being really really clumsy around her and always blushing.
but thats really wierd for me cuz i never do that around other women and i dont try to impress people because i always say that the can accept me or go away.
its hard for me to tell if she evr treid to flirt with me cuz im used to more here i come tacks from women.
and shes really quite. that phase passed and now its back except that this time were both blushing and being clumsy. but its really ackward cuz i already have a gf for some reason my gf has been walking in suprised to see me with my friend so much ( one time my friend was laying right on top of me cuz i acidently tripped and she came down with me the prof that it was only an accident was the huge knot on my head ! )
so what the hell is going on ?

2006-12-15 12:30:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am not looking for anything. I am a cool funny guy with six sisters, so I know how to treat a girl. I just need someone to talk/email to help me not feel so lonely. I just lost two good friends this last weekend.

2006-12-15 12:30:30 · 6 answers · asked by joshatgrace 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-15 12:29:53 · 9 answers · asked by lazy_n_spoiled 2 in Marriage & Divorce


I have a bit of a situation. I am a 16 year old girl who has a crush on a 14 year old guy. I'm not sure if he likes me, but I've caught him looking at me a few times, and once when we were smiling, we made eye contact. We never talked much, but before he found out how old I was, he would always say hi to me. Now he sort of ignores me. I have noticed that he stands next to me a lot, though. Does he like me?

2006-12-15 12:29:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He's loving, romantic and emotionally stable. However, phychologically, he is very attached to his mother, mommy's boy. I feel that I'll always be No. 2 compared to his mother. When we did clash, he sided his mother first. It took him 5 whole days to see my point in the last argument with his mom. I earn more than him and with higher academic qualification. At first I didn't mind but now the disparity is getting more obvious. We've been together for 3 years, engaged for 6 months. His mother proposed when we were going steady for less than a year. It didn't come from him, although he did propose a few months later in the proper way. I think he lack initiative. Planning to get married in July next year. Deposits have been paid, some refundable, some not. Been getting restless nights lately, thinking if I should proceed with the wedding. I'm 26, going to 27. He's of the same age. Please advice.

2006-12-15 12:28:59 · 36 answers · asked by bluelotus 1 in Weddings

I am thirteen years old and i weigh 155 is this normal even at all? or..

2006-12-15 12:28:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

All my life, I've never really had friends because I'm overweight and not very attractive. Now I'm in college and have one close friend who takes me out on weekdays. But on weekends, she goes out to parties and doesn't invite me so I'm stuck at home the whole day Sat and Sun constantly. I did try to get a driver's license earlier this year but failed twice. I'm gonna try again soon. But I'm so lonely and sometimes when I'm at home on sat I would cry. My mom goes out with her friends all the time and my dad works everyday. I wish I had more friends who would come over and just hang out with me. But when ppl see that i'm overweight, they dont wanna be my friend. Whenever weekend rolls around, I really dread it because i have no one and nothing to do. It gets worse in during breaks/vacations because I have nothing to do.

2006-12-15 12:27:54 · 11 answers · asked by Trinity 1 in Friends

2006-12-15 12:27:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

i have been seeing this guy and i found that he was married! but he wants to leave her for me. he says that i make him complete and he does things with me that he couldnt do with his wife because she isnt that type of person. he has givin alot up to be with me do you think that it is going to last? should i continue the relationship. because i dont the married thing at all.

2006-12-15 12:26:35 · 8 answers · asked by ms. williams 1 in Singles & Dating

ive been in love with him for a minute now, i think he knows we almost kissed but never confronted each other about it. im confused he's my reflection i love him sooo much, help please!!!!

2006-12-15 12:25:54 · 10 answers · asked by milly 2 in Singles & Dating

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